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Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts


"He's Worth The Wait" Book Giveaway Winner Announcement

Congratulations to everyone who entered the "He's Worth The Wait" personalized book giveaway sponsored by BOLD Journal!! 

Even if you didn't win, It's still a great book to invest in if you're serious about honoring God in every aspect of your life, especially concerning abstinence and sex. Fanny provides an experienced and educated voice on girls and women being committed to honoring God with their bodies. He's Worth The Wait can be purchased here on Amazon. "He's Worth The Wait" T-shirts are also available by contacting Fanny Quioto via email or online.

This book is important because often people spend a lot of time looking for things outside of us to fulfill us, to make us whole. However there is so much satisfaction when we come to realize that our fulfillment is in God's will for our lives. It's a tool to help individuals speak over and wait for God's best, as He always has our best in mind.

Breath Of Life Daily will continue hosting giveaways for the entire month. Subscribe to Breath Of Life Daily for the latest giveaways and inspirational updates.

The official winner is announced in the video below: 

Congrats!! please e-mail to claim your signed copy of "He's Worth The Wait" within five days. Thanks to everyone who participated. More giveaways to come.

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