by: April D. Byrd
I don't know Solange personally so I'm not on a big kick of how stylish the wedding was or who was there. However, I think it's phenomenal that she chose to rock her natural hair in an afro. Congratulations to her and Alan Ferguson on their recent wedding that "broke the internet". It's good to have some pure, decent, good news floating around. It was refreshing to see Solange rocking her natural hair and vows made under God are always a good look for pop culture.
Congrats to that beautiful fro! It's not often that we see women rocking their natural fro to their big day. The natural movement has had a lot of glory thanks in part to Solange being an advocate. Her wedding fro was definitely a positive statement. Be yourself, be comfortable in your own skin...and hair.
We've been lauding Solange's transition ever since she started her natural journey and she has always made a statement with it. She's continually given others the confidence to love our natural texture. I consider that going bare for the right reasons. It's rare not to see a lot of make-up, gloss and glam at weddings. Consider this blog a toast to Solange's vows before God, to her fabulous hair, and embracing natural beauty in a society that exploits photo shop, cosmetic surgery, and fictionalized beauty ideals!! Salud!!
Kudos to Solange for rocking her natural fro... oh yeah... congrats on the wedding too!
Beautiful wedding fro, you're the real MVP!! |
Ladies, Gentleman would you rock your natural fro to your big day? How simple would you go? Leave your thoughts/comments below on Solange's wedding day fro? and Join in on the conversation with BOLDJournal on Twitter!!