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Showing posts with label WakeUp Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WakeUp Wednesday. Show all posts


Building Your Personal Vision and Mission Statement for Success

Establishing your personal vision is key to gaining a clear perspective of where you intend to identify an area for success in your life. General visions are a good starting point, but often lead to unclear or unnecessary task and tendencies that lead back to square one. Specification allows us to hone in on a particular and specific intent that will lead to  success. In writing your personal vision, you want to stay away from writing in generalizations. An example of a "general" personal vision statement is exemplified below.
"My vision is to be a successful entrepreneur so that I will be able to produce a sustainable and productive lifestyle for my family."
Now this vision statement is short and immediately focuses on the point of what the subject wants to accomplish, but it also rather vague. Though the vision statement does speak to a goal, it is unspecified. Some questions to ask here that would really give our subject a better understanding of where they intend to go in their vision are listed as followed:

  1. How does our subject define success in there world?
  2. Does the subject intend to pursue multiple or a single source for entrepreneurship?
  3. What are the sources of entrepreneurship will the subject take on?
  4. how does the subject identify a sustainable and productive lifestyle?
Once these questions have been processed through, our subject can create a more elaborate and concise vision statement that will provide a clear visual of what they want for themselves. The revised vision statement is exemplified below.

"My vision is to own a craft store where I will have customers that will expand their creativity through different programs I offer. I will also incorporate artwork and jewelry for sale that will bring in repeat customers and referrals. This will allow me to meet all of my families wants and needs, while advancing our economic climate." 

What the subject has done here was specified all the generalities listed in their first mission statement. They have identified what type of entrepreneurship they want to take on, have envisioned what success in that arena would be for them, have identified what a sustainable and productive lifestyle is for them, and identified how they intend to incorporate different income streams. With this vision statement, the subject has a clear visual and can always come back to reference this statement to say, my vision, my goal, my dream is manifesting because this is what I envisioned. 

Now that your visions statement has become clarified, what you want to do is create your clear personal mission statement. In creating your mission statement, you create your structure or road map to figure out how you will manifest that vision you stated in your vision statement. Your mission statement should be no more than a paragraph-four sentences max. You also want to keep it short and concise just as your vision statement. Using our modified vision statement here is a perfect example of a mission statement for the craft store entrepreneur. 
"My mission is to advance my skill set through partaking in creative classes that will stimulate ideas for workshops and classes. I will also provide a platform for various community artist to create and sell there work. I will attain a mentor to for guidance through my first year of initiation for accountability in customer service and financial guidance. "
Our subject has produced a comparable mission statement that details how they intend to accomplish their vision. This is the goal!! To create your road map and solidify what you want your outcome to be. With this, our subject can zone in on what needs to be done without wasting unnecessary time and resources. Building your your vision and mission statement should be the first steps you want to indulge in when you want to take on a big goal. Clarity and precision produce success.

    Carla Marcelle, is a Transformation Purpose Coach and founder of she's 31 Ministries which is dedicated to the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the edification, enlightenment, education of the principles to maintain a successful lifestyle based on the foundation of God .{Join the She's31 group on Facebook for all your purposed inspiration}

Deal Or No Deal

by: Chancee Christian

As-is defined: as it is; its present state or condition, in the existing circumstances.

When cars have an ‘As Is’ sign on it, it’s an instant Buyer Beware, because getting into it you don’t know what the problems really are until you go forth with the deal…. they only tell you what they want you to know….. So then you gotta take it or leave it…. Deal or No Deal? Jesus said “DEAL” for ALL of us…..

Long before I got saved & before I knew Jesus as my personal Savior, I felt like I had to do Sooooo much in order for God to accept me, to bless me & even to hear His voice. I had a major fear of death because I knew in my heart, at that time of my life, I would be in hell if I died… I constantly repented, not truly understanding what repentance was (stop & turn away from)…….

Come as you are
So many people out there feel the same way I felt about God’s Acceptance! I’m so glad God placed me here to call the devil out on his lie & to tell you God wants you ‘As Is’!!! He wants the crazy you, the high you, the drunk you, the hurting you, the crying you, the doubtful you, the you that no one ever sees, the one that cries at night, the you that’s stressed out, GOD WANTS YOU!!!! ALL OF YOU!

But you MUST surrender, your will for God’s Will
You don’t have to hide certain things about yourself…..You don’t have to pretend with God….You don’t have to act like everything in your life is fine, if it’s not.  God is not like people,  repeat that, God is not like people! -Isaiah 55:8-9

In Psalms 139:7-10 it clearly states:” Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run from you? If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the grave, you are there. If I rise with the sun in the east and settle in the west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me. With your right hand you would hold me.”
So instead if trying to run and hide, ducking and dodging God, we should make Him our hiding place, our place of peace, our mini vacation not only in times of trouble but always;

Psalms 32:7 You are my hiding place. You protect me from my troubles and fill me with songs of salvation.” It's time to come to the realization that God loves you….that won’t change, God wants you the way that you are, not all jazzed up and without flaws because remember Jesus died for sinners not for the people who think they have it all “together”……

This how we know it’s REAL….. In Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
While we are/were still messed up, ugly, evil, sinful, hateful, doubtful, low down, crazy, drunk, high, hurt & fake! He still died!!!! Thank you Jesus!


How To Find Purpose Over Heartache and Pain

 Sometimes our pain and hurt can seem as if it too much to handle. Life can seem so unfair, hurtful, and down right miserable. When we think of all the trails and tribulations that seem to plague our lives, it is no wonder why sometimes all we can do is cry.

Last week I found myself in a very low place-mentally, financially, and physically. What made it even worst was that I was in an environment that only seemed to enhance what I was feeling. In my self misery, I begin to think of all the trails I endured throughout my life, and how despite all of it I have never given up. I always had a positive attitude, I always set goals for myself and achieve them, I trust God when I don't feel like he is here, and I am a genuinely good person. Yet still, it seems like I cannot catch a break.

A few of the obstacles I faced last week included I have no money, my car broke down, I had to stay somewhere that just made me utterly uncomfortable, I started a job that depresses me so bad, and worst of all I was really missing the one person in the whole world that really brightens my day- my daughter. Then different scenarios from past began to replay in my heard, and in combined with all that I was currently feeling, I broke down. I began to sob, and I ask God why cant you be God and make everything better? Why can't you provide the opportunities for me that I deserve. I began to to run down my list of accomplishments, all the good I do, and the pain that I endured throughout life to God (as if he did not already know).  I was upset with God, I was mad. Then after a while, as I began to calm down God started to speak to my spirit. He said:  " Listen, It is Not in vain."

I began to feel a shift in my atmosphere, a purging in my spirit, and a peace that said "Hold on".

As I sat in stillness just to vibe in  my spirit for a little while, I begin to hear from God that my testimony is going to be so great. I began to see in my spirit how what I have endured will break chains for people, and how free they will become free because of what I have experienced.

     It was at that moment, I realized that it was my carnality, my pride, my flesh that made me think that I was entitled to something from God because I deemed myself Good. I deemed myself worthy of what the world seeks it pleasures in. Just that quick I realized that my fulfillment and satisfaction in life was not what God had destined  for me, but what I destined for myself. That being said, if I chose to trust God, I trust his plans for my life. If he designed a plan for my life, whatever I encounter in this life has been cleared with God. Therefore who am I to say I did not need to encounter these trails and tribulations. There is a purpose for all that I have been through. Though I may not understand while I am going through, if I truly trust God I know my best interest is at hand.

These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. -1 Peter 1:7 NLT

So these trials, pain, tears, heartache are all lessons to show us what we need to learn.  I cannot say what each individual has to learn from their trails, but what I can say is that they purify us, and test us to show our strength and our faith. We all know there is no growth without pain and discomfort. In order to grow and mature, to experience greater, we sometimes have to know what it is like to experience less. Sometimes in order to get things right, we have to get them wrong.   The one thing we cannot do is give up on ourselves no matter how hard the obstacles are that we face. We have to keep striving. Nothing you go through is in vain. Eventually we will see that there was a purpose for it all. There is a purpose in your pain. Do not give up your fight.


Moving Forward

   by: Carla Marcelle

When you are called to fulfill a purpose, any and everything can be used to stop you from meeting your destiny. It is up to you, who face challenges and situations, to make a conscious effort to be overcomers, fighters, and victors of obstacles you face. When making this decision, you can lose friendships, relationships, and sometimes even jobs. It can be a very uncomfortable situation especially when you want so bad cling to those hindrances because it is all you know, it is what you love, and it is your safety zone.  The funny thing about it is that most times we know what the hindrances are, but we may not know what our purpose is. So for that very reason, we never fully comprehend just how much of a necessity it is for us to let go of those hindrances to move forward in our destiny by uncovering our purpose. 

However, it is in those quiet times with yourself, where you discover your gifts. It is in those times where you are not focused on the rhetoric of your situations where you discover your talents. In those times where you are not indulging with your hindrances and your obstacles, that is when your purpose begins to form.

   I know for me, one of my biggest hindrances are friendships. Because I like to be around people, I tend to just want to be around who ever is available. Not always are the people who are available conducive to my well being. Not always are the people who are available have my best interest at hand.   Often, I find my self compromising my very beliefs, morals, and standards. So instead of being that purpose driven woman of destiny, being a light in darkness of situations, I just blend right in. I conform to the very thing I do not want to be. After spending so much time conforming, I have discovered one of two things will happen. Either you will become complacent, losing your desire for your advancement, and develop a will to simply just exist; or you will get so uncomfortable in your situation, that you have to remove yourself from the very things that are holding you back.

At that point the question becomes,

When you hear the call of your destiny, will you chose to pursue it? Will you answer the call?
Or will you allow your destiny that awaits you to just dwindle away, and your purpose that you were designed to accomplish  become void; all because you did not want to endure the discomfort of your advancement. We all know there is no growth without discomfort. We can apply the same principles of our natural world to the very idea of advancing in our purpose. As a child grows into maturity they go through very uncomfortable stages called puberty; as a woman creates life in her womb, it is uncomfortable or even painful; for stamina and muscle to develop, there is a period of soreness, and pain. Its evident that we must endure pain, hardships, and discomfort to gain advancement through life, but keep in mind it is only for a moment, and the end result is always greater.

   So today I encourage you to think about those obstacles and hindrances in your life that have been placed in the way of  discovering your purpose and moving into your destiny. Make a conscious decision to move past them, and let them go. That is how you move into your victory, and gain a life full of joy and satisfaction. Do not be content to just exist. You have a greater value than that!!!


Carla Marcelle is a Life and Purpose Coach and regular contributor to Breath Of Life Daily. For more inspirational posts from Coach Carla Stay tuned to her "Wake Up Wednesdays" segment here on BOLD Journal every Wednesday. Subscribe via e-mail and connect with @BOLDJournal on Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates.

5 Ways To Start Living Above Your Circumstances

by: Carla Marcelle

In light of Robin Williams death, I have been wondering what reason on earth could this wealthy man possibly have to commit suicide? I too often think, "Man only if I had my finances in order, how all my problems would be solved". Then this man's death hit me with some truth, what is money?

Money, in this sense is my situation, along with a bunch of other circumstantial situations. I can't say for certain what plagued Mr. Williams mind that caused him to feel he had no way out, but what I can say is that I don't want to hear another story as such. It honestly and truly breaks my heart. As a person who believes that everyone is made with purpose, I don't believe that people really understand what that truly encompasses. As I surfed the web, I found this definition of purpose:

The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

    Too often, we tend to lose focus of what our purpose in life is, because we get caught up in day-to-day stresses of everyday living. Our very purpose and our peace of mind can easily get lost if we do not make a conscious effort to keep it at the forefront of our minds. 

    So the question becomes how do we keep from getting ourselves overwhelmed from the essence of our situations and circumstances. Well I have compiled a list of tips to help sustain our minds from the deceit the enemy attacks us with. It is absolutely imperative that we learn to live above our situations. We have to choose to live in the promises of God because this world will chop you up, and spit you out, if you allow it. Then you find yourself down in the dumps, with no way of escape. However, be assured God did not place us here without tools to combat the enemy's schemes and tricks. 

 The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10, NIV)

    The "thief is the enemy, but I declare for you today that if you utilize these tips for the next 30 days, you will see all the tricks and schemes of the enemy begin to lose power in your life, and you will begin to live a more abundant life. The awesome thing about it is the abundant life full of peace that is already yours, and I will show you how to claim it and walk in it. 

1. Free Your Mind Daily 

Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

    It is important that we not get caught up in the pleasures of this world. Our focus is not to obtain as much worldly possessions as possible because it is all trivial. Everything on this earth is temporary, so we are not to be consumed with the status quo, but consume ourselves with the spirit of God that we may be lead into the path for our lives.

2. Worship 

Worship ushers in the presence of God. It is not only something we do, but something we are to become. Worship can be incorporated into every aspect of our lives. Worship is how we spend time with God. As the same with any relationship, in order for us to know someone we have to spend time with them. Spending time God allows us to keep him at the forefront of our minds. Being in a spirit worship allows us to be an open vessel for use of the spirit of God, keeping us at the peace he promises us with.

3. Speak Positivity

Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)
The tongue has the power of life and death.

Do not start a situation with bad information that you have told yourself. Learn to be optimistic, looking at every situation with a "glass half full" perspective. When you speak negativity, you contaminate your atmosphere with your very words. Do not create unnecessary obstacles for yourself to overcome by speaking negative influence over your life

4. Care About People 

    Learn to care to genuinely care about people. No matter what the situation is, care about people. Always show love, and encourage people you come in contact with. Learn to forgive people who wrong you daily. It will create a strong heart for you, and allow you not harbor any negative feelings, and you will feel good about yourself. 

5. Trust God

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

    As a friend of mine told me, faith and doubt cannot coexist. If you have faith you cannot have doubt. If  you have doubt, then you do not have faith. We have to consciously chose if we are going to trust God, and if you do, then that's it. Allow the spirit to guide your works, and know that God has got your back!!!

Following these tips will allow you to grow into different levels of faith. In just 30 days of implementing these tips into your life you will notice drastic progression in your thought process, and your life. You will start to go from just believing in God-to trusting God-to operating in God. When you start operating in God, it gives you more courage and a greater belief. You will start to walk in your purpose, and God will open doors to provide opportunities for you. You begin to look different, walk straighter, and speak better. You become BOLD, and your life becomes full of the purpose your creator your created you for

Carla Marcelle is a regular Breath Of Life Daily contributor. She is a Life and Purpose Coach, and recent University graduate receiving her Master's degree. For more inspirational posts from Coach Carla Stay tuned to her "Wake Up Wednesdays" segment here on BOLD Journal every Wednesday.  Follow @BOLDJournal on Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates.