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Showing posts with label twinkie clark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twinkie clark. Show all posts


Top Tweets From The Legendary Clark Sisters Movie

Photo Credit: The Legendary Clark Sisters Instagram

The Clark Sisters: The First Ladies Of Gospel was a Phenomenal film! Phenomenal! It may have been good to make it more than than two hours. Can we just gift all these Actresses and Artists with their awards now?! 

@BOLDJournal was LIVE on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and the commentary was pouring in. A lot of people had something to say. From the favorite parts to the crazy parts. Here are a few things Twitter had to say about The Clark Sisters: The First Ladies of Gospel:

An ode to Dr. Mattie Moss Clark . . .

Did you catch the movie? What were your thoughts about it? Leave a comment in the comments section below and connect with us @BOLDJournal on all social media platforms to follow the conversation!