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Showing posts with label Guest Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guest Posts. Show all posts


Becoming Rooted In Faith

What are you trusting in today? Is it in luxuries of this world? Perhaps the better question is, who are you trusting in?  Who you believe in is the foundation which our lives are built upon.

That is a rather major claim, right? As it should be! Jeremiah 17:7-8 explains to us that the man (or woman) who trusts in the Lord is like a tree. He does not just trusts the Lord on the surface, but it is a deep commitment and foundational piece to this trust. The trust is deep to his core. The verses go on to explain how the trust is like a tree. This tree is big and strong, clearly because it has good roots grounded in the streams. It is always being watered and nourished with goodness. So when the heat (or rough times) come along, the tree isn't worried because the roots are still strong.

This can be likened back to our relationship with the Lord. Those who trust in the Lord are like that tree. They are not swayed by life's storms. The person who trusts fully in the Lord can live out their truth and bear their fruit year round. The fruit is the witness that the truth is within you and your foundation is a good one.

Because of Christ and our trust in Him, we no longer have to hide in the shadows of life. We can be fruit bearers and stand tall like trees of righteousness. Trusting in the Lord is the firm foundation of living out who we were created to be.


A Crusade for Healing


Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is.

Louise L. Hay

Is healing necessary? Of course, it is. Why? Because people are hurt – partly through dashed hopes, partly through their own misdeeds and partly through hurts inflicted on them by others. They weep, but we see no tears. Their hearts bleed, but we see no blood. Living routine lives, they try to numb their pain through distractions – pleasure, excitement, adventure and the pursuit of artificial happiness. Such happiness wears off and the pain returns, because it lingers until the hurts are healed; until some of us take one small step in the direction of the one who is in pain.

      Why should we get involved? It is not our business. Perhaps we will get the brush-off, if we try. Perhaps the person who is hurt does not want to be healed. These are thoughts that assail our purpose and intent. They hold us back. Despite these negative thoughts we need to try. Why? Because we need healing as much as others do. We yearn to be healed with balm that does not dull the pain, but rids us of it. Others long for the same healing.

      What is healing? It is an intangible transformation that comes from:
1) Acknowledging our weaknesses, and those of others;
2) Putting right what was wrong through understanding and acceptance;
3) Forgiving ourselves and others, and not bearing grudges;
4) Ultimately, turning to God for solace and surrendering our pain to Him. And, praying for those who need healing. Then we gain peace; sometimes others do.

      The dimensions of the healing process seem daunting. However, we must take that small first step if we are to achieve the objective in some small way. We should try, even if we fail occasionally.

      The problem is compounded by the fear of being transparent. The art of candid conversation has given way to hours before the TV. Genuine friendship is seldom found because we live behind high walls that we refuse to tear down. Insulated from others we live in fear and insecurity, not wanting to drop our guard. There is no handholding, only clenched fists that will not open.

      How do we unclench such fists? How do we commence the healing process? By being there; by conveying oneness with the one in pain:
1) By not preaching, but being an example of surrendering ourselves to God;
2) By not comparing one with another, but by treating each as a unique person;
3) By not accusing or adopting a superior posture, but by assuming the stance of the person in pain;
4) By empathizing, not sympathizing;
5) By listening; listening with head and heart; listening to the feelings couched in words;
6) Preach always. If necessary use words. Saint Francis of Assisi. By speaking in their idiom, when necessary, without offering solutions, but gently urging them to think of likely solutions that suit their situation. In their state of mind, anything imposed will be rejected. Only what they find logical will be acceptable to them.

      The examples of Jesus and The Buddha come to mind. Zacchaeus, the Chief Tax Collector, was a defrauder. Jesus does not accuse him or preach to him. He does not even remotely refer to his sinful past. He waits for Zacchaeus to speak. The moral uprightness of Jesus silently prods the tax collector. He apologizes and promises to make good to those he defrauded. He repents and is healed.

      Kisa Gotami was the wife of a rich merchant. She had a handsome little boy whom she loved dearly. One day the boy fell ill and died. Inconsolable, the mother walked the village, her dead son in her arms, begging people to help her. Some suggested that she meet The Buddha, who listened to her patiently. Knowing that reason or suggestions would not work, he begged her to fetch a mustard seed from any house that had not known death. The anxious woman went from door to door. Not one house could help her, because each had faced death at sometime. After much searching and some reflection the woman returned to The Buddha. He did not have to explain anything to her; she had found her answer and was healed.

      Like Jesus and The Buddha, we can attempt healing without assuming a superior posture. We have to extend a hand, even if that hand is not taken. We have to reach out even if the reaching out is rejected. We have to take the initiative, like Jesus, not waiting for the person in pain to approach us. When that happens the healing process would have begun.

      We shall not call this process a movement or campaign, but a crusade, because a crusade symbolizes not just a commitment to a cause, but zeal, a passion, a fire that will not be extinguished, but will burn the healer without consuming her or him. Drawing strength from God, the prime healer, we shall embark on this crusade, not worried about results, but concerned only over the act of reaching out; taking one small step at a time.

      We can achieve little or nothing on our own. We need help, God’s help. And the best way to seek help for the healing-crusade is through prayer. Helen Steiner Rice aptly phrases the wonder prayer works: Little prayers for special things fly heavenward on angels’ wings, and there is not one thought or word that goes unanswered or unheard.

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Lets Get It Done

Let's Get It Done!!
Its time to get up! Strengthen your self! Brush the dust off your dream, focus and get things done. Do you have a passion and a dream throbbing in the recess of your soul that you can't seem to shake, but don't know how to birth? Well then, this message is for you. It's one thing for you to settle for a while , stick your dream on a shelf, as you get yourself together so you can prepare to passionately go after it. It's however, a totally different thing for you to kill your dream because you have reasons that make you believe your dream is too lofty for you to go after and is impossible for you to successfully accomplish.

We all have what we call legitimate reasons why we think we cannot pursue our passion and dream. Think being the operating word. I however have great news for you! It's not too late for you to go after your passion. I know you may have tried many times and failed, I also know that deep within you, your dream still lives, no matter how hard you try to kill it. 

Understand that your dream gives you reason to come alive and empowers your capacity to produce with joy and enthusiasm. Your dream drives your passion and brings you satisfaction. It enables you to come alive and live with excitement. Without a dream you and those around you perish because the capacity to see is diminished, therefore hope is curtailed. Your dream is also your vision, so it allows you to forecast and live for larger things rather than just bread and butter. It's your dream once set in motion and moving that brings your self worth to new levels, and cause your confidence to grow because you were fashioned, equipped, gifted, prepared and brought into this earth for the birthing of your dream, so it can impact this earth. Dreams have produced heroes in very unlikely places who endued great odds with tenacity and zeal because their dream was louder than the obstacles they faced, in fact the obstacles themselves were the very reason for birthing the dream 

I ask you again, do you have a dream? Is your passion aligned with your dream or have you ceased to dream because you are scared to live or to fail? 

I know what it feels like to know your purpose, have a deep seated passion and lofty dream that you think you can not actualize. I also know the painful frustration of avoiding to pursue your dreams in the name of what ever obstacle you think stands as a mountain between you and your dream. But I know the joy and satisfaction that comes from surrendering your self to your passion and pursuing your dream. It's life altering and exhilarating. It centers you and brings you balance and gives you reason to become. Let Voice Of Wisdom Transformational Coaching come along side you and walk with you to your dream with passion. It's a new day and new season, Lets get it done, because you can.

Coming soon!!!! "Let's Get It Done" Conferences! If you have a dream be on the look out!!!!!!

--Coach Jennifer


BOLDTestimony: Shaun Marq Anderson

"*Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. * As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." - James 5: 10-11

Shaun Marq Anderson who was once a troubled teen is now a respected Life Coach pursuing his Masters degree. Shaun boldly turned his tragedy into a triumph. In his own words Shaun shares how he went from being heavily stressed to strategically blessed with a few tips he picked up along the way.

From Janitor to Ph.D.: Tips for Turning Your Tragedy Into Triumph

This life can be marred with tragedies, regrets, and setbacks. Moreover, these obstacles can leave a person searching, hoping, and pleading for a break. But what if you can turn your tragedy into triumph, your pain into peace, and your setback into a setup for greatness? Take it from me, I have ridden the roller-coaster of life and I have decided to use my mistakes as a launching pad!
Years ago, one could have considered me as the stereotypical urban youth that gets plastered on mainstream media day-in and day-out: black, fatherless home, born into poverty, with no hope for the future. As a teen I began acting out, rebelling if you will, because of my familial and environmental circumstances. I could have gone down that familiar path of prison or death, but unbeknownst to me, there was a destiny for my life, a plan for a bright future that was in the works!

At 19 years old, I was a struggling college student looking to better my life. I needed a way to pay for my studies so I accepted a full-time janitor position at a local junior high school. As a result, I was a full-time student by day and a janitor by night: all in an effort to pay for my degree. Moreover, if anyone would have told me that between the ages of 19 and 30 that I would have completed my bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, worked a “good job”, fired from that “good job”, become homeless, penniless, car-less, rejected by friends/family, abandoned, depressed, become a motivational speaker, published a book, and currently pursuing a Ph.D., then I would have told you that you were crazy!
Although these times were very rough, it was a journey that I endured! Likewise, you must learn to endure your life’s struggles! Therefore, here is a list of things that must be done in order to turn your tragedy into triumph:
  • There is always a light at the end of the tunnel – Yes, there is always a light, but you must sometimes remove your shades in order to see it. You see, when we constantly observe our problems, harping over them each and every day, you will never see yourself out of that particular problem! You must continue speaking positively because it will certainly propel you to a positive outcome! You will never reach the light with negativity leading the way!
  • Value your small beginnings – Many people want greatness so badly that they try to achieve it quickly without a strategy. But let’s observe the farmer’s life! A farmer wakes up very early in the morning, digs the ground, plants the seed, and nurtures the seed every day from a sprout until it reaches its full potential! If the farmer didn't work the small beginning with consistency, he would have never seen the seed reach its full bloom! Yes there were days that the farmer didn't get up and yes there were days that he had to fight off weeds, birds, and other vermin, but he endured and the seed did as well! Work your small beginning consistently and it will pay off!

  • Don’t let your past issues determine your destiny – As a youth, I was angry, upset, always lashing out, etc. because I was a scared kid missing a father! But my issues as a teen didn't stop me from seeing myself as a king, as a leader, as an intellectual, and as a mentor for the young black minds in this world! My past issues did not stop me from pursuing greatness!! Moreover, you must determine whether your past life will help or hinder your destiny! Will you use your past issues as a launching pad or as quick sand? Only you can determine this! But I believe in you and I believe you want better! Right?
  • Follow your dreams despite what others say – During my journey “From Janitor to Ph.D.”, there were many people who tried to discourage me with their negative words. But despite their ignorance, I remained steadfast in pursuing my dreams. Often times we try to get people to understand the vision for our life. But here is the secret: Other people were never supposed to understand the vision for your life! So stop trying to seek their approval for your dreams! Go forth with your life without fear, without hesitation, and without negativity!
I hope these tidbits have helped you in any way. My journey has eradicated the myth of fatherless black boys who grow up to be delinquents! Remember, the race is never given to the strong or the swift, but to those that endure! You can do this! Now go forth and pursue your destiny!

*post originally published by Shaun King on Black Life Coaches.


Coach Jennifer: "It's Not Personal"

Trying circumstances happen to everyone regardless of who we are. What we personally believe and how  our thought process works determine how we we react to those circumstances and the overall flow of our daily lives. In this Lesson "It's Not Personal" Coach Jennifer instructs how we can strategically work with, go around , or leap over obstacles; Also, how we can use revelation and right thinking to move toward authentic success and be fulfilled in our specific purpose.

Psalms 18: 28-31
The war is impersonal. Obstruction is not personal. Leap over it, go round it or go through it. God is not interested in people that put their hand to the plow and then look back to the side. When people betray you, you don't have the power to bring them back, but you have the power to move on with your life. Betrayal, death, riches, wealth, all were here before we got here. Stop treating life as though as though its after you.
Key Points:
Depend on the revelation of the word of God and what your true self believes.
you, your mind, and your belief system and what you're trusting God for should should line up. there has to be synchronicity.
Right thinking is thinking which is based on truth and not illusion. It is the foundation which determines the solidity of all other thinking.
  • positive thinking and negative thinking are both filtered through our belief systems.
  • truth does not care what your belief system is. the world operates on principles and laws. it doesn't matter if you're a Christian or a non-christian the principles and laws are the same.
  • God put the law of gravity in place.
  • Your decisions and choices have consequences.
  • Right thinking comes from being aware of the truth or reality of a situation.
  • God's blessing is already declared its up to you what kind of vessel you come with to life. (ex: spoon, bowl, bucket etc.)
  • No amount of inspiration. motivation will solve your problems if you keep looking outside of you for solutions. the first place to start and succeed is to shut everything off and focus inward.
  • God is (inside) of you.
  • hypocrisy doesn't work authenticity does.
  • your mind attracts whatever is familiar to itself.
  • God knows ALL, our job is to learn to listen. (As for God... Psalms 18:30)
  • His way brings truth to the circumstance.
  • God speaks through revelation. light and understanding.
  • the word that causes light is revelation
  • to the extent your revelation goes is to the extent that your life and understanding go.
  • transformation is dependent on revelation
  • the word of God comes in three forms: revelation, spoken word, and commandments of the Lord. commandments are written.
  • what transforms us is revelation... "you can never not know what you know."






Did you know

That when you say I love you it’s a blatant lie
Did you know
That when you caress my face it blackens my eye
Did you know
That when you call me beautiful you hide my disgraceful face
Did you know
That when we are embraced your thrust overcomes my soul with pain
Did you know
That when I smile it’s only to keep my saviors away
Did you know
That when we are laughing I would rather be dead
Did you know
That when you’re with friends I know someone else is in your bed
Did you know
That when I say I’m just tired I’m screaming inside
And after all your love I just want have peace and die…

This is what I know
I know
That you’re pitiful existence is no fault of mine
I know
That I don’t need you I have God
I know
That no other woman will have a heart for you like me
I know
That I have every right to be happy
I know
That my body and spirit will heal
I know
That my pain was very real
I know
That you no longer have any power
I know
That those begging tears are from a coward
I know
That it is time for me to be free
That’s right my love I’m leaving
Didn’t you know? 


Overcoming Habitual Fear

Fear is a habit we have been conditioned to, since we were children. We have been taught that fear is necessary to keep us safe and motivated to move forward. It is however a poor substitute for knowledge, intuition and inspiration.

Since it is a learned condition that grows into a habit, this knowledge alone is enough to help us create a new normal that is fear-less. Fear is nothing but superstition, It is False Evidence Appearing Real. 

There is nothing more powerful than a fear-less life. once you have lived it, you will find it difficult to go back to the prison of fear. Develop the habit of being fear-less. Fear not, Christ has overcome the world.

More information from Voice Of Wisdom Transformational Coaching can be found here:



On Wednesday April 10th  at 1:30 pm Nicole Baptist will debut her first documentary Trapped By My Own Tears. The confessional style documentary details Nicole Baptist's  journey through an  abusive relationship over the course of several years and her new start as a survivor. The documentary will be featured on the following websites Breath of Life Daily, Ms. Nix In The Mix, and Peace Be Still Massage and Wellness on Nicole's birthday as she celebrates her spiritual rebirth from her journey. The documentary was filmed by Nicole Baptist and directed, edited, and written by C.B. Fletcher.  I had the pleasure of interviewing Nicole before the debut and she happily explained her reasons why revealing this part of her painful past has been therapeutic and is a beacon of hope for other victims and survivors.

Carmen: How do you feel now that you have publicly opened up about your abusive past?
Nicole: Honestly, I am very grateful to have been given an opportunity to share what happened to me. There are so many women who suffer in silence, they are scared to tell people the truth about what goes on behind closed doors – even though their body may show obvious signs of physical abuse; the way they carry themselves cannot mask the pain of the emotional and mental erosion from day to day attacks from their abuser. I survived but there are many women who are in jail or the grave because they were unable to find the strength to make the changes needed to escape the cycle of abuse in their life.
Carmen: Do you regret going through the experience of an abusive relationship or talking about it?
Nicole: While I do have some regrets – the time lost with my family and friends, the years I spent allow me to be mentally, physically and emotionally broken, the lack of self-love and self-worth which aided me in staying stuck in a continuous cycle of destructive behavior in my destructive lifestyle. However, I learned a lot of lessons –about myself and about my partner. I know, going forward, to listen to what a potential mate says and watch their actions. I will never again disregard one of God’s most beautiful gifts to women –our intuition, this natural, hard-wired present from the Father provides instinctive warning signs of danger and I will always pay attention to my inner voice.
Carmen: What was biggest hesitation, if any, in doing this?
Nicole: The impact this revelation would have on my sons. I did not mention some specific information for their protection. My sons are my world and I do not want society to ostracize them in anyway because of my experiences. They are young and have gone through enough. When I spoke to my oldest son, he told me he was proud of me and I need to tell my story. He said, “Mom, you might save the life of another woman. No one should have to go through what you have been through other women need to know how to survive. You’re a survivor mom.” I struggled with my decision but his words made me push forward with exposing my story.
Carmen: Have there been any further aspirations now that you have talked about your abuse, like counseling others or becoming an inspirational speaker?
Nicole: All my life I have been counseling others – family, friends, associates, and people that I meet during my day-to-day activities. Initially, I used them to help me heal my own pain. I had to share some things I had gone through to allow them to see how to make changes in their lives, how to move forward and work through their own pain. I didn’t realize, at the time, my healing was also their strength, my pain gave them passion and drive to pick up the broken pieces of their own lives – the conversations were exchanges of encouragement and support for me and those who requested my advice.
Carmen: Do you have any fears about your life moving forward?
Nicole: No, at this point in my life I have taken a stance – I refuse to be a victim and allow myself to go through any abuse by anyone. I love myself enough to know I deserve better than to succumb to the destructive cycle of abuse ever again. Not only do I take this position with my current partner but with anyone. I love myself to guard my mind, body and soul from the harm any person wants to inflict on me and I do not and will not stand for any emotional, physical, mental, spiritual or financial abuse others my try to impose on me – my self-esteem and self-worth just will not allow it.

Carmen: Do you have any final statements  before your documentary debuts?
Nicole: When you see me understand you have seen a woman who was beaten down, literally and figuratively. I want to especially thank my friends ‘T’ and ‘KC’ who truly carried me through this and inspired me. When the closest people to me discovered the truth- you never said those irritatingly painful words, “Why don’t you just leave?” You understood the complexity of the situation, the emotions behind the my decision, the vulnerability, the weakness, the emptiness and how to transform all those negatives into the positives needed to make the choice to live instead of slowly dying. God brought you in when I needed you most and you both had the right ammunition. I will never forget you or what you did for me and how you stayed with me through it all.  God, thank you, for life – thank you for never turning your back on me and being there in many darkest hours. I am a survivor of abuse – I died, shedding the negativity and destructive behavior and now I am reborn and by the grace of God – I can now live.

Nicole Baptist has chosen not to be a victim and stands before God and the world as a stronger friend, mother, and survivor. 

Be sure to tune into Breath Of Life Daily on April 4th for the premier of 
Trapped By My Own Tears


Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,

"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."

My Kind Of Love- Emile Sande

There are times when we are so angry and bitter because we are alone. Alone in circumstance, alone in pain, alone in happiness, or alone in love. We feel so combated with ourselves because we want to achieve things alone through the trenches to reap the glory. Yet when the cameras stop flashing, the fame leeches let go, we are left alone...unless we have the love of God

When we don't get what we want in life or everything goes wrong, we curse God for everything he has not given us. Not even considering his protection, demon deflection, and blessings along the way. We would rather say we did it all, no figment God gave us anything.  

It is in those moments that God will finally make us 'sit down' and re-evaluate our lives; whether it is a Job like experience or not. Then we will finally understand his will, because his will, his guidance, his protection is love. 



Are God's Ways Strange?

“If God only used perfect people, nothing would ever get done.” -Rick Warren

History throws up many events where God’s ways seem strange. We find it difficult, with our finite intelligence, to comprehend the actions of Infinite wisdom. We are puzzled, but realize that the results of God’s actions are always better than expected. Let us sample a few of these events.

Moses was not articulate and lacked confidence; yet he was chosen to lead the Jews out of Egypt into the Promised Land. He found that the odds were stacked high against him, but persevered with God’s help. The tougher things got, the easier God made it for him. Moses accomplished his goal, not through his abilities, but obedience to God. By choosing Moses who was weak, God established His strong presence.

In Jonah, God chose to act through a reluctant prophet. He was ridden with fear and would not face the people of Nineveh to admonish them against their evil ways. So, he chose to run away from the mission God gave him. But God had different plans. He ordered a series of events that altered Jonah’s course. The ship Jonah was travelling in, was caught in a fierce storm. To save the ship, he was thrown aboard; to save him from the turbulent waters a fish swallowed him. After three days in the belly of the fish he was spat out on a beach. Now Jonah knew that he could not run away from God. He had to obey; which he did with amazing results. By picking Jonah for His mission, God showed that He could achieve His purpose even through a frightened and fleeing prophet.

Peter was headstrong, implusive and given to boastful expressions of loyalty. But when he faced the threat of torture and death, his bravado deserted him and he fled. The paradox in him stood exposed. Yet, God gave him the grace of repentance and ensured that his place as the first Apostle was unchanged. Why did God choose Peter, a man so full of contradictions, to lead the Church? The answer is the same – His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways.

Saul was an enemy of Christ. He was bent on punishing any Christian he could find, until he was struck down on his way to Damascus. Through a strange transformation Saul becomes Paul the Defender of the church. Paul is one more testimony to God’s strange ways.

Perhaps the strangest of all is the way God chose to treat His only son, Jesus.  As an infant He was hurried off to Egypt, a long distance away, with Mary and Joseph, to flee the slaying soldiers of Herod. God did not choose to eliminate the evil Herod. Instead He sent His Infant Son in haste to Egypt to be out of Herod’s reach.

In our lives we are set on a course, which we think is right for us. Then things happen. Hurdles one after another threaten progress and we slow down. There is no rational explanation. The logic is that God is sending us a message that we have chosen wrong – we need to make a course-correction. We stubbornly refuse. God is Infinitely patient and He waits. More problems come our way until beaten, exhausted and drained of confidence we give up. When gold is melted and rid of impurities it is ready for the goldsmith. When our pride and self-will are drained, God steps in to shape our lives. 

To let God transform us is not easy. It calls for surrender. It calls for trust. We must let God take control. Rick Warren had the right words to describe the state: “Surrender is not for cowards or doormats. It does not mean giving up rational thinking. Surrender is not repressing your personality. Surrender is best demonstrated in obedience. Another aspect of a fully surrendered life is trust.”

God's time span is infinity. So, He is not in a hurry, but is always on time. He will let us exhaust our defiant ways. When we are empty, He acts strangely to fill us with His Mercy. He will not leave us friendless. He will come, hands filled with gifts, and raise us out of our misery. His ways are us, but His love is constant.

Ignatius Fernandez blogs at The Child Father Of The Man

photo credits: chasing after Jesus, keep calm  o matic