I attended a "Christian Women In Media" networking event yesterday to spread the word about the Kingdomwood International Film Festival that I'm helping to produce. At the event I was sitting next to the moderator, so it was funny to see that during the "introduce yourself and what you do" period, the majority of the women who were there went on tangents about what divine coincidence it was that brought them to the meeting or gave testimonies about the why they were passionate to do what they do.
I laughed as the moderator tried to get them to be quick about their turn to introduce themselves, but after a while as the introductions continued in the same format of a longer "why" instead of a quick "what" and "who", I was inspired by it.
It was touching to see that the default mode for a room full of women who were believers was to explain the "why" behind what they did. I think knowing and understanding the "why" is the key to doing what we do with excellence and staying motivated to do it.
When it was my turn to go, although I said who I was and what I did very quickly, because of the moderator: what I would have loved to have said was: "I'm grateful because I believe that I'm a catalyst for GOD's voice, and a change agent and an agent & vessel of God's voice. So this is why I want to be involved with Kingdomwood, this is why I want to be involved with media and sharing my voice."
I think that would've been great for a "Christian Women In Media" event, but we're all catalysts of GOD's voice. I listened to the "Jesus and Jolloff" podcast for the first time and heard Yvonne Orji say her blessings are "not because she's so special, but because she's available." It's essential to make ourselves available to the will of GOD.
We are catalysts, we are agents, We are vessels of GOD and that's what this film festival brings about to me. It's why I believe in what I'm doing. It's why I'm happy about what I'm doing. Iyanla Vanzant shared a tweet that said:
"The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing."
Yes!! https://t.co/UxzZycWr6h— Breath Of Life Daily (@boldjournal) September 21, 2018
It's up to us to Boldly be a vessel for what GOD is doing in the earth. Orji also says in the podcast" Somebody is waiting for your supply, that they didn't even know they needed."