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Showing posts with label Editors Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Editors Notes. Show all posts


5 Essential Tools To Increase Your Spiritual Wisdom

At times multiple worries, anxieties, and to-do lists can weigh down on our spirits. Staying positive will usually help provide the solutions we need. Wisdom is the key! Worry and stress do not belong to us.  If worry or anxiety is looming around in your thoughts, just send it back to hell where it’s from! Wisdom is so powerful and so worthy nothing can touch it. When we put down worry and pick up wisdom, we reap the benefits:
  1. Take Some Time Out To De-stress
Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.” - (Proverbs 3:16) Wisdom makes life easier by helping us to stress less and providing enlightenment. Less stress equals longer life, medical reports will gladly back that up. Wisdom also holds wealth and honor, in modern terms that's fortune and fame. Not the fame that causes you to be exploited and ridiculed, but the one that causes favor and admiration. Worry has no results, but negative ones. Jesus once asked: "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" The answer is NO!  Wisdom on the other hand, holds Long life and Honor. Schedule a time to get centered, to study scripture and proverbs.
2.  Secure The Wisdom Before The Bag
You Better Ask Solomon! Solomon from the Bible chose wisdom over everything. 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 Because the King chose wisdom, God blessed him abundantly with wisdom and everything else he didn't ask for including riches, wealth, and honor. Wisdom rejoices in truth, it is the empowerment serum for the soul. It made Solomon's reign better and as a bonus he received the things that wisdom itself possesses. Wisdom is more valuable than any worldly thing we can ever clamor to possess.

3.  Leverage Scripture To Level-Up
Wisdom can upgrade you way better than Beyonce’! Because wisdom rejoices in truth, it helps eliminate unnecessary drama. The word says put wisdom first and you'll be promoted. A wise person is a blessed person. Wisdom is the key to fulfillment on so many levels. Wisdom can upgrade us better than anyone can claim or sing. Scripture says wisdom preserves us, keeps us, promotes us, honors us, gives us grace, and delivers a crown of glory and that's only the half of a scripture. We can do more with wisdom than we can ever do without it.

4. Seek Satisfaction In Truth
That snickers bar isn't what you're really hungry for. We can search for validation and try to fill our emptiness  with temporary fixes all we want, but it will never be enough. Even the best bread can't compare to wisdom: "Why spend money on what is not food, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare." - Isaiah 55:2 Wisdom is sweeter than the honey on a honeycomb. "I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path." - Psalm 119: 102-104 Hungry? why wait! Start digging into your word!
5. Replace Worry With Wisdom
There's a difference between wisdom and standard knowledge. Wisdom is more enriching. in Matthew 6, Jesus instructed people to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. The kingdom of God is filled with wisdom, and wisdom is filled with everything essential. Worrying about absolutely anything is useless. Wisdom is the antithesis of worry, and it's the actual cure. In the end, It doesn't matter if we have it "All Together" or even if everything looks right, with wisdom on our side we can’t go wrong! There's no need to worry when we walk in purpose, the word says God will supply our needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Follow your purpose passionately and leave the rest to God.

What are some different methods you use to grow your spiritual wisdom? Share in the comments section of this post or reach out to us online @BOLDJournal.


Handle Lessons With Care

"Don't drop your lessons to the ground, they contain your blessings."

Stay encouraged! Situations don't happen "to" us they happen "For" us, especially when the aim is for advancement, and the motion is for growth, or positive achievement, but if we don't respect the lesson or even realize where we fall. We will have to go through the same thing again...and again. 

Search out and determine the exact place where wisdom was dropped, where obedience and discipline were ignored. It is only then when you can pick them up again. Seek out wisdom in all things, it is the way of excellency. All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We were made to thrive. If you go through it, make sure you grow through it. Let the lesson be a blessing., (@BOLDJournal)


12 Art Prints That Inspire Me On Minted.

Updated!! Anniversary Giveaway!! Breath Of Life Daily is 4 years old this year!! We're giving you the gifts!! Thanks to our awesome readers for your support!! Sign-up to win a $100 gift credit from Minted. Enter here:

12 Art Prints That Inspire Me On Minted.

by: April D. Byrd

First off, let me say this, I just found out about and visited their site... I love them! is a collective of greatness, so much talent in one place, and I'm so here for that. Minted. is a marketplace for independent artist to share their work. The website is amazing! It has some great pieces. Also, they have stationary, I'm big on stationary, planners, invitations, and all that good stuff, especially being a writer.

There is a lot to love, but I limited the post to 12 (it was originally supposed to be 10, but I was having so much fun, by the time I looked up I'd went over, shows you how good minted is.) It'd be great to choose a lot more, but I won't hold up your time. You can check out all the great prints on for yourself.. I'm looking forward to lurking more on their site, and purchasing prints, I had my eye on a few planners too. Among the prints I chose a few favorites that definitely stood out and really spoke to me...and here's why:

1. Cloud Observation by Stephanie Goos
It was the first one to catch my eye and attention. I love clouds. The beauty and the texture of this piece really stood out to me. There is such skill by the artist in capturing the color undertones and the visual story of the image. It's filled with beauty and magnificence. I want to go into that place where the clouds are. It's apparently (In this picture) some place to go and it makes me long to feel that calm, that it presents.

2. Foilage by Julie Song Ink
Foilage, oh Foilage! It's so beautiful. The colors are amazing! we are all different leaves on a branch so many colors and our own uniqueness.

3. Cosmos Garden by Lorent and Leif
I like the imagery that this piece creates. It shows that the artists knew how to arrive at the desired result using what they had. Very skillful. It looks like a rose bush to me. This is artistic talented work and I love flowers, especially roses. I would use this in my house to decorate with. It makes for a good accent with the decor of a warm, sunny, happy home.

4. Golden Palm Tree by Wilder California
Love this shining palm. I'm from Florida originally, so I love seeing the beautiful palm trees whenever I go down to visit. This image is from California, I believe, but for me it brings about a homey feel, not to mention the angle of the shot is glorious. The image is just beautiful. It's something you'd wanna see on a day you're traveling into town...welcoming beautiful palm trees in sunshine. Delightful.

5. Blue Fields by Hi Uan Kang Haaga

Color contrast. I love this blue and green with the specks of red sitting out for effect. It truly does look like an image from the sky, dreamed up from the artists mind. It pops, in a good way.

6. Pining for Pineapple by Joni Tyrrell
If you're a fan of get it. Even if you're not a fan, beyond the mouthwatering appeal this picture is very clear. It's direct, focused, and makes a statement...a BOLD statement. "I alone, by myself, with know distractions or fancy backgrounds...I am enough. That's one conscious pineapple!

7. Sunset Study by Jessica Cardelucci
Sunset Study produces a familiar feel that comes over the distance. It's a reminder that joy comes in the morning. No matter what we go through, the sun will rise again, It's a beautifully imagined evening sunset.

8. Twinkling light by Lindsay Ferraris Photography
This image reminds me of driving up to a party or social activity, where the people are. The dim, out of focus perspective is a testament that there is light, even amidst mediocrity, and where there's light there is life.

9. Bits by Katie Craig
The lovely bits! These are "bits into the blue". I'm in love with blue, and it's a great decor' piece. Simple beauty.

10. Facades by Qing Ji
My grandmother use to have a picture just like this in her house. It brings back sentimental feeling and memories, and at the the same time it makes me want to travel and go somewhere far away that I've never been before. (Italy, maybe.) Pretty much anywhere that's not where I am. This picture makes me believe and wander. There's motivation here, motivation for something better.

11. Four Sisters by Holly Royval
Love this! The color contrasts here rock! The sisters here are similar, but different in personalities, that's how we know they're sisters. It is an image of us all. Human kind as a whole, we belong to each other, but we have differences in authenticity. Beyond the meaningfulness of the lesson the picture is just nice to look at. Are the four sisters: style, class, elegance, and sophistication? because that's what this painting says to me.

12. Big Sky Country by Vicki Rawlins
Last, but not least: Big Sky Country. This is the beauty I want in my life, the image itself, and the feel it brings. Can you tell I love clouds? Clouds denote the glory of God. There is such an animated clarity here. It's clearly skillful work by the artist. Another plus... it looks like Mufasa from The Lion King is about to come breaking through the clouds at any minute. Very glorious and splendid.

What is your take on these 12 prints? Did you find these or any of the other products and prints inspiring at Let me know in the comments... You can also follow this conversation with Breath Of Life Daily + Minted. via social media on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest.


Show Up

Reading the word and coming before God in the morning definitely helps me make better decisions than I would have otherwise made. Wisdom and spiritual awareness is key, and that's what the word of God provides, whether it be spoken revelation or biblical text. 

To present ourselves before God makes a big difference in how we go about our day. I commented on Facebook yesterday that I wan't to be "in God's way", I want to be moving the way He's moving. If I'm moving with God, I feel invincible, like nothing can go wrong. If anything does go wrong I feel better prepared to handle it. 

The bible reads in 2 Timothy 2:15  to "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 

When we present ourselves, we show up, presenting ourselves to God means clearly making it known to that we are open, willing, and available to His power by taking the time out to show up. Make time for God. Presenting ourselves is submitting ourselves, life is so much easier when we submit ourselves to God's authority.

When we submit ourselves completely in spirit, we also submit our problems. Taking time to just meditate and focus on the goodness of God before we proceed with our day is a blessing. There is much work to do on a daily basis, We don't have to carry this load by ourselves, we can put our trust in God and let Him handle it. Whatever you do, just show up before God's presence and allow His wisdom to take the lead.


This Time I'll Rise

He called me today... there was a warning in me so badly not to pick up...but I couldn't resist. Why because I'd been really wondering why he hadn't called already, and even wanted to call him just to say it "Happy New Year" of course. as he did, but I resisted the tug of familiarity for my own sanity.

Last year I'd become so used to him calling at the times that were convenient for him that it was expected, becoming common place. I thought I'd overcome, but he called me, and I picked up. When I answered the excitement in me to say a simple, nice "Happy New Year" like I wanted to, was stifled. I had a dry attitude that was close to bitter. I cut him off short. I shouldn't have even answered, but I did.

When people call you and say Happy New Year, they more than likely want to be in your life for the year. My picking up woke me up, after that conversation, realizing if  that frustration is inside of me, it means that there are feelings inside of me that can still be accessed. I will not allow myself to be used by the enemy or taken for granted this year!

A while back I wrote a poem pertaining to this situation called "Don't Let The Devil In." In actuality I'm not talking about this guy who called. We can serve as our own worst enemies. Sin is what happens when our actions aren't based in wholeness and rooted completely in God. We are what we let in. Where there is no enemy inside, the enemy outside can do no harm.

We read that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we have the power to refute whatever comes against us, well that power is a direct result of being fortified with God's strength which is greater than our own. This truth comes with understanding that God is the very creator and master of every weapon created. I was allowed to be placed in a situation with a particular man for a season in my life. He wasn't the devil, my lack of self-esteem and confidence was.

I will not stay held in bondage this year, I will not stay running around in circles. I will not be taken advantage of by the devil. The devil wants us to be complacent. There are many things in our lives that can be considered the devil. There are many things that the devil works through, but we have to ask ourselves "are we inviting the devil in?" Our greatest honor is in listening to God's calling and following  His will. We hear "my sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. God uses the fire and trials of our lives to wake us up and show us what's really important, but we're supposed to learn from them. I've learned my lesson. This time I'll go beyond avoidance, I'll rise above keeping the devil out. This year will be amazing, because I'll do everything  I can to let God in.


Gifts That Make Room For Us

By April D. Byrd

A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. ~Proverbs 18:16

Do what you do best and do it with excellency,  keeping your gift in mind. Even if it's something simple as posting a Facebook status with good grammar.  Yesterday the spirit reminded me of just how important presentation is. As a Writer, If i’m not on point and displaying excellence in my gift, how do I expect to be called upon to help somebody else, or bring them before excellence? Who will bring us before excellence if we don’t do it ourselves? Our special gifting or talent that we authentically have makes room for us and brings us before great men. Making room means to create opportunities and opens doors.  It's up to us to Capitalize on that!

There is a saying that goes: "when the teacher is ready the student appears." Well when you are prepared for it, the opportunity comes. Being cognizant of your gifting and who you are is important. What are you passionate about? There is no actual set path to success, but it's important to be professional and confident in your gift.

Go towards your goals and express your talent with no reservation, because it's especially yours. When you go towards it, a way will be supplied. Where there is a will, there is a way. The world makes way for the person who knows where they are going. If you know where you're going, what you're doing, and exactly what you want to accomplish, then chances are you wont be very disappointed with the results you get. 

Taking action to express our gifts to the world, is a gift to the world. We were created with purpose it's up to us to fulfill it with passion. Be open to your positive, creative inspiration then open your greatness up and share it with the world. Put Gods will first. Seek Him before everything else.

April D. Byrd (@aprilinspired) is a Writer, Believer, and Creator of Breath Of Life Daily.  

Motivation: Your Power To Win Is Within

The blessing doesn't come from what you get out of life, 
but from what you put into it.” -April D. Byrd 

The DRIVE comes from inside...

We have the gift of life! Life is the ability to move, to do, make choices, make decisions, so on and etc. It encompasses everything we make it to be, because we have the power to make it so. Empowerment is action based. Truly every choice that we make and action we take can either bless us or break us down. When we have wisdom and enlightenment in our lives, we make better choices than if we didn't have them at all. Here are a few simple, yet powerful ways to take over the world:


Read the bible and other positively empowering or faith-based content. Show yourself approved, verified, certified. Stay Motivated! Wisdom makes you a more valuable human being. Knowledge is power and an asset to the whole world. “Because of your wisdom, because of your knowledge, because of your life giving word, you can help somebody out of the pain and anguish that they experience! You can also continually help yourself. Study is a reminder for the brain. Words are powerful don’t take studying and knowing the Lord for granted. Utilize the power!

Communication is key. Your life is based on your own perception of it, if you have a wrong perception of it can be miserable, if you have a God perception of it it will be exhilarating... to say the least. Prayer provides a confidante. It helps to give dominion and authority in decision making. It's also a practice of focus and it makes us more in touch with our good spirit daily.

Self-discipline is vital for success. Harness the power of focus. It can be gained through prayer and meditation. Fasting also helps. Our conquering is in our concentration. its so easy to get distracted in all the business of the world . All the different types of media can be a big distraction. People can be as well. Do not let other peoples emotions affect your emotions, primarily ones of negativity or hostility. If someone else's bad mood sways your own it shows they control you, it projects your own lack of vision and good perception. Scripture reads if the blind lead the blind both will fall in the ditch(1), or otherwise grave. Where there is no vision the people perish(2). Hate kills. Your life is your liberty. Experience it as a gift.

(click) Matthew 25: 14-30

Seek good counsel and get the joy and peace you need for your soul. Everything you want in life, you have the power to go get.

but remember it's important what you get! Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore
 get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7

Money doesn't rule the world, innovation does and it's all yours for the taking!. Make the choice to be awesome today and #thinkBOLD!

1.) Matthew 15:14
2.) Proverbs 29:18
3.) Matthew 25: 14-30
4.) Proverbs 4:7


5 Lessons From The TOP Message

Awesome, Awesome message by Coach Pastor Jennifer today on the Voice Of Wisdom Conference Call line!! The message was so empowering, with great key points that were well worth noting and holding on to. In reference to scripture, Most of her message highlighted Joshua 1:3  which reads:

"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses."

She dealt with some of the limiting beliefs and factors that keep people from moving forward, and making progress with the success of their lives and purpose. She also explained how the purpose and blessing of God works.

Here are a few key notes that stood out... (or at least what I had enough time to write), ENJOY!!

 God doesn't measure out your blessing, your belief system does.
the blessing of God is unlimited as far as our imagination or belief system can take us that's how far we can go. Don't limit yourself become unlimited.

 God's purpose works in seasons and in times.
we have to line up with purpose, be knowledgeable and adhere to what specific season or time we are in. It is possible to miss out. If we miss a sewing season, then we will miss the  reaping season accordingly. All things work together. Its best to actively engage, to be cognizant and aware.

In order for you to get the inheritance of God you gotta engage choices.
Gods people are not in a time where the word is forced any more, shoved down our throats, or anything is strictly beaten down upon us. Its  imperative to actively engage the move  of God by choice ,understand and know what He has in the best interest for our lives.

If you wanna stop going in circles, stop blaming and begin taking responsibility.
to become unstuck in the maze of habitual monotony and repeated behaviors of our lives that don't serve us. We have to actively engage and start taking responsibility.

Individual portion/blessing depends on character.
the scripture in Joshua 1 reads, every sole the place of our foot treads... and Gods exclaims a blessing, that just as He blessed Moses He would bless His people and continually be with them just the same. However, our individual blessing and inheritance depends on our mindset, and how we honor and obey the Lord. It is possible to suffer through trials and still come out empty handed in the end for failing to step up to the plate and actively be in character, in season.

Overall with every takeaway to be had from today's lesson it is God who always speaks a mighty blessing this one recorded in the Bible. He says that He will be with us, not leaving us, or forsaking us. It is ultimately up to us to believe and actively engage His words and His way, if we want to truly live our best lives.

Coach/Pastor Jennifer Turner is the founder of (TOP) Tabernacle Of Peace Ministries International and Voice Of Wisdom Transformational Coaching for more empowering words from her Stay Tuned and feel free to check out this piece on sound cloud: 


Brighter Day: Kirk Franklin

The love and peace of God makes life brighter. Sometimes knowing God is all we need to get by...

“Can you discover the depths of God?
  Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?

“Your life would be brighter than noonday;
  Darkness would be like the morning. -Job 11: -7 -17

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. - Proverbs 4:18

I never knew I could be so happy, I never knew I'd be so secure because of your love life has brand new meaning. It's gonna be a brighter day...

Motivation: Just Go!

It's another week! Time to grind! Coach/Pastor Jennifer of Tabernacle Of Peace Ministries shared some very positive fuel  in a recent message. She mentioned the plight of David, Naphtali, and Jabez of the Bible and all they had to overcome to rise victoriously. You are not your history, or any accursed name given to you by people. You are a Son of promise, No obstacle can hinder your progress without the proper justification.

When God tells you to Go, just go! You are protected by purpose. "...When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." Arise into your promise and lift up your standards. Be a person of Character. Refuse to let what you see around you hold you down. You are not defined by the people before you, you are not defined by the circumstances surrounding you. You are what God calls you! 

Honor the voice of God on the inside of you that speaks more powerful and greater things. Be blessed (Indeed) to let the blessing on the inside also be seen on the outside. Honor comes to those who are hardworking intelligent and know who they are. You are who God created, you are who He called you to be. Let your concentration and focus line up with it. 

If we never experience limited times we would never know how to celebrate the blessed ones. The thing you think disadvantages you, actually works for your advantage. As you go and keep going on this Journey may your discouragement turn into encouragement.

-April Byrd

Motivation: Win On Purpose

Win in Life on Purpose.
It's A brand new day to win. Focus to win on purpose this week, even with all the distractions, frustrations, etc. We Can still win.  Mali Music's new song “Ready Aim”  encourages you to be bold, be prepared, and stay motivated to win, because we are always in great hands. We are protected by the best.

Yes, amazing grace saved us, but there is a point where we have to take control of life and start
not just living, but winning on purpose, shooting for our dreams, succeeding at our goals and God given destiny. 

It can seem like everything is working against us at times, the times when we really want to win the obstacles and situations in our way seem impossible to surmount. 

However, we have the greatest defense standing for us. It's important to trust the word that we are more than conquerors. In whatever we are going through we can overcome and have victory. If God is for us no one can be against us. Guard your heart and carry your spiritual sword. Having an lifted, and purposeful spirit is the key to having  a fulfilled, successful life. 

We don't fight against  people or situations, but against wrong mindsets and spirits. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 However, no matter what the battle we still have the power to win.

"No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." -Romans 8:37

If nothing can stop us there is no reason not to succeed and live the best life that God has in mind.

Aim For your Goals today, and Shoot for your dreams in life. Focus. Build your skills and remember: No Weapon formed against you can prosper - Isaiah 54:17 

- April D. Byrd


Gov. Rick Perry Dedicates $130 Million Campus of Texas Church

Texas Gov. Rick Perry dedicated the new $130 million campus of First Baptist Church of Dallas, led by Pastor Robert Jeffress, on Sunday.

"Let me add my profound, 'Wow!'" Perry said. "This is quite a place, and the way we do it in Texas. It is a beacon – a place where our salt and our light can truly be seen."

While the new campus opened last weekend for services, it was officially dedicated Sunday.

 aerial image of the new campus of First Baptist Church of Dallas,
Mark Lovvorn, chair of the new campus Planning and Development Committee, announced that the Committee unanimously voted, unbeknownst to the First Baptist leadership, that the Fountain Plaza, a focal feature in the middle of the campus, will now officially be known as the "Jeffress Fountain Plaza."

Perry told Jeffress that "the fountain that will appropriately have your name on it" in downtown Dallas is "a beautiful place that will draw men and women who need Christ." He added that while people will come for its beauty, they will discover much more. "Thank you for sending a powerful message, not just to this city, state or nation – but to the world. First Baptist Church of Dallas is truly reaching the world with God's love."

In contrast to its splendid new building, First Baptist was once seen as a dying church. But Jeffress is credited for revitalizing the church, which has experienced growth under his leadership. However, some media recently described Jeffress as a "hate-spewing anti-gay, anti-Semitic" preacher. 

Perry spoke about the need to be gracious with "sinners," while not specifically referring to any group.

"I think of the woman [in the Bible] who met Jesus at the well," Perry said. "It is not our job to judge souls, but to point people to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We as fellow sinners will never condemn someone to salvation, but God can use us to show them grace and love them to it."

Honoring the church's past heritage and commitment to Dallas, the service began with an archival video of former First Baptist Pastor Dr. W.A. Criswell in 1974 saying, "It is our desire, under God and the presence of the Lord, to build in the heart of Dallas the most beautiful lighthouse for Christ on this earth."

Dr. David Jeremiah, senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church and host of Turning Point radio and television ministries, was also among the guests.

"If the church is being ignored because we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, that's one thing; but if we are deemed irrelevant because we aren't playing the world's game nearly as well as the world does, then that's a tragedy," Jeremiah said. "If we're going to be attacked or ignored by the world, let it be for turning the world upside down like the early apostles did. Not for trying to become so much like the world that you can't tell the difference between the two."

Located in the heart of downtown Dallas since 1868, First Baptist Dallas opened its state-of-the-art campus last weekend, adding three-quarters of an acre of green space to downtown. It includes the latest features and technological advances for any church.

-April D. Byrd

Article/Photo Credit courtesy of Christian Post


10 Ways The Holy Spirit Gives You Energy

It's another week. Hopefully you're energized and not burnt out yet. I recently came across a post on social media that listed "10 Signs You're Burning Out" obviously we know when our body's energy is burning out, because it makes it very clear. 

The truth is most Americans are burning lots of energy, or burnt out and trying to cope with it however they can. The good news is there is a much better solution than the latest energy drink.

Manufacturers have supplements to help you sleep, They have supplements to give you energy.....How about trying a thing called Faith?! Its the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. 

There is life and peace in our divine purpose and power from the Holy Spirit. Our energy goes to where we place our labor, and the passion will either rob us or restore us. I believe It's best to place our labor and professional career where our purpose is in order to truly win in life. 

However, in the mean time of working 9 to 5 or juggling multiple Jobs. Here's a list that helps a lot more:

1. It Fights Exhaustion

 "But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD,..."- Micah 3:8. Micah was addressing being empowered for a specific task in this verse, but being under the influence of the holy spirit revitalizes physical, mental and spiritual power. 

2. It Promotes Motivation

When we are subjected to the spirit of God we feel a robust energy to take on whatever obstacle or duty that is at hand. Continually being empowered by a life giving word whether written or spoken elicits a motivation in our spirit that can't be contained. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." - Phillipians 4:13

3. It Helps Eliminate Frustration, Cynicism and Other Negative Emotions
Living in divine purpose and feeling the of empowerment to achieve your calling backed by the holy spirit completely terminates any feeling that what you’re doing doesn't matter that much or your effort is useless. it decreases the need for pessimism. Everybody does experience negative emotions from time to time, but feelings of frustration and cynicism in a spirit-filled life are very few and narrowly in-between.

4. It Stabilizes Focus

Weariness interferes with our ability to concentrate on menial tasks, but understanding the source of peace and revitalization of our spirit makes our focus in pursuit of it inevitable. When we are tired and worn we naturally cry out, we want to specify and directly make our petitions heard. When we Focus in worship, or meditation it's often the holy spirit that helps us communicate and gain results. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." -Roman 8: 26-30

5. It Enhances Job Performance.

When we are motivated to do a job, free from exhaustion and the task has a sense of intrinsic value to us, we do it with ease. Our passion is in our purpose when we love it, we will do anything for it. We are happy to build the skill it takes to excel in that area. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28

6. It Decreases interpersonal problems at home and work.

The joy of the spirit as well as understanding how purpose works decreases conflicts with other people it helps to highlight other peoples talents, roles, and specific value. The spirit helps us make a better connection with others. Through purpose we see the resource and value of relationships, we're more inclined to hear what others have to say. The holy spirit increases unity.

7. It Increases ability to make healthy choices.

If we want to live to see the vision, and our goals come to pass we understand the importance of maintaining healthy  productive habits for our mind, body, and spirit to promote vital longevity. The holy spirit also gives discernment in certain situations. "for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say."-Luke 12:12

8. It Improves Life/Work balance.

Recovering from the stress of work is easy because generally stress is less severe when you're doing what you love. It is important to stop when the actual "career" task stops and take time to celebrate with family and bask in the the beauty of life. If you just can't beat stress and worry see (every other number on this list).

9. It Generally Increases Satisfaction.

Having a good work and life balance means knowing the importance of good time management.   Purpose and time go hand in hand. understanding purpose is making the best of your time to fulfill it. Time is valuable, however fulfilling purpose is for any given day or even second.  The spirit puts our time in sync with God's time and produces an overall happiness in our lives. 

The fulfillment of the spirit overpowers the happiness of any other love or material wealth. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," -Romans 14:17

10. It Has Health Benefits

"a sense of enthusiasm, of hopefulness, of engagement in life, and the ability to face life’s stresses with emotional balance—appears to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The protective effect was distinct and measurable, even when taking into account such wholesome behaviors as not smoking and regular exercise."  -according to one study quoted in a Harvard Medical Journal The root of hopefulness, engagement, and enthusiasm can be traced from joy, which the holy spirit provides in abundance. 

As I mentioned at the beginning continually being empowered by a life giving word enlivens the holy spirit  and the healing restoration it provides. 

"My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. -Proverbs 4:20-22"
So Skip the the energy drinks and try the "wings" of Holy Spirit's on for flight!! Go Win and Make today Awesome on Purpose!!

Resources: Bible Study Tools, Global Christians