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Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts


3 Keys For Automatic Success

 Moving forward requires three things: preparation, dedication and revelation. To succeed, you must depend upon God for direction daily. - Thomas Dexter Jakes

If there's anything that guarantees you automatic success in life, it's these three things. You may not naturally have joy and peace all the time, but if anything will make you successful on your journey and get you back to them it's your preparation, dedication, and revelation.

Who's Dream Are You Living? 

God created each of us and gave us purpose. Within purpose, there are dreams, goals, and aspirations. It's easy to see the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and think that's something to aspire to, but is it right for you? The blueprint and the details for our unique situations are directly tied to our Divine revelation.

The main way for us to know what's right for us as individuals is to acknowledge and connect with the Most High Creator. 

Daily time spent to pray and communicate with God increases the chances that we'll do that which were created for. It's in the diligence.

Prayer is the best thing to do regularly, it also builds a habit of consistency in other areas. The things that drive us, what we go after, and why we go after them will affect what we produce as well as the outcome we receive.
"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain."(Psa. 127.1)
When we intentionally seek God first and go about our day in the spirit we reap all that comes with it. The manifestation of our divine dream is promising. Often we fail to realize that the spiritual world is even more real than the physical one we see.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6.33) 
"All these things" include abundance on a greater level than we can imagine, even greater than the selfish desires we may envision. God's dream for us is better than any dream we could ever imagine by ourselves, and when we stand behind that vision it becomes the motivating force that empowers and keeps pushing us to achieve them. 

It's faith that makes our "in the meantime" moments so powerful.

Christ said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10.10) yes this likely includes financial wealth, but having emotional intelligence, peace, and personal G.P.S for our soul is a type of bag that's unmatched.

It's putting God first that helps us stay motivated. Living The dream is not the one the world has in mind. It's a vision by the Master of creation. There's no road map to life, but there is a guide to living "the real dream". Scripture which is God breathed helps the chosen tap into our destiny, daily. 
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer. 29.11)


BOLD Testimony: Lady Felicia "DaFaithPusher" Dotson



Whew! a powerful testimony!

Certified Christian Counselor Lady Felicia "Da Faith Pusher" Dotson shares her amazing testimony of how GOD used an app to expand her ministry, and help spread the gospel of faith. During her LIVE Testimony Interview she additionally shared a candid story of how she learned to walk in faith and other gems. 

Check out Lady Felicia's Interview on Breath Of Life Daily's YouTube page in addition to having a listen on the podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts. 

Resources mentioned in this Interview: 7 Day Prayer Journal: Recording Your Journey With GOD: Where you can connect with Lady Felicia Dotson online: Clubhouse: 'Lady Felicia Faith Dr.' YouTube: @LadyFelicia

Connect with Breath Of Life Daily online @BOLDJournal for more empowering updates, BOLD Testimonies, uplift and more.

Is Ambition Godly?

This world encourages us to act on ambition, and many wonder if ambition is or isn't Godly. The short answer is - it depends. We just need to know the difference between Godly ambition and selfish ambition. 

Selfish ambition destroys, but Godly ambition is life-giving. 
Selfish ambition seeks to please man, but Godly ambition seeks to please God. 
Selfish ambition is short-sighted, but Godly ambition thinks long-term.

Godly ambition builds the Kingdom and furthers the cause of the Gospel. 
As you lead and influence those around you in the coming week, and pursue your ambitions, continually evaluate and bring them to God. Ask Him to bring your ambitions into alignment with His purpose. 

It will always lead to something better than anything you could ever ask, think, or imagine on your own!  

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. - Proverbs 19:21

Post by Christine Caine

All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. - 1 Corinthians 10:23
Follow @BOLDJournal on Social Media and Subscribe to the E- blasts for the latest updates!!


4 Scriptures For Success

Self-discipline is essential to success in every area of our lives, even though it's hard and something we all struggle with. The good news we have wisdom to refer to. These are a few scriptures that will help us stay motivated, and keep our spirits in line, moving in the right direction...
A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. (Proverbs 25:28  ESV)
  • Don’t let the devil have control, it leads to complete destruction in the end.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
  • If you are able to be in control of yourself, you don’t have to be under any law or authority, of anyone else. You don’t have to be in anyone’s subjection.
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. (Romans 8:13  ESV)
  • Allow God’s spirit in you to help you make the right decisions. If you overcome your flesh and gain discipline in your spirit you will be completely healthy in your mind, body, and soul.
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, (2 Corinthians 4:17)
  •  Ex: Waiting for something takes patience, but once we get what we've waited for it’s really worth it and it benefits us and makes us richer. Exercising patience and discipline for a moment is hard, but the things we think are worth it over here imagine how much better it’s going to be. When we live to please God and finally reach His promise that He has for us. It’s going to be amazing. So work to be please God and do His will.

What are some others scriptures you refer to when you need to get back on track? Leave a comment below and Follow the conversation with @BOLDJournal on Twitter and Instagram.

3 Ways To Move Forward In The New Year Successfully

by: Ruthann Mckenzie

Are you ready to move forward?

Moving forward to the new year should be something greeted with great expectation. Whether the year was a wonderful one or there were bumps in the road, there is a new start with the new year.  You can begin the steps to making a change prior to the new year. Yet, it is good to pause and reflect on what to make better for the next year.

How can you make the best of the upcoming year? The following three things should be taken into consideration with 2015 right around the corner:

  • Recognize the value of time. Time is so important and we need to leave behind wasting precious moments on irrelevant things. Enjoy living in the moment and see the value in each day. Make the most out of each year, month, week, and day.

  • Do not remain bondage to the past. Whatever painful situation that has happened this year or years ago can be let go of. Our memory can be used to focus on where the Lord has brought us from versus remembering all the hurt. Pain is inevitable in this lifetime, but misery is optional. You do not have to remain bondage to the past. Resolve to let that go as 2014 comes to a close.
make a new start, with a new year...

  • Create clear priorities for your life. It does not take any set time of the year to realize what is important to you. However, when a new year approaches it is time to take inventory of your priorities and establish what is important and why. Practice utilizing your time wisely from the start of your day, establishing what takes priority.
These skills can be useful moving into the new year. Continue creating awesome vision boards and defining clear goals for how you are moving forward with your life. If you are ready to start fresh and not sure where to start, then check out Just Be Confident and how coaching and mentorship may be able to work for you. Make 2015 your year by moving forward!

Ruthann McKenzie is the creator of where she blogs and coaches others to be confident and live victoriously. Follow her updates on Facebook and Instagram:@theconfidentyou 


"The Alto Adjustment" DVD Giveaway Winner Announcement

Congratulations to everyone who entered The Alto Adjustment DVD giveaway sponsored by BOLD Journal!!

Even if you didn't win, It's still a great film to invest in if you're a strong believer in the power of overcoming, what can be accomplished when we set our minds to greater, and moving in the right direction.

Dainhen's story serves as an excellent example for youth and adults alike to never give up. We can face the consequences of our actions, but also learn from them, grow, and turn our gifts around for the better. The Alto Adjustment can be purchased here on . "The Alto Adjustment" can also be booked for screenings at events, colleges, non-profits, and universities. 

This DVD is important especially given the climate of the justice system in today's society. It's a resource for individuals to witness overcoming and see that there can be triumph after, and in the middle our trials.

Breath Of Life Daily will continue hosting giveaways throughout the year. Subscribe to Breath Of Life Daily  for the latest giveaways and inspirational updates.

The official winner is announced in the video below:

Congrats!! please e-mail to claim your  copy of The Alto Adjustment. Thanks to everyone who participated. More giveaways to come. 


Transformation: The Caterpillar And The Butterfly

By: Ruthann Mckenzie

The journey from the caterpillar to the butterfly is far greater than people give it credit for. We all praise the butterfly for its beauty and grace. Yet seldom do we praise the butterfly for the extraordinary journey it takes to become its intended greatness. It seems that we distinguish the butterfly from the caterpillar as if they are two separate entities. The purpose and destiny of the caterpillar is tossed out because the butterfly steals the show.

Scientifically, the butterfly goes through four different stages before it becomes an actual butterfly.  Of the high number of eggs the butterfly lays, only approximately 1 in 20 will make it to the next stage. After the egg develops, more will drop off if they cannot survive their first meal as a caterpillar.  At the stage of a caterpillar is where most of the work and transformation comes in to play.  It takes much effort and strength to make it through to the final stages of spinning into a cocoon.  It takes so much work for the caterpillar to turn into a butterfly that there are five different stages within the caterpillars life alone.  Through all of those stages, some still do not make it.

The greatness of the butterfly is that it goes through all of that work.  Before the butterfly actually forms its wings, before it even turns into a caterpillar, at each stage it could all come to an end.  However, only the strongest endure to the end and flutter into the majestic butterfly we praise so highly.
We can all learn a lesson from nature through the process of becoming a butterfly.  People will always just see the end result.  So at whatever stage you are at, they see that as the end.  This is not true for the caterpillar, whose life mission is to become a butterfly. This is also not true for us and our journey.  People will only praise us once we make it to the top, however they neglect the process and journey that it takes to get to the final stage.

Even at the final stage for a butterfly, they still have more work to do.  Their migration and laying of eggs are work that means their journey of life does not end once they become a butterfly.  Likewise, our journey does not end once we endure to the end of our vision.  Nevertheless, others will not see the additional work that is ongoing. This does not negate the fact that work and the journey continues.  

For myself, keeping certain things in mind has helped me realize how important the journey really is. Keep in mind these four things as you continue on your path to your dreams:

1. Embrace where you are. At each stage there is a lesson and there can be fulfillment. This will help guide us through each stage.

2. Be willing to change. A willingly open and receptive heart can take you so far. It can take you to the final stage of the butterfly. However, when you fail to want to change then your growth becomes stagnant and dies. This is also evident with the caterpillar.

3. Enjoy each stage. Find beauty as often as you can. It doesn't have to be the ideal situation to still find something positive. If the only positive thing you can find is being alive, then enjoy that because it means more will come.

4. Remain humble so when you are exalted in due time it will be well deserved. I doubt the butterfly ever looks at the caterpillar and despises it's beginnings. Even in its glory of its journey, remaining humble is ever important.

So, do not give up.  Do not look down upon the caterpillar because it is not yet a butterfly.  Instead praise the caterpillar as well for laying the groundwork and foundation for the butterfly.  When we are in our caterpillar stage, do not give up. Not everyone makes it because they see their current situation and do not want to envision the future for being better and brighter. They cannot see the end result.  Even if it seems like an eternity, the final stage, the butterfly stage, will occur.  Keep pressing forward and enjoy the journey at each stage.  For the simple fact that you have not given up yet means there is better coming if you just endure.

Love the butterfly, but respect and enjoy the caterpillar as well. It is a reflection of our journey.  

Ruthann McKenzie is the creator of where she blogs and coaches others to be confident and live victoriously. Follow her updates on Facebook and Instagram:@theconfidentyou 


How Sheryl Underwood Turned A Secret Into Success

by: April D. Byrd

When was the last time you shared a secret and got a standing ovation for it? Never! Me either. We can all take notes from Sheryl Underwood.
"I was bruised, but I wasn't Broken"!  We've all been there. The Powerful words came from "The Talk"  Co-Host  when she revealed a juicy secret on the show.

Sheryl's presentation of her truth turned out to be one of the most absolute boss moves I've ever seen on TV. and I didn't actually see it on a TV, but of course #SherylUnderwood was trending, because that's how BOSS it was!

If you haven't seen the video already you might want to check it out! (Below):
Share your thoughts about it in the comments section. 

There is a lot of speculation but seemingly Sheryl handled the situation with eloquence!
What did you think about Sheryl's share? Do you think it was appropriate? Would you have done it?


Moving Forward

   by: Carla Marcelle

When you are called to fulfill a purpose, any and everything can be used to stop you from meeting your destiny. It is up to you, who face challenges and situations, to make a conscious effort to be overcomers, fighters, and victors of obstacles you face. When making this decision, you can lose friendships, relationships, and sometimes even jobs. It can be a very uncomfortable situation especially when you want so bad cling to those hindrances because it is all you know, it is what you love, and it is your safety zone.  The funny thing about it is that most times we know what the hindrances are, but we may not know what our purpose is. So for that very reason, we never fully comprehend just how much of a necessity it is for us to let go of those hindrances to move forward in our destiny by uncovering our purpose. 

However, it is in those quiet times with yourself, where you discover your gifts. It is in those times where you are not focused on the rhetoric of your situations where you discover your talents. In those times where you are not indulging with your hindrances and your obstacles, that is when your purpose begins to form.

   I know for me, one of my biggest hindrances are friendships. Because I like to be around people, I tend to just want to be around who ever is available. Not always are the people who are available conducive to my well being. Not always are the people who are available have my best interest at hand.   Often, I find my self compromising my very beliefs, morals, and standards. So instead of being that purpose driven woman of destiny, being a light in darkness of situations, I just blend right in. I conform to the very thing I do not want to be. After spending so much time conforming, I have discovered one of two things will happen. Either you will become complacent, losing your desire for your advancement, and develop a will to simply just exist; or you will get so uncomfortable in your situation, that you have to remove yourself from the very things that are holding you back.

At that point the question becomes,

When you hear the call of your destiny, will you chose to pursue it? Will you answer the call?
Or will you allow your destiny that awaits you to just dwindle away, and your purpose that you were designed to accomplish  become void; all because you did not want to endure the discomfort of your advancement. We all know there is no growth without discomfort. We can apply the same principles of our natural world to the very idea of advancing in our purpose. As a child grows into maturity they go through very uncomfortable stages called puberty; as a woman creates life in her womb, it is uncomfortable or even painful; for stamina and muscle to develop, there is a period of soreness, and pain. Its evident that we must endure pain, hardships, and discomfort to gain advancement through life, but keep in mind it is only for a moment, and the end result is always greater.

   So today I encourage you to think about those obstacles and hindrances in your life that have been placed in the way of  discovering your purpose and moving into your destiny. Make a conscious decision to move past them, and let them go. That is how you move into your victory, and gain a life full of joy and satisfaction. Do not be content to just exist. You have a greater value than that!!!


Carla Marcelle is a Life and Purpose Coach and regular contributor to Breath Of Life Daily. For more inspirational posts from Coach Carla Stay tuned to her "Wake Up Wednesdays" segment here on BOLD Journal every Wednesday. Subscribe via e-mail and connect with @BOLDJournal on Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates.


Let Go, Go Forward.


Our true character and ambition doesn't develop from the dreams we have as kids, it comes from everything life puts us through on the path to maturity. Our true passion comes from finding ourselves in divine purpose. How are we designated to serve the world with our gift? That is life's most persistent question. Are you willing to answer the call? 

Oprah has an amazing testimony about the power of surrender and letting go! It Really Works! 

Check out the footage in the video below:

Are you living your absolute Best life? There is no time BUT the present! Let Go and Go Forward!


Resources For Your New Vision Board

By:  April D. Byrd

It seems like everybody is creating a vision board for the New Year. It is a smart thing to do. If you want to visualize your dreams and your goals and let them daily serve as a reminder. Visualization helps, If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't.  If you can see it, you can achieve it. I believe it's imperative to create a vision board with with a relevant and appropriate action plan. Wisdom say's Write The Vision... Make it Plain! Seeing is good but, How Will You Act? Create a Vision Board with an Action Plan  Here is some info and resources about vision boards that should help with the journey.

What Is A Vision Board

typically a poster board on which you paste or collage images that you've torn out from various magazines, books, etc.

How To Create A Vision Board
You'll need a poster board, A big stack of different magazines, (choose lots of different options, if you limit your options you may get bored after a while.) ex:  Oprah, Real Simple, Natural Home, Yoga Journal, Dwell, Ode, Parenting, Money, Utne, and an assortment of nature magazines. You will also need glue. "Yes! Glue" if you can find it or rubber cement are recommended, and a picture frame if you wanna keep it fancy.

Pray or Meditate First
The ultimate vision for our lives is on a spiritual or divine level. It will be good to meditate first. "Have a little ritual before you begin your vision board. Sit quietly and set the intent. With lots of kindness and openness, ask yourself what it is you want." If you are a believer like me Pray, worship a little communicate with God to see what His will is.
(photo credit): Strength For The Soul
related article: If you're not sure about a vision board you may want to read  "Christian Entrepreneurs, Vision Boards And The Law Of Attraction" by Nicole Hollins.

Try A Vision Journal
We're back to what scripture reads about "writing the vision". use the same principles of creating a vision board in a big sketch book. "Get a large sketch book and keep an on-going vision journal. This is especially effective if you’re going through many transitions in your life." Write it down.

Complete A Free Workbook
Put in the work, to get the results. Teacher and Author Taria Prichett  has created a free downloadable workbook to help people specify their goals and expectations. Find out more info and details on the workbook by visiting the site. More resources and details are listed about access to the workbook at the end of the post.

There are all different types of vision boards. A few years back I created a 3-D vision board. Some of the things I added still amaze me today. It's wonderful how I can see all of the images and ideals coming together. This year I am building an appropriate action plan for my dreams and moving in faith. Hopefully you will do the same and have a great time doing it!

3-D vision board I created a while back...time for an action plan!

*Info on different vision boards and resources can be found at and the Reflect and Re-Invent Yourself Workbook can be found at


25 Bible Verses About God's Light

by: April D. Byrd

Whenever you're in a dark place just know that God can bring you into the light. You can be whole and made positive again just by seeking the light. My mentor, Pastor/Coach Jennifer once did an exercise while preaching. She simply turned the light switch off and on. The Difference was major. Sometimes all we gotta do is turn on the Light! Most of the things I found in life, I found because I was looking for it.  Wisdom say's seek God while He may be found; call on Him while he is near. As my Pastor exampled that can be as simple as turning on the light switch. Personally, when I wanted to throw in the towel feeling like I had no reason to live, the God in me wouldn't let me give up. God prevails even when reason fails. My favorite verse is "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  Wisdom, Knowledge, and Revelation whether spoken directly to our spirit or from empowering spiritual passages, or quotes will always inspire our souls, illuminate our way and make the fog and confusion of life a little clearer. Hopefully these 25 verses help just as much. Enjoy!

2 Samuel 22:29 
29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
Nehemiah 9:11-13
11 You divided the sea before them, so that they passed through it on dry ground, but you hurled their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into mighty waters. 12 By day you led them with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire to give them light on the way they were to take.
Job 33:28
28 He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light.'
Psalm 4:6
6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.
Psalm 18:28 
28 You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

Psalm 36:9

9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Psalm 43:3
3 Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
Psalm 56:12-13
12 I am under vows to you, O God; I will present my thank offerings to you. 13 For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.
Psalm 89:15
15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.
Psalm 97:11 
11 Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.