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Showing posts with label stone mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stone mountain. Show all posts


The THRIVE Zone Takes Action To Provide Senior Care Packages

The Thrive Zone Church Outreach Department in Stone Mountain, Georgia officially launched it's "Senior Care Packages For Senior Citizens" initiative last month, March 28th. The outreach serves to provide support by providing care packages to seniors who are under shelter in place restrictions during COVID-19.

The church has coordinated to collect individually wrapped toilet tissue, individually wrapped paper towels, hand sanitizer, hand soap, and disinfectant wipes. The team has successfully prepared and delivered the first round of care packages to a local senior adult living commmunity. Another senior community is in the works to be supported.

"In a time that we are all facing the same challenges right now", the Thrive Zone church aims to "assist and rally behind the seniors who are unable to shop during the current coronavirus pandemic." wrote the Thrive Zone's Lead Pastor  Denise Williams

Donations are currently being accepted for the operation. A full Senior Care Package can be sponsored for only $7. If you would like to contribute to a Senior Care Package, giving is available through the church's official website Its also available via Cashapp, Paypal, and Tithely app.

To donate unopened items, contact the Outreach Team Leader Cynthia Jackson by Email: or by calling 1-470-543-0358

You can View the full photo album from the first delivery on Thrive Zone Church's Official Facebook Page:

No photo description available.

The Thrive Zone is continually moving forward in it's effort to support the community. The church recently celebrated it's One Year anniversary on April 7th, and shared the various projects it has done in the community within it's first year.
For more information about The THRIVE Zone Church please visit or call 1-470-543-0358
Contact Info:
  • Address: 6254 Memorial Drive
    Suite I Stone Mountain, GA 30083
  • Website:
  • Phone: 1-470-543-0358
  • Email:

It's Time To Use Your Talents

As a Media Producer and Host of multiple Gospel influenced platforms, I was excited to potentially be hosting the Red Carpet for the Stellar Awards event, as it is one of the Biggest nights for gospel music. 

I'm not gonna lie I was actually distraught that they hadn't reached back out to me yet, as it was getting to be closer and closer to the show date. However, like I was saying in BOLD podcast "Light In The Darkness" I'm very resilient and I was gonna make the absolute best of that situation regardless of that outcome with the credentials. 

I was still preparing and making sure I reached out to them directly. Anyways, I feel like I was on their radar, because I did receive the email that they had postponed due to the coronavirus news that's circulating. I actually wasn't expecting them to cancel, but I do understand why they did with it being an event of such a huge magnitude.

As much as I felt a little crushed, I was very encouraged by a lot of the social media posts that 
I saw young christian influencers make in response to the coronavirus news. I really appreciate them, and I'm also even more inspired now. I'm fired up.

I initially came across Krystal Lee's post on Instagram. She's a radio personality on the gospel station here in Atlanta, Praise 102.5 She also has a brand Girl+God, so she's a CEO. she posted a picture of an article with a headline that said "Coronavirus will bankrupt more people than it kills and that's the real global emergency".

Then she goes on to caption the post "The Media Wants You In A Frenzy, but I want you to get to work". She continued in the post about the gifts and talents that GOD has given us and why they're so important for such a time as this!

I love her post and honestly the very thing she's saying is truly what I begin to realize after initially being in reaction mode about the Stellars, and then talking to my mentor/friend Kim.

A lot of the posts by young Christian influencers were uplifting throughout the day. P4CM "Passion For Christ Movement", a spoken word event for creatives that's similar to The InterSession posted a scripture of consolation on it's platform. Psalms 91: 10-11
"No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go."

Christian Hip Hop Artist Lecrae shared a very beneficial Infographic on his Instagram page. The post shared specific news about the details of COVID-19. This allowed a lot of people, including myself to have greater clarity about what's going on with this virus.

A post shared by lecrae (@lecrae) on

Another Influencer Pastor Jonathan Richardson shared a pretty powerful LIVE broadcast on his Facebook page how sometimes fear can be disguised as wisdom.

Truthfully in another social media space that I'm in somebody said 2020 has really been agressive so far, and I would have to agree with that. The thing is there is good potential that things will only get worse as the world continues. 

I don't say that to be the bearer of bad news but to be the bearer of light. NOW is the time to build your ark. Now is the time to strengthen your arsenal. Talking about preparation, I was reminded about Noah who was obedient in faith and used the insight GOD gave him when things got shady in his community, kinda like things are right now in the U.S. Genesis 6 says Noah had a good relationship with GOD. 

The chapter says Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. So as we know the Lord instructed Noah on how to prepare in that season. Noah used his skill and what he had to work with. What special gift or talent has GOD given you that you can use? Be encouraged. Whatever that vehicle is for you, If you haven't already build it. you can build it. So, What are you putting in your ark, what's in your arsenal?

I also thought about another influencer who did some preparing in a time when things weren't looking so good, Joseph! Joseph went from being a Prisoner to a President. He was basically in charge of everything there was to be in charge of. Joseph had spiritual gifts and insight, He had bomb administrative skills. 

So, we could say he had special talents. His talents were so prominent, and he used his talents so well in service to GOD, that Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God? That's what your gift making room for you and bringing you before great men looks like, in action.

So prepare and build now! Right Now! Now is definitely the time to walk by faith and not by sight.

If you're scared and feeling any fear about this virus news, redirect your thoughts to GOD's word and pray. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says: "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Nothing, not even coronavirus formed against you can prosper. If you are feeling any type of symptoms and fearful about that, go get checked out. It's better to be prepared than sorry.

Prepare yourself by strengthening your immune system. I have green smoothies like almost everyday now. Get into your greens, they help! Protect yourself. Do be precautious since the warning is out.  All the hygiene stuff that you already do, do more of it.

Scripture says theres a time for everything. Lecrae posted a meme the other day that said "but have you prayed about it?" Pray to see what GOD's report is for you concerning the matter. When we cultivate and maintain a good relationship with GOD we're allowing GOD to prepare us. I honestly have been in this process of having a more active, intentional relationship with the Creator. This is after being in natural relationships and not seeing my worth.

I'm so grateful that I'm getting to a place where I'm seeing the gifts GOD has given me and I'm not trying to be anybody else or getting in anybody else's lane.

By insight from the spirit to maintain a relationship with GOD better, more intentionally, I was able to see my worth and my value better and the more my self-worth increased and I stopped settling for whatever isn't in line with GOD's will for me, the better off I'm becoming and I recognize that and I'm grateful for it and it is a process. 

Submit yourself to the voice and will of GOD so that you can be prepared. How do you know the voice of GOD, it's a voice that's always for your greatest good, so far beyond your temporary satisfaction. Get wisdom. Get in the word and get in relationship with the Creator.

Since I've submitted to the processing and preparation Now I'm in a place where I'm learning where my personal strengths are, what I'm good at. I've done Writing, Social Media Content Creation and Curation for so long. I'm really seeing where I can help other people and put that gift to good use. I've launched BOLD Expressions Co. I have guides and webinars. Now that demand is being met. I can help Entrpreneurs, I can help Gospel Artists and brands, because I've been prepared GOD is showing me the gift and the avenue. 

I'm actually offering a 30% off special for the First E-guide. 5 Mandatory Tools To Level Up Your Social Media Marketing and there will be more to come because people will be on Social Media a lot more, since more people are staying home.

I'm not only sharing this information as a shameless plug, I'm sharing it to say that in seeking GOD's will. I see the vacuum that was created, now I'm in demand, now I'm an asset with the gift GOD has prepared in me. 

Will I be going to Vegas for The Stellars this month? No. but will I be taking advantage of some of these discounted airfare rates for some business meetings? Most probably. Tis the season to use your talents and meet great life-changing opportunities!

How is this coronavirus news affecting you? What are your thoughts on it, and more importantly what are you gonna do in this season to prepare? 


3 Affirmations To Kickstart Inner Work

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans 12:2 

I'm starting to realize that the more truthful I become about honoring divine purpose and love within myself, The more my spirit serves me and provides good vibes. Yesterday was a divine intervention of the holy spirit. During the mountain top experience with a few friends (we hiked up stone mountain), one of them asked us to write down a few things we wanted to release, and proclaim them on the way up the mountain at each resting point. 

Once we got to the top of the mountain we discarded the things that we wanted to release and replaced them with what we wanted to go forward in. The three things I wrote down to release were procrastination, fear, and disbelief.

Everything that I wanted to progress in moving forward, were the opposite of the things I wanted to release. What I wrote down to walk forward in turned out to be affirmations and came out more defined than I expected. The receiving was more powerful, than the releasing. I wrote down:

I embrace productivity for divine purpose and call forth divine guidance.

I receive courage.

I believe that I'm worthy of an abundance of love, and love is always working for me.

I encourage you to embrace, receive, and believe If you want to release similar things like fear and procrastination. 

Remember, love and fear can't operate in the same place. Feel free to use these affirmations mentioned whenever you're feeling doubtful. 

What are some affirmations that you use for yourself. Share them in the comments section below or let me know online
@BOLDJournal  on all social media networks.