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Showing posts with label confidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confidence. Show all posts


GOD Calls You Daughter

And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."     
- 2 Corinthians 6:18


A Charge To Confidence

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

When we hear this scripture in Jeremiah 29:11 in the Bible, it's easy for us to get excited about the last part of it. Yeah, GOD's plans for us are pretty dope! 

Today I'm more encouraged by the beginning part of that scripture. The first three words: "For I Know". In these three simple words there is confidence that can be taken. We can rest assured that even when we don't know GOD knows. The creator has our front, back and every other side! 

Along with this confidence gained, there is also a charge to be considered. If GOD is clearly stating that the plans for us are set; The master's blueprint is in place, then the most responsible option is to follow those plans and seek guidance from the creator daily . . . every second, of every minute, of every hour.

Responsibility is something I just got a major revelation on and I'm grateful for it. I'm also grateful that in ALL things, GOD knows. 

May we walk in the confidence that comes from GOD's love today and everyday!

Peace and Blessings,

- April D. Byrd

Follow Breath Of Life Daily on Social Media @BOLDJournal  for the latest updates!

The Infinite Nature Of Authentic Power

Breath Of Life Daily Podcast. . .

A Reflection on the Infinite Nature of Power featuring a "Powerful" interview with Special Guest Confidence Coach Taria Pritchett of Unleash Fierce.

Get Your Mind Right, Stop Living Backward

Did you realize that live spelled backward was evil?? Do you think that is just some ironic coincidence, or was God purposely showing us something here? There is a danger in living life in a "backwards" state of mind. When I think of a backward state of mind I think of anything that holds us back from moving forward in our lives. Such things as regret, fear, timidness, anger, unhealthy relationships, and negativity produces a dark overcast in our lives. 

With these characteristics running amidst in our lives, how will we ever get a hold of purpose and vision? Its these types of characteristics that block creativity, value, morals, gifts, and strengths. It is these characteristics that lead us to life full of unsatisfaction, hurt, and guilt; while leaving us in a redundant cycle of feeling like the walking dead.

If we as people who aspire to see positivity, and move out of a cycle that is only producing death in our lives; we have to fully acknowledge our current state, and identify the necessity of "Getting Our Mind Right". Some people grow so accustomed to the darkness and negative aspects in there lives, they no longer notice its effects.

For instance, some people have a huge fear of talking to people for the simple fact they think they may be judged or rejected. Because of this thought process, their visions they may have once had, has become so suppressed they no longer recognize they had a brilliant idea until they see someone else has taken opportunity and ran with it.

As they look at what someone else has established, the only thing they can say is, "That was my idea" and think to themselves, "That could have been me". Well, what can you do? Your idea stayed "your idea" because you were too afraid to bring your idea to others.

In that fear, what actually happened was the vision was put aside so much that it remained aside, and has now resurfaced because you have gotten a visual of what could have been. Who likes to continually see their "What Could Have Been" consistently manifest itself in someone else? Well if we do not acknowledge our limitations and confront them, then we absorb them.

In absorbing them, we turn into our own worst enemy, focusing on them instead of clarifying and building our dreams. Instead of living our progressive abundant life intended for us by God, we regress into that evil state of mind presented by the enemy in backward living. The word of God said, "The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy". Internalize this verse by identifying what areas of your life are affected.
What area's of your life are being destroyed? What areas of your life are being stolen from you right in front of your face? What are the things you are holding onto that is killing you?
Now that we have taken time to identify these ares of death that are not producing areas of progressive growth, whats next? Well now this is where the real work begins. Remember that goal I spoke of earlier that was suppressed until a visual appeared in my example? Well that is because visuals produce clarity.

Start by writhing down what your life restored looks like to you. Imagine the things that are being stolen from you were never taken in the first place. What would you see? What would you hear? Identify how you would feel if something you held onto for so long that has tormented you, suddenly disappeared. How would you be different?

If we are going to be people full of goals and aspirations that actually manifest themselves, we absolutely must be intentional about getting our mind in order and free from that backward evil living.


Mastering Self Control: Emotions vs Feelings



        Realizing the difference between our emotions and our feelings is a concept that is important for us to learn if we desire to master true self-control. It is necessary that we maintain constant awareness of our bodies and our environment, as those are the two main sources that ignite triggers in our brain causing our emotions to activate. Once we become aware or conscious of what is taking place in our bodies, we then create a feeling as a reaction to that emotion. For example, when some people have to  speak in front of a crowd; their palms may get sweaty, mouth may get dry, and they become nervous.  Well, these are the natural emotions that are particular to their specific nature. What that person does in response to those different emotions, makes up the way they feel. As an example, a feeling to these emotions may develop as inadequacy, causing the person to completely abandon their public speaking  event and withdraw from their audience.

       It is important for us to not automatically react to the developments of our emotions. What we should do is take note of what is happening to cause a specific emotion to arise, and acknowledge what type of feelings we possess toward our emotion. If the feeling you get from an emotion is positive take a moment to embrace the feeling. What aspects of that feeling do you enjoy the most?  What are you seeing at the present moment? What are you hearing? Is there any noticeable sent in the environment? If you really have a chance to take in the moment, think about some activities you can partake in to recreate this experience on a regular basis.
      If you notice the feeling that develop in response to a particular emotion is negative, find some positive affirmations you can recite to ease the tension in your body. Some examples of positive affirmations are "I believe I have the power to face anything that comes my way'', or "Even if this does not workout, I know this specific event does not determine the outcome of the next,"  or If nobody else believes in what I do, I believe in it-and that enough for me". Another way to counter the effects of negative feelings is to develop coping skills. When an emotion arises that leads us to have overwhelming feelings of negativity or anxiety, we can use coping skills to bring us back to a normative state of mind. Some examples of coping skills include singing a favorite song, writing in your journal, or even crying. Sometimes we have to give ourselves the permission to cry since some people view crying as a weakness. But truthfully, crying allows us to get over some emotions that otherwise we would hold on to.

      Getting a grip on controlling or feelings by understanding our emotions gives us the foundation for self-control. Understanding these principles and concepts not only allow us to identify our triggers, but allow us to control our actions that allow us to fulfill our purpose. Being able to control our feelings to particular emotions allow us to maintain control of atmosphere. We decide what is acceptable and unacceptable. We control our mind and our behaviors. With self-control comes consistency, decisiveness, and the development to dedication which are all needed to sustain a successful lifestyle.

Carla Marcelle, is a Transformation Purpose Coach and founder of she's 31 Ministries which is dedicated to the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the edification, enlightenment, education of the principles to maintain a successful lifestyle based on the foundation of God .{Join the She's31 group on Facebook}


10 Ways To Instantly Build Your Self-Confidence

Photo credit: Iyanla Vanzant

1. Dress Nice

2. Good Posture

3. Work Out

4. Speak Up

5. Sit In The Front Row

7. Compliment Other People

"Focus on contribution" is one of the highlights of the article featured by Pick The Brain, because when we help, we operate in God's purpose. Operating in purpose is a great motivator for self-confidence.

Do you have any tips that you found help to build self-confidence. Feel free to share in the comments section (below). You can read the full post with detailed, in depth points on


10 Best Motivational Quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Let your freedom ring!

You're only destined to become what you decide to be. sounds simple enough, but with that decision is the recognition that we have the light and the power on the inside of us to be everything God says we are.

As we honor Dr. Martin Luther King's life on this particular day that has been set aside. We should realize we don't have to be a phenomenal amazing public figure or an amazing super hero with a day honoring our name, to be of service and achieve our purpose, just doing the small things we're able to do is what makes us extraordinary. Dr. King left us motivational words that we can use everyday to be of service to the world and fulfill our highest calling.

  • Step out on faith: 
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

  • Never give up:
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

  • Hard work pays off: 
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.”

  • Be resolute: 
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

  • Stand up for justice above all:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

  • Keep your head up:
 “Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.”

  • Be dedicated to service:
"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’"

  • Be gracious with yourself and others: 
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude.”

  • Stay strong, and keep the faith:
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

  • Keep God first at all times:
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”

What are some of your favorite quotes or sayings from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that inspire you everyday? Let's us know in the comment section below. You can follow the latest updates on Facebook and the Breath Of Life Daily Newsletter. 


How I Found The Strength To Stay Pure For God

I am on a fast (fruits, vegetables,water, etc.) and I wanted to add a little brown sugar to my sweet potato. I'm trying to do the whole completely pure and natural thing, but I was very tempted to add that brown sugar...just a little bit.

Thankfully I was able to resist. If i would have added just a little then, it would be ok to add just a little later and that would determine the course of my fast, I'll start to be ok with the "little things" then they will come more and more, and eventually evolve into big things. I thought about the verse: just a little just a little leaven leavens the whole lump, or in other words just a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. When we make it ok to do the small things it becomes common place for us to continue to do them and the next thing you know we're doing much more than we expected. Because we made a small thing ok, we'll be cool with continually doing it. I've learned it's not good to play on the edge.

I came across one explanation for this scripture online that said:
Leaven” is used in the Bible to denote sin or corruption. Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” and, “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” The apostle Paul employed the same symbolism when he commanded the Christian congregation in Corinth to expel an immoral man from the congregation, stating: “Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump? Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment. For, indeed, Christ our passover has been sacrificed.” He then clearly showed what he meant by “leaven”: “Consequently let us keep the festival, not with old leaven, neither with leaven of badness and wickedness, but with unfermented cakes of sincerity and truth.” (1Co 5:6-8)

That last scripture got me and rung a bell in my head "Cakes of sincerity and truth" This can be used in the case of purity as well, just like abstaining from delicacies in my time of "dedication". Cake is sometimes used as a slang term for women's body parts. For a young lady to take the purity of her body seriously is a blessing through God. The scripture talks about Cakes of sincerity and truth.

As a young lady, seeking sincerity and truth, being whole and pure before God is amazing. It doesn't matter what you've done, because being dedicated first starts in our spirit. When we seek to have a pure, clean, undefiled spirit the rest follows, including the flesh.  Even though we read the lament that "all of our righteousness is as filthy rags before God", it's His grace that makes us clean and white as snow. Its up to us to accept His love and dedicate every aspect of our lives to him, including our bodies. When we allow a little bit of sin in, it can ruin everything. There are ways I've found that tend to work for me:

  • Remember a key goal you have in mind, and reference from there. When something pops up you can challenge it because you know what you wish to accomplish through your dedication. (ex: For God to bless your business, heal your body, etc.) People who have a clear goal in mind usually succeed. (Matthew 21:21-22)
  • Run and pray!! seriously. the bible says flee from sin. When you see it coming run the other way. When something is happening to me and I run to talk to God about before anything. I usually find healing, solace, and comfort. (Psalm 91:2)
  • Have an accountability partner. This should be someone you're comfortable to pray with. Pray with them regularly. Help give each other strength. It's very good to know someone is supporting you and you have someone praying with you, for you, and vice versa. (Matthew 18:20)
Whether it's through fasting, abstinence or simply honoring God in our everyday lives dedication and commitment is key. Within the time of this fast I was able to attend a purity ceremony in Birmingham and made the commitment to honor God with my life, It was an amazing experience. I feel so blessed. God rewards us for our faithfulness. When we're faithful to God, He is faithful to us and then some. Though His grace exceeds our actions, God set up a life of righteousness and abundances as a reward for us. When we aspire towards a life of sincerity and truth, God's blessings are what we reap. Purity is walking in truth, and truth is the foundation for everything good. Be encouraged to honor God and continue walking in a life of abundance.


VIDEOcast: Dr. Cindy Trimm "I Know Who I Am"

Dr. Cindy Trimm expounded on the importance of  the soul and knowing who we are. Trimm shared many great points. Some of the quotes listed below are just a few that jumped out to us. Trimm elaborated in her message "I Know Who I Am" that God breathed life into us. There is a spirit (ruach) in man that gives inspiration, it is the inspiration of the almighty, knowing who we are is critical:

  • God breathed the breath of life into man and he became a living soul.
  • The soul animates the body, when you lose your soul you have no control. If you fail to nurture your soul you fail to nurture yourself.
  • God has expressed himself in you, He has voice printed you.
  • When God created you, He gave you your soul, your soul gave you the ability to have a spiritual life. your soul is responsible for your identity and your ability.
  • The breath of God has already voice printed your identity, your personality.
  • When you discover who you are you will no longer be controlled by people.
  • When you discover who you are you will no longer be defined by external circumstances.
  • When you discover who you are Life will no longer happen to you, you will happen to life.
  • It's not people's responsibility to define who you are, it's yours.
  • The solution to your problem is within.
See full video (below):

What were your favorite points in the video? list them in the comments section below. 


5 Signs You're Settling For Less Than You Deserve

by: Iyanla Vanzant

Some years ago, I was shopping and came upon a beautiful red dress. The color, style and length were perfect. But the store didn't have it in my size. It did, however, have the same dress in navy, which I wasn't crazy about. Then I noticed a pair of blue shoes nearby that complemented that blue dress. (I didn't love those, either.) So what did I do? I bought both. I was afraid I wouldn't find anything else, so I settled. (It won't surprise you to learn that I've never worn the dress or the shoes.)

You've probably heard the saying "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Here's a question: Why put up with any devil? Why not give ourselves only good things? When we believe we cannot have what we desire—when we lack faith in ourselves and in the goodness of life—we settle for less. We decide that whatever is in front of us is better than nothing. But believe me when I tell you that better than nothing isn't good enough.

I often see people settle for less than they deserve in personal relationships: accepting bad behavior, excusing broken promises, accommodating people who take more than they give. Why? Because doing things we've grown accustomed to is familiar, comfortable.

Which is why sometimes it can be tough to gauge whether we're settling: When we tell ourselves that things are fine, we soon forget that they could be better. Here's how to know whether you're putting up with less than you deserve:

  • When you have to work yourself into a state of excitement rather than naturally experiencing joy and passion, you're probably settling.
  • When you bargain with yourself about what you can do without rather than feeling gratitude for what you already have, you're probably settling.
  • When your focus is on the time and energy you've invested in an endeavor rather than the love, joy and gratification you've gained, you're probably settling.
  • When you're making excuses about why you should stay put rather than going for what you truly want, you're probably settling.
  • When you spend more time complaining about what you have than appreciating it, you're definitely settling.

But there is a lesson to be learned in everything. When we realize we've been settling, we discover what we actually believe. We learn that we perhaps think ourselves undeserving of happiness and find how susceptible we are to outside influences—because often we settle when others convince us it's the right thing to do. Most important, we learn that we are not standing fully in our truth. Armed with this information, we can make new choices that support our desires—by beginning to believe that we can have what we really want.

Iyanla Vanzant is the host of OWN's Iyanla: Fix My Life and the author of  Peace from Broken Pieces.

This post was originally published on

10 Steps To Help You Enjoy This Journey Called Life

by: Shaprecious McGruder

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.

So you’re just not ready to  go on your  journey? We’ve all been on plenty of trips, but can we honestly say that is was God driven….or did He even make it to riding shot gun? This time you’re looking for a better ride. A less bumpy one, less confusion, and fewer roadblocks. There are a few steps that you need to take to make sure you can fully complete the Journey (and especially with God.) That’s a major part so often we begin the trip with Him, but somewhere along the way we lose sight of Him.

    • Deciding where to go…When deciding which direction to go in with your life. You can call your momma, your sister, girlfriends, and even your Pastor, but if you haven’t spoken with God about it then you’re already going in the wrong direction and you haven’t even pulled out the yard.

Psalm 119:133 Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. 
Ask, Seek, Knock 
Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Everyone who asks will receive. He who searches will find. The door will be opened to the one who knocks.  
Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you,” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come. 
Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord. He said, “Who will I send? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me!”

  • Packing- when getting ready to go on your new journey it’s best to leave some things behind. You can’t take everything with you and to be honest it’s best you don’t. Save some room for you to pick up new things this world has to offer.
    (Matthew 11:28-29) Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  
    Don’t get caught up on the luggage.  It doesn’t matter if you pack it in a paper, Ziploc, or hefty bag! We all come with some sort of baggage, some more visible than others. Control the issues you can and the others toss in a backpack and go! Remember the lame man in (John 5:8) Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”  
    Traveling- So you’re finally on the path you want to be on and you're traveling. Don’t forget who is riding with you. Could you imagine going even on a small road trip and the person utters not one single word to you? Not a "thank you" for joining me or anything? Picking up old habits like that is usually when we get off course, but it’s ok God is the official GPS and He will place you all the way back to the starting point if you get too far off target just to humble you and get your attention. When approaching turns, roadblocks, pit stops, and even hitch hikers always consult Him because whether we acknowledge Him or not He is involved in everything we do.
    • John 5:30 “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.”

      • Traffic Sometimes on your journey it will feel like you’re right in the middle of a traffic jam and are not going anywhere. That’s when you take a deep breath and reflect on how far you have come. It’s still a long road ahead, but God has been faithful in bringing you along this far on your journey. So be patient and know that your exit is coming.

    • Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

      • Are we there yet? Like children on the way to Grandma’s house, we can get very impatient and antsy... especially waiting for God’s timing. Maybe you have to find another route or in some cases routes. You may feel like you’re going in circles or running out of gas.  

    • Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

    • Ecclesiastes 3

  • You Have Arrived at Your Destination!
    • Rejoice- So many times we pray to God asking for safety and guidance. Going to Him for deliverance and doors to open, but when He does we forget to give Him the proper thanks.  
      Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
      Share your journey – God didn’t bring you out of everything you went through on the way just for you to keep it to yourself. Spread how good God is to you and how He was impacted your life. Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone." Share your trials and triumphs, encourage, and even mentor; Just don’t set up residency.

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


3 Ways To Move Forward In The New Year Successfully

by: Ruthann Mckenzie

Are you ready to move forward?

Moving forward to the new year should be something greeted with great expectation. Whether the year was a wonderful one or there were bumps in the road, there is a new start with the new year.  You can begin the steps to making a change prior to the new year. Yet, it is good to pause and reflect on what to make better for the next year.

How can you make the best of the upcoming year? The following three things should be taken into consideration with 2015 right around the corner:

  • Recognize the value of time. Time is so important and we need to leave behind wasting precious moments on irrelevant things. Enjoy living in the moment and see the value in each day. Make the most out of each year, month, week, and day.

  • Do not remain bondage to the past. Whatever painful situation that has happened this year or years ago can be let go of. Our memory can be used to focus on where the Lord has brought us from versus remembering all the hurt. Pain is inevitable in this lifetime, but misery is optional. You do not have to remain bondage to the past. Resolve to let that go as 2014 comes to a close.
make a new start, with a new year...

  • Create clear priorities for your life. It does not take any set time of the year to realize what is important to you. However, when a new year approaches it is time to take inventory of your priorities and establish what is important and why. Practice utilizing your time wisely from the start of your day, establishing what takes priority.
These skills can be useful moving into the new year. Continue creating awesome vision boards and defining clear goals for how you are moving forward with your life. If you are ready to start fresh and not sure where to start, then check out Just Be Confident and how coaching and mentorship may be able to work for you. Make 2015 your year by moving forward!

Ruthann McKenzie is the creator of where she blogs and coaches others to be confident and live victoriously. Follow her updates on Facebook and Instagram:@theconfidentyou 

8 Lessons I Learned From Volunteering At A Homeless Shelter

by: Ruthann Mckenzie

Six months ago, I felt strongly compelled to help volunteer and teach at the homeless shelter. I figured that there may be something within me to help teach others through my life stories. Well, six months later and I realized I relate quite a bit to those I have the pleasure of teaching. However, instead of it being lessons I teach from the bible, the life stories I hear from others share Christ to my heart. 

I wanted to share some of the lessons I have learned so far. What teaching at the homeless shelter has taught me so far is...
Ministering by feeding the homeless

  • Preach to a world that is dying. Yes it is important to go to church and hear the word and study for yourself. Yet, if we sit in the pews week after week, then we will miss effective opportunities to spread the word. 
  • The love of Christ needs to be shared. If you have hope, then share that hope with others who may not have experienced it before. 
  • We all go through hardships, but you can always bless someone else. Hearing a story from a homeless individual who was blessed with a gift card and bought food was nice, but hearing him share that blessing with someone else he didn't know was amazing. He was selfless when he was also in need. It doesn't matter what situation you are in, you can always afford to help someone else.
  • We are all gifted and have a purpose. You can find yourself in the service of others. It's a humbling, but rewarding experience to empower others to aspire for more again and use their giftedness.

  • Jesus made friends with those we consider "outcasts". Perhaps He did so because those people were pretty cool and just needed someone to talk to and show them love. Jesus didn't look down on people in pity, but he was compassionate and through his love showed others the way up. By being more Christ-like,  perhaps we can socialize with those we may consider "outcasts" to the world and share love.
  • Get out of your comfort place. When I began speaking at the shelter I stuttered and cried my first teaching. I was so overwhelmed with speaking in front of others. It was uncomfortable to say the least. At the end, I spoke with the director and she commended me on my effort and told me next month would be better. I could not help but think, "next month? Did she not see me cry?" But next month was easier, and months later I can no longer use the excuse I do not know how to speak in front of others. Which brings me to my next point...
  • God can use the least of us. You do not have to be highly educated or rich in much. All you need to do to help others is be willing. A willing heart will take you far. People appreciate authenticity and realness over pretentious fluff of those who think they are better than everyone else. We all are broken vessels, but we can all be used. 
  • If you want a change in the world, be the change. Stop complaining of how bad things are and actually make a difference in some way. You were not just placed on this earth to acquire things, be filled with self, worship for your own gain, or mope about how bad things are. No you and I were placed here with a purpose to worship Christ and love. We can display the love of Christ by helping those in need.

The smallest step in the right direction is significant to the kingdom. You don't have to know the most or be the best, but a willing heart is all you need. I trust that when you yield to service of others you may discover more about yourself than ever before. Be the change you wish to see and dare to make a difference!

Ruthann McKenzie is the creator of where she blogs and coaches others to be confident and live victoriously. Follow her updates on Facebook and Instagram:@theconfidentyou