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10 Ways The Holy Spirit Gives You Energy

There was a post I saw online that read: "10 Signs You're Burning Out" when our body's energy is burning out, there can be obvious signs of that. 

Most people burn lots of energy, they might try to renew with some energy drink named after a beast or a demon, or just cope with it however they can. The good news is there is a much better option for renewed strength and vitality than any type of liquid courage.

Speaking of The Most High's word and breath of life, the Bible literally reads: 

"Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." (Prov. 4:21-22)

There is life and peace in our divine purpose and power from the Holy Spirit. Our passion should be a source of restoration.

If by chance you are currently suffering or feeling burnt out, crack the Book open. It literally can improve all aspects of our health. Here's how:

1. It Fights Exhaustion

 "But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD,..."- Micah 3:8. Micah was addressing being empowered for a specific task in this verse, but being under the influence of the holy spirit revitalizes physical, mental and spiritual power. 

2. It Promotes Motivation

When we are subjected to the spirit of God we feel a robust energy to take on whatever obstacle or duty that is at hand. Continually being empowered by a life giving word whether written or spoken elicits a motivation in our spirit that can't be contained. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." - Phillipians 4:13

3. It Helps Eliminate Frustration, Cynicism and Other Negative Emotions
Living in divine purpose and feeling the of empowerment to achieve your calling backed by the holy spirit completely terminates any feeling that what you’re doing doesn't matter that much or your effort is useless. it decreases the need for pessimism. Everybody does experience negative emotions from time to time, but feelings of frustration and cynicism in a spirit-filled life are very few and narrowly in-between.

4. It Stabilizes Focus

Weariness interferes with our ability to concentrate on menial tasks, but understanding the source of peace and revitalization of our spirit makes our focus in pursuit of it inevitable. When we are tired and worn we naturally cry out, we want to specify and directly make our petitions heard. When we Focus in worship, or meditation it's often the holy spirit that helps us communicate and gain results. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." -Roman 8: 26-30

5. It Enhances Job Performance.

When we are motivated to do a job, free from exhaustion and the task has a sense of intrinsic value to us, we do it with ease. Our passion is in our purpose when we love it, we will do anything for it. We are happy to build the skill it takes to excel in that area. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28

6. It Decreases interpersonal problems at home and work.

The joy of the spirit as well as understanding how purpose works decreases conflicts with other people it helps to highlight other peoples talents, roles, and specific value. The spirit helps us make a better connection with others. Through purpose we see the resource and value of relationships, we're more inclined to hear what others have to say. The holy spirit increases unity.

7. It Increases ability to make healthy choices.

If we want to live to see the vision, and our goals come to pass we understand the importance of maintaining healthy  productive habits for our mind, body, and spirit to promote vital longevity. The holy spirit also gives discernment in certain situations. "for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say."-Luke 12:12

8. It Improves Life/Work balance.

Recovering from the stress of work is easy because generally stress is less severe when you're doing what you love. It is important to stop when the actual "career" task stops and take time to celebrate with family and bask in the the beauty of life. If you just can't beat stress and worry see (every other number on this list).

9. It Generally Increases Satisfaction.

Having a good work and life balance means knowing the importance of good time management.   Purpose and time go hand in hand. understanding purpose is making the best of your time to fulfill it. Time is valuable, however fulfilling purpose is for any given day or even second.  The spirit puts our time in sync with God's time and produces an overall happiness in our lives. 

The fulfillment of the spirit overpowers the happiness of any other love or material wealth. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," -Romans 14:17

10. It Has Health Benefits

"a sense of enthusiasm, of hopefulness, of engagement in life, and the ability to face life’s stresses with emotional balance—appears to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The protective effect was distinct and measurable, even when taking into account such wholesome behaviors as not smoking and regular exercise."  -according to one study quoted in a Harvard Medical Journal The root of hopefulness, engagement, and enthusiasm can be traced from joy, which the holy spirit provides in abundance. 

As I mentioned at the beginning continually being empowered by a life giving word enlivens the holy spirit and the healing restoration it provides. 

"My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. -Proverbs 4:20-22"
So skip the the energy drinks and try the "wings" of  the Holy Spirit's on for flight! Go win, and make today awesome on purpose!

Resources: Bible Study ToolsGlobal Christians


How To Find The Good Place You're Looking For

There's a place of peace that can be obtained and maintained. Don't believe anything different.

As believers, we have an obligation to stay in safety. If we leave out of The Lord's safety because of sin. It's on us.

We're instructed to abide in The Most High:

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." - John 15:4

If we're not abiding then we're putting ourselves in danger. 

 "He that digs pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaks an hedge, a serpent shall bite him." - Ecclesiastes 10:8

A hedge is a covering of protection, and we know the wages of sin is death. When we sin and break away from The Most High's commandments we're only digging our own grave.

It's best to cut off and kill sin, before sin kills us. 

 "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:" - Colossians 3: 5-6

If we're in any type of evil or sin, we can't dwell or Abide with The Most High:

"For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee." - Psalm 5:4

If we do well, flee from sin and seek The Most High's will instead we will be in a good place. That good place is obtaining mercy from The Lord. It's standing in favor and righteousness. The good place is the place to abide.


Who Is The Secret Of The Lord With? | Psalm 25:14

"The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant."

- Psalm 25:14


Praise The Most High | Psalm 66:17

I will Bless The Lord! His Praise will continually be in my mouth!!!!

GOD Says Be Ingenuous


If you really didn't know what Ingenuous meant prior to reading this, you're in good company because I didn't either until hearing it after a tear-soaked face, melted heart experience.

These are the moments in praise of knowing GOD is so good it's beyond words, it overpowers you . . . you're humbled.

Been there?

We may fall short often, but:

"Father, Forgive me my sins" according to Luke 11:4 is a power prayer we're instructed to pray.

GOD, our Father knows us by a name: 


You're a child of GOD!

We are children of GOD!

The Most High calls for His children to worship Him in spirit and in truth. 

To be ingenuous means to be childlike.

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:4

Today, repent, ask for forgiveness, and start over fresh!

Note: Abba is Father to Ingenuous people!


GOD Delights In You

You will be fed 🌿

As believers, we have spiritual food. 

GOD's word gives us vitality. 

The Word says obeying GOD literally gives "life to our bones and health to our body"*

The food we get isn’t just talking about natural food, it's talking about GOD being the Provider of everything we need.

Our Heavenly Father waters us. We are the planted and the "branches" of The Lord. By streams of still, but living waters we get the peace and energy we need for divine productivity.

We've heard "delight yourself in The Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart."

We should also note: our praise and obedience to The Most High is a delight to Him✨️

As royal priests, when we bring our praise and worship before GOD we become fruitful and fed, then it spreads:

". . . And all nations will call you blessed: for you will be a delightsome land, says The Lord of hosts."


Has GOD ever opened your eyes?

Has GOD ever opened your eyes?

Maybe you wanted to get something accomplished, were trying to get to a destination, or leave a destination. Sometimes we can just find ourselves in a hard place and it’s like in that time all we can see is what we can't do and what we don't have. . . so much so, that it's like we're blind to what we do have.

Have you ever realized the solution was right in front of you but it wasn’t until you consulted with GOD that you could see it?

That feeling is like: “wow! how did I miss that?

GOD has a way of opening blind eyes, as well as distracted and desolate eyes. It's what he did for Hagar in the wilderness and Jacob as well.

Hagar said: "you're the GOD who sees me and it was GOD that caused her eyes to be opened up and see that she had provision right in front of her:

“Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the boy a drink.” - Genesis 21:19

if you tired of searching and not seeing, look no further, your provision is in The Lord!

Similarly with Jacob, Peniel, The place where he saw GOD face to face is apart of Gilead.

Gilead is said to be where balms of healing are.

We know who the balm of healing is. . . where our healing flows from as GOD's children. Sometimes it just takes an encounter with Jehovah Jireh!