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Showing posts with label dont rush challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dont rush challenge. Show all posts


#DontRush Challenge Yourself To Be Excellent

A lot of these #DontRushChallenge videos are coming through on social media. The concept of the video is to make an instant change from busted to beautiful, or from simple to suave quickly, based on the videos I've seen.

The irony is that the transition time is actually "rushed", but the lyrics say otherwise. Sometimes, I find myself in an anxious mindset that resembles this concept. I don't think I'm alone. It's so easy to see awesome things people are doing or even have our own ideas, and want a quick fix to get to them done, or to think we should be in a certain place, at a certain time according to our own plans.  

I had to remind myself today as a writer, that although I want to get books out, I just can't rush the process for the sake of getting them out quick, while the digital rat race is at an all time high! I was reminded by spirit to be excellent in anything that I do. 

If that takes time then that's fine as long as I'm happy with the work I've done, it's quality, and it's impactful to somebody else. At the end of the day if I've manifested that thing/idea which I set my mind to with the excellence I received when it was given to me, then I would be providing the best service to myself and others who partake of whatever that thing is.

I posted a tweet the other day similar to the concept of not rushing, but reaching for excellence. 

Most often the hard thing is to avoid the quick fix, it's to avoid settling for mediocre results for what you dream of. It's bypassing the beaten path. Don't rush your process. Trust and wait on GOD's timing while you work in excellence, that's what I plan to do.

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