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Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts


Kingdomwood Women In Films Picnic Series Returns With Author Debra Winans

Kingdomwood Women In Films is kicking off the summer and the festival season by returning with their KWIF Celebrity Picnic Series. The first picnic back, will take place at 11 am ET Saturday June 4, 2022 in Smyrna, Georgia. 

Dr. Debra Winans, a well known Media CEO and Celebrated Author will be a Special Guest at the picnic, in addition to more from the Atlanta Film and Entertainment Industry. Other guests will include Audrey Littleton, the Founder of KWIF, Filmmaker and Acting Coach Ashley Johnson, along with key members of KWIF.

Kingdomwood Women In Films, a worldwide network, based in Georgia is an organization partnered with Kingdomwood Film Festival, a festival that promotes family-friendly teachings and values following the Gospel. 

The Festival is hosted in October every year and has welcomed several famed, Award-winning and notable celebrities. 

The Celebrity Picnic Basket series takes place each month to cultivate growth, community, and assistance among women in the Film and Media Industry.

Each attendee of the picnic is encouraged to prepare a unique picnic basket that suits them and their taste as they participate. The compilation and individuality of the baskets warrant special prizes from the KWIF Community.

For more information on attending Kingdomwood Women In Films Celebrity Picnic Basket series and to learn more about how to join visit:

Registration, in addition to submissions for Kingdomwood Film Festival are currently open. Visit their official website for more details.

Kingdomwood International Film Festival Brings in Faith-based Filmmakers, Fans and Celebrities To Atlanta, Ga.

The official Kingdomwood International Film Festival held in Atlanta Georgia from October 4-7 2018 brought out faith-based filmmakers and enthusiasts from all around the world. The Festival celebrated it’s 10 Year Anniversary with confirmation from Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and welcomed attendees with an exquisite celebration gala. #KIFF18, as the event was dubbed on social media, presented an empowering celebration of family-friendly creativity.

Held at the J.W. Marriott Buckhead, The festival included an exciting line-up. Activities included Film Screenings Independent and Studio Produced, a screenwriters’ LIVE presentation with ASPiRE and UPtv affiliate Tracey Tooks, Workshops/Panels with Executives, Celebrities, and Red Carpet events.  

Kingdomwood welcomed Steve Fedyski, President of Pure Flix Entertainment as a Keynote-Speaker during it’s Friday events. Actor/Director Corbin Bernsen of NCIS and Law and Order fame screened his film “Life With Dog”  and enlightened attendees with an exclusive Masterclass Q&A session.

A VIP Red Carpet screening of the film “Indivisible” premiered at the festival prior to it’s national release date. The film based on the extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner, includes Sarah Drew, Tia Mowry, Eric Close, and Michael O’Neill as a part of it’s all-star cast. The film will be released in theatres October 26, 2018.

The 2008 Film “Fireproof” produced by the Kendrick Brothers simultaneously celebrated the 10th Anniversary of it’s release. Kingdomwood hosted a special commemorative panel which included leading cast members Stephan Dervan and Erin Bethea, Founder of Argentum Entertainment Productions.

The special guest appearances and workshops continued with Actress Jen Harper and Actor L. Warren Young from the cast of Oprah Winfrey Network’s Show (Greenleaf), Famed Casting Director Nise Davies, Composer Karl Brunig, Story Creator M. Jayson Graham¸ Act Out Loud Acting Troupe, and a Producing Workshop by Producer Eugene Bush, who helped manage the festival’s Audio and Visual production.

Georgia Film Academy, Georgia Production Partnership and The Georgia Department of Film, Music, and Digital Entertainment participated in and helped sponsor the festival.

Kingdomwood Founder’s Audrey T. Thomas and Joe W. Williams presented statues to the winning films chosen at the Filmmakers/Screenwriters Award Show given during the the festival’s closing day.

The Film and Screenplay Winners can be viewed on the official festival website: along with other information. Kingdomwood’s founders extended a special thanks to all the filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, actresses, volunteers and amazing attendees that participated. In closing remarks the organization says it will continue it’s aim to “Reach”, ‘Teach” and “Inspire” through film.


Catalysts, Vessels, and Change Agents

I attended a "Christian Women In Media" networking event yesterday to spread the word about the Kingdomwood International Film Festival that I'm helping to produce. At the event I was sitting next to the moderator, so it was funny to see that during the "introduce yourself and what you do" period, the majority of the women who were there went on tangents about what divine coincidence it was that brought them to the meeting or gave testimonies about the why they were passionate to do what they do. 

I laughed as the moderator tried to get them to be quick about their turn to introduce themselves, but after a while as the introductions continued in the same format of a longer "why" instead of a quick "what" and "who", I was inspired by it.

It was touching to see that the default mode for a room full of women who were believers was to explain the "why" behind what they did. I think knowing and understanding the "why" is the key to doing what we do with excellence and staying motivated to do it. 

When it was my turn to go, although I said who I was and what I did very quickly, because of the moderator: what I would have loved to have said was: "I'm grateful because I believe that I'm a catalyst for GOD's voice, and a change agent and an agent & vessel of God's voice. So this is why I want to be involved with Kingdomwood, this is why I want to be involved with media and sharing my voice." 

I think that would've been great for a "Christian Women In Media" event, but we're all catalysts of GOD's voice. I listened to the "Jesus and Jolloff" podcast for the first time and heard Yvonne Orji say her blessings are "not because she's so special, but because she's available." It's essential to make ourselves available to the will of GOD. 

We are catalysts, we are agents, We are vessels of GOD and that's what this film festival brings about to me. It's why I believe in what I'm doing. It's why I'm happy about what I'm doing. Iyanla Vanzant shared a tweet that said: 

"The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing."

It's up to us to Boldly be a vessel for what GOD is doing in the earth. Orji also says in the podcast" Somebody is waiting for your supply, that they didn't even know they needed." 

"We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." - Marianne Williamson

It's up to us to know who we are and be consistent in how we present who we are to the world, but also to definitely know our why? Do you know your why?

Mastering Self Control: Emotions vs Feelings



        Realizing the difference between our emotions and our feelings is a concept that is important for us to learn if we desire to master true self-control. It is necessary that we maintain constant awareness of our bodies and our environment, as those are the two main sources that ignite triggers in our brain causing our emotions to activate. Once we become aware or conscious of what is taking place in our bodies, we then create a feeling as a reaction to that emotion. For example, when some people have to  speak in front of a crowd; their palms may get sweaty, mouth may get dry, and they become nervous.  Well, these are the natural emotions that are particular to their specific nature. What that person does in response to those different emotions, makes up the way they feel. As an example, a feeling to these emotions may develop as inadequacy, causing the person to completely abandon their public speaking  event and withdraw from their audience.

       It is important for us to not automatically react to the developments of our emotions. What we should do is take note of what is happening to cause a specific emotion to arise, and acknowledge what type of feelings we possess toward our emotion. If the feeling you get from an emotion is positive take a moment to embrace the feeling. What aspects of that feeling do you enjoy the most?  What are you seeing at the present moment? What are you hearing? Is there any noticeable sent in the environment? If you really have a chance to take in the moment, think about some activities you can partake in to recreate this experience on a regular basis.
      If you notice the feeling that develop in response to a particular emotion is negative, find some positive affirmations you can recite to ease the tension in your body. Some examples of positive affirmations are "I believe I have the power to face anything that comes my way'', or "Even if this does not workout, I know this specific event does not determine the outcome of the next,"  or If nobody else believes in what I do, I believe in it-and that enough for me". Another way to counter the effects of negative feelings is to develop coping skills. When an emotion arises that leads us to have overwhelming feelings of negativity or anxiety, we can use coping skills to bring us back to a normative state of mind. Some examples of coping skills include singing a favorite song, writing in your journal, or even crying. Sometimes we have to give ourselves the permission to cry since some people view crying as a weakness. But truthfully, crying allows us to get over some emotions that otherwise we would hold on to.

      Getting a grip on controlling or feelings by understanding our emotions gives us the foundation for self-control. Understanding these principles and concepts not only allow us to identify our triggers, but allow us to control our actions that allow us to fulfill our purpose. Being able to control our feelings to particular emotions allow us to maintain control of atmosphere. We decide what is acceptable and unacceptable. We control our mind and our behaviors. With self-control comes consistency, decisiveness, and the development to dedication which are all needed to sustain a successful lifestyle.

Carla Marcelle, is a Transformation Purpose Coach and founder of she's 31 Ministries which is dedicated to the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the edification, enlightenment, education of the principles to maintain a successful lifestyle based on the foundation of God .{Join the She's31 group on Facebook}


25 Bible Verses About God's Light

by: April D. Byrd

Whenever you're in a dark place just know that God can bring you into the light. You can be whole and made positive again just by seeking the light. My mentor, Pastor/Coach Jennifer once did an exercise while preaching. She simply turned the light switch off and on. The Difference was major. Sometimes all we gotta do is turn on the Light! Most of the things I found in life, I found because I was looking for it.  Wisdom say's seek God while He may be found; call on Him while he is near. As my Pastor exampled that can be as simple as turning on the light switch. Personally, when I wanted to throw in the towel feeling like I had no reason to live, the God in me wouldn't let me give up. God prevails even when reason fails. My favorite verse is "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  Wisdom, Knowledge, and Revelation whether spoken directly to our spirit or from empowering spiritual passages, or quotes will always inspire our souls, illuminate our way and make the fog and confusion of life a little clearer. Hopefully these 25 verses help just as much. Enjoy!

2 Samuel 22:29 
29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
Nehemiah 9:11-13
11 You divided the sea before them, so that they passed through it on dry ground, but you hurled their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into mighty waters. 12 By day you led them with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire to give them light on the way they were to take.
Job 33:28
28 He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light.'
Psalm 4:6
6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.
Psalm 18:28 
28 You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

Psalm 36:9

9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Psalm 43:3
3 Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
Psalm 56:12-13
12 I am under vows to you, O God; I will present my thank offerings to you. 13 For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.
Psalm 89:15
15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.
Psalm 97:11 
11 Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.


Winning Against All Odds

I took myself out to dinner Last nite, and posting pics of food in remembrance like I usually do. I started to feel like it was pointless... Eventually I started to think deeper. "Why enjoy the beauty of life and empowerment so much, if one day you’re eventually just gonna lose it?"  Life is a gift. Sometimes the energy it takes to appreciate it is rough, but winning is simply not giving up! No matter what you go through. Great activists like Martin Luther King Jr, and Jesus of Nazareth gave their lives in devotion to their mission. They had the audacity to stand up and be vocal about their truths and the need for change while they were  in environments that weren't conducive to it.

In today's society it's almost like America has went backward concerning good morals and values.You might be a loser, if you're not having sex before marriage. It's inhumane to question sexual preference, because its considered a civil issue. Foolishness and mockery is ok, in the name of entertainment, and being selfish, inconsiderate and unruly is like the new cool.

So who now takes the stand to be Christ-like and walk in love? Who will still stand courageously for justice and peace no matter the odds against them? Who strives to maintain good character in Every environment? Empowered people and those who enjoy the beauty of life, that's who! People who aren't fulfilled by material things or recreational drinking/substances, but are empowered by faith and their God given purpose.

So even though Christ and Dr. King gave their lives, their legacy lives on. They are among the most honored and celebrated names in the world. Basically, they made their lives count. 

Along with life being a gift in itself. God gifts us talents and expects them to go into use. If we have the ability, not living for our passion and honoring our talents will only make life for us irrelevant, then eventually more depressing. As the Author Marianne Williamson said: Who are you not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? A person who is simply wasting their time and gift, that's who!

Life is a gift! It appreciates in value with wisdom and faith. Always keep moving forward!

-April D. Byrd is a Writer, Creator and Founder of Breath Of Life Daily. The magazine can be found on Instagram and Twitter @BOLDJournal.


Motivation: Be Fierce

Maybe people don't like to hear that if you're called of God, you're going to be used anyway; whether you like it or not. Even though that is the case, there is a very real power in actively pursuing a purpose-driven life. Yes, God uses us, but the power of compliance makes life so much easier, and the power to act on one accord with the spirit is what makes life good.
"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began," (1 Timothy 1: 6-9) NKJV
Stirring up the gifts within us is an action we have the power to take, even though life and love are major forces out of our control. We have the ability to hone the power that's found in them. A good friend of mine over the weekend told me to be fierce. Fierce means to be a little aggressive, to be active in pursuit. It's kind of hard to ignore the love and influence of God on our hearts, but sometimes it's harder to make right decisions for our best interest. It's easier to gravitate towards the cheap and easy, but if we really ever wanna get serious things done, we have to have a serious faith. 

Being fierce involves risk taking and that's where trusting God comes in. Our power lies in the very essence of who we are: children of God.  There are very few cowardly lions, they know they have power and authority, knowing who created you and why you were created gives you just the same confidence. Be Bold, Be Fierce, Be Ferocious on purpose and actively pursue your dreams and vision. You can do it.

What dreams and visions do you have an "Eye" for? Share them in the comments section below.


The Justice and Peace in Faith


I just read an article that said: "Social apartheid" warning as 1.5 MILLION more kids grow up in poverty than 40 years ago. This is happening, but God has the ability to balance the scales.

There is ruin that is happening all across America, most people are blind to it or ignorant of it. So many people in this country think that the U.S. is still Prosperous and Free and they feel a sense of entitlement,. The truth is it now stands divided...maybe the division never truly went away all this light is shining on it directly in the midst of all this controversy.

My Heart is very heavy now, not only for Trayvon's life, but for the Youth of this country. Trayvon represents a life that was taken in vain and so many more are taken in vain because of confusion in the mind. All these Disney Kids: Amanda, Miley, Lindsey turned to drugs for their "high", under the realization that fame and fortune just Isn't enough. Corey, a star in the show Glee just died He was reported to be on drugs as well.

The very youth that are supposed to represent the joy of life, success, and vitality are falling short because as a nation we are not on one accord. However, all will be well... There is a consistent word from the Lord that an Army is rising up It is the truth There Is An Army Rising Up.

People that love God, that serve Him, that are willing to speak out and go the distance. I serve as a voice to say this: Let us as a nation get out of our own way, let us realize that we are not entitled to anything except the blessing and purpose of the Lord. If whatever you're waiting on and working for does not fall within those lines, drop it and start a new. God is a God of forgiveness, joy, healing, and restoration. Either you're a believer or you're not. I will walk with the right army. God is real, His ways and His words will stand over all of time. All this talk about Justice let us please make sure we get on the right side!! God's people its time for us to rise up truly and come into who we are.

"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." -2 Chronicles 7:14

Justice and peace must first be found in the righteousness of our spirit through faith in God, and then we can properly dispense it into the world.

Justice and peace has to first be found in the righteousness of your spirit through faith in God and then it an be poured into the world.


Go For Your Dreams

In other words..."Keep Calm and March On!!"

As the nation celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the "I Have A Dream Speech". I sat reminiscing on all Dr. King has accomplished, not as a Doctor or a Writer, but as a man of God, it brought a spirit of worship and  reverence for God's power to my heart. The speech is iconic, even legendary. My mind is filled with awe, splendor and excellence as the nation looks back on the words that made a difference. There is no doubt that it was the Reverend's and former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's faith that made a major and outstanding impact in the world. Dr. King was a  cultured and college educated man, but he understood the difference between a hunger for facts and the need for the fear of God. “Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.” 

However, I don't think it was  Dr. King's intellect or science savvy that caused him to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He had a dream, a vision, a revelation from God. When he say's he went to the mountain top... he wasn't kidding! Worship and meditation have a tendency to lift our spirits to their highest altitude and give us a "peak" into greatness. Don't let your nightmares get in the way of your dreams. Whatever you think is holding you back has no power at all, because all the power is in your God given purpose. “If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”* 
Phenomenal, Positive Hope leads to "Change".

There is a plan and vision for your life and you will never realize it until you seek God for a mountain top experience of your own. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.-(Jeremiah 29:11) Dr. King had a "King's Faith", he proudly identified with being a royal child of the most high king. Scripture reads that: "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search it out."*

When we look for and get the vision that God has for us, we can create greatness on purpose. Life abounds in the way of God. Boldness, vigor, and excitement comes from the courage to be passionate and act on faith. Dr. King said: “A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.” We can never live our best lives if we never know what our passion is. The difference between where you are and where you want to be is faith. Keep Calm and Carry on! Develop a "kingly" faith and go for your dreams.


*Quote: T.D. Jakes

-April D. Byrd

Follow BOLDJournal on twitter: @BOLDJournal.


Motivation: Your Power To Win Is Within

The blessing doesn't come from what you get out of life, 
but from what you put into it.” -April D. Byrd 

The DRIVE comes from inside...

We have the gift of life! Life is the ability to move, to do, make choices, make decisions, so on and etc. It encompasses everything we make it to be, because we have the power to make it so. Empowerment is action based. Truly every choice that we make and action we take can either bless us or break us down. When we have wisdom and enlightenment in our lives, we make better choices than if we didn't have them at all. Here are a few simple, yet powerful ways to take over the world:


Read the bible and other positively empowering or faith-based content. Show yourself approved, verified, certified. Stay Motivated! Wisdom makes you a more valuable human being. Knowledge is power and an asset to the whole world. “Because of your wisdom, because of your knowledge, because of your life giving word, you can help somebody out of the pain and anguish that they experience! You can also continually help yourself. Study is a reminder for the brain. Words are powerful don’t take studying and knowing the Lord for granted. Utilize the power!

Communication is key. Your life is based on your own perception of it, if you have a wrong perception of it can be miserable, if you have a God perception of it it will be exhilarating... to say the least. Prayer provides a confidante. It helps to give dominion and authority in decision making. It's also a practice of focus and it makes us more in touch with our good spirit daily.

Self-discipline is vital for success. Harness the power of focus. It can be gained through prayer and meditation. Fasting also helps. Our conquering is in our concentration. its so easy to get distracted in all the business of the world . All the different types of media can be a big distraction. People can be as well. Do not let other peoples emotions affect your emotions, primarily ones of negativity or hostility. If someone else's bad mood sways your own it shows they control you, it projects your own lack of vision and good perception. Scripture reads if the blind lead the blind both will fall in the ditch(1), or otherwise grave. Where there is no vision the people perish(2). Hate kills. Your life is your liberty. Experience it as a gift.

(click) Matthew 25: 14-30

Seek good counsel and get the joy and peace you need for your soul. Everything you want in life, you have the power to go get.

but remember it's important what you get! Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore
 get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7

Money doesn't rule the world, innovation does and it's all yours for the taking!. Make the choice to be awesome today and #thinkBOLD!

1.) Matthew 15:14
2.) Proverbs 29:18
3.) Matthew 25: 14-30
4.) Proverbs 4:7

G O! New Hope Baptist Church

It's Go Time! The "Grand Opening" service at New Hope Baptist Church was spectacular! The atmosphere was excellent in vision, but also in spirit. The beautiful Church facility with it's cylindrical design and two tier seating recently underwent a total redesign. At the opening of the service, media footage was shared as the workers built the church from the ground up. The arena like setting with the glorious lighting gives off a concert vibe; A concert for Christ!

Although the church is advanced and upgraded,  there is still comfort and coziness in the place for worship. Some mega churches can seem a bit distant, but the spirit of God was still actively present and heavy in the environment at New Hope. The pastor consecrated the ground material of the sanctuary with blessing oil and let the worship and the word commence.

Pastor Canton Jones, (above) a gospel artist and worship leader turned the crowd up with "Our God is an awesome God and delivered new music with an event CD: "Go Mode". Praise and worship was phenomenal, with beautiful instruments and beautiful voices, but all the grandeur was still not enough to take away from the spirit of God.

Surprisingly when the word came people were focused. There were no distracting side conversations or too much random unnecessary movement. The message was candid and delivered with clarity. Another great thing about New Hope is that for a Baptist Church in the south it was sprinkled with all cultures and races of people. The diversity was refreshing.

Guest Speaker

In the nature and spirit of "GO TIME" The guest pastor taught a  message from 2 Timothy 1-8 entitled:

 " How To Make a Difference For Christ"

  1. Stir Up (v.6)
  2. Stand Up (v. 8a)
  3. Step Out (v. 8b)

Experiencing  time at New Hope church provided  exactly what it's name promises: New Hope!  It delivered  a sense that there is new hope for the church and the body of Christ! Hope that we can all get along in beautiful unison to worship God, Hope that we can and should make technological advances on behalf of the kingdom and it confirmed witness that the house of the Lord is indeed the best place anyone could be.

Even with a new facility and celebrity support, what was most praiseworthy about the Grand Opening was the theme and maxim for the event: "Its Go Time"! It is indeed Go time! for all Gods children everywhere in the world.

It's time for us to stir up the gifts God gave us, Stand Up for the word of God, and step out into the world to actively live it and proclaim it.

Congrats to New Hope Baptist Church for continually making new steps! Go New Hope, Go!

Swag Bag and  Church Propaganda

Visit their website and learn more about new hope at their website:  If you are a Georgia resident and you don't have a church home, consider going to their church.


God's Kingdom Royalty

All the best to Katie, Prince William, and little George!!
Let the kingdom kids arise!!... Recently the world got to meet a Kingdom kid. Social media, newspapers, the press and everybody was a buzz. Perhaps, America is still so infatuated with the royal family because there is a sense of nostalgia. The spirit of power, order, decency, and protocol is the excellency that God's people thrive on. 

No matter how far America's collective mind set may have strayed from it's mother land. Keep in mind that being God’s child makes one classified as a kingdom kid, full of power, grace and authority.  

“But you are a chosen people, a Royal priesthood  a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9

As the singer of the Lord reminded... No matter who or what we are we must praise!!

Have A Splendid Day and Go forth in the favor you rightfully own. Blessings!!

- April D. Byrd