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Showing posts with label jekalyn carr. Show all posts


Motivation Music Playlist ft. Mary Mary, Kevin LeVar and More

Go Get It - Mary Mary 
"It's like You lookin' through a telescope you see where you gonna be Growin' gettin' better you're not the person they see. Can't be mad at the things you've been through, 'cause they built your muscle. Now you're stronger than you've ever been, they can't stop your hustle
Yo faith ain't never small that's what brought you this far
See you got your dreams and you got your prayers and you got you God. He gonna take you there, See everybody has a season and I've believe this one's your's. 'Cause you've been working, waiting, this what you've been praying for
 Go get it!"
GOD has given you the vision, it's up to you to be BOLD and execute it. Like the meme says " The dream is Free, The Hustle is sold separately."

Your Destiny - Kevin LeVar & One Sound
This is not a time to get distracted. . . No no no
This not a time to go off course,This is not a time to lose your focus, You got a work to do for the Lord, And you cannot afford to lose your way
You've come to far from where you started from, So please don't let the time you've sown Be wasted on things that you'll later regret, Wishes you never had Once your realize it wasn't worth it, Your destiny is too important to give up for anything.

Your destiny and purpose is way more important than anything that tries to distract you. Stay Focused. Stay Faithful.

Nobody Like You Lord - Maranda Curtis

"Oh Lord, Our Lord How excellent Is your name, Your name is strength, Your name is power A strong tower, Makes me safe, Oh Nobody like you Lord. . ."
Acknowledging that GOD's name is strength and power, empowers us. We are made strong in GOD's power alone. "But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected inweakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladlyin my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me." Who wouldn't serve a GOD like that?!

Listen to these songs by Mary Mary, Vashawn Mitchell, Jekalyn Carr and more on the BOLDJournal Motivation Music Playlist
What are some songs in your playlist that get you motivated and help keep you focused? Let us know in the comments section or mention us on Instagram and Twitter: @BOLDJournal