As I talked to one of my good friends, my friend said to me, "Carla, don't be one of those people who bring their life to God". He then said, "Some people go to God with their problems, and even their happy times to tell God what's happening to them". I realized that was me, a person who was bringing my life to God and not having consistent incorporation of God in my life. That is the reason I realized that I was feeling like my life was on complete overload. That was the reason, I was folding under the pressure of everything I was going through. Trying to handle everything on my own was what was too much.
credit: Iyanla Vanzant |
I know that I am not the only one who gets caught up in their situation and completely tries to handle things myself. It's not until I begin to fold, that I remember to bring God in the mix. Leaving God out at this time can be the worst form of self-sabotage. There is a supernatural strength that comes through us when we allow the Divine to take the lead. We are able to understand that many of the situations we face are nothing more than temporary circumstances instead of making them our life story. That supernatural strength allows us to tap into our inner power to actively know that we can not only handle the situations that come at us, but handle them with honor and grace. As we understand the identity and gifts God has for us, we cannot forget that we have everything available to us to handle this season and win.
As you deal with whatever situation that seems heavy on your plate, know that God is waiting to carry you through it. Your adversities are not meant to get the best of you. During these uncertain times, the enemy tries to bring situations that will distract you from what God has for you. know that God will work every situation out for his glory. Even when you make the wrong decisions, and do things that are against the will of God. If you give your situation over to God he can take what the enemy meant for harm, and turn it into Good.
As a Transformation Purpose Coach, I help people who feel broken, lost, and uncertain in life gain clarity so they can discover their purpose. I also help them discover strategies and tools to bring their purpose to the forefront of their life. If you are struggling to find your self-value, are feeling as if you are lacking purpose, or life has gotten you to a down place and can't find your way back, I want to invite you to Check out the "Renewed and Restored Group Coaching Program".
This program is Hosted by me, Carla Marcelle, founder of This program is designed to re-establish your self-value through an 8 week period where you restore your God-given Identity and challenge your self to identify your purpose in your pain to create your renewed life. If you would like to know more, visit