I was feeling so defeated last night. As a creative, I've been doing this online platform building for a while now, and it seems like the support (that I wanted) never came through, and now that it's time to really pipe up with creating, I felt defeated and drained at the thought of continuing with the same "minimal support".
It's truly is past the time to step up and be creative, but now with everything that is going on digitally, it's the most opportune time to execute and create! Additionally, it's the most opportune one for the enemy to have us feeling defeated and planting seeds of doubt. Whispering defeat, highlighting the things we don't have.
That feeling of defeat was fake! It was false evidence appearing real. In actuality the ways that I really needed to be supported I have been and beyond, even in ways that were miraculous and unexpected. It's a matter of being clear about what's needed and tapping in to the capacity that's available to get it.
It's time to go to that next level and people don't know what support you need, or how you need it until you ask. It's time to be intentional about asking.
"You have not, because you ask not."
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, without scorn; and it shall be given him." - James 1:5
If the asking and support needed is in GOD's purpose and not for my consumption, then it will surely be supplied.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" - Matthew 7:7
The victory has already been won. Now it's a matter of aligning with GOD in purpose, getting on track and staying focused! It's time to use our gifts more seriously. It's time to take the victory more strategically.
Have a prosperous day!