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Showing posts with label Elevation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elevation. Show all posts


Lean Into Your Elevation

Listen to the Audio here below:

This morning I shared some thoughts with the BOLD Prayer community about toxic relationships, how Jesus actually dealt with them according to the bible. 

Ultimately, we all relate to other people based on the love level we have within ourselves. How our love tank is filled is based on our relationship, consecration, and submission to our creator through Jesus Christ. If know toxicity, then we will relate toxically. If we know love, then we'll relate to love.

Lean into the love today. Lean into the love and Only into the love in life. Scripture says GOD loves us so much that he sent His only beloved son to lay down his life for us. That sacrifice is an ultimate profession of love. When we take the time, make the sacrifice of time to lean into and prioritize this love in our lives, we're elevated. 

So lean into your ascension. Lean into that loving relationship that feeds you the most, the one with the Holy Spirit that provides the most comfort.

When we consecrate, we elevate, when we are elevated we manifest differently. We manifest from a place of elevation, not worry. Sometimes we're so stressed we find ourselves getting into those mundane situations, habits, relationships and accepting less than our Creator's best for our lives.

Manifestation is the fruit of our relationship with our Creator. Lean into consecration, and the divine, vital connection.
It will shift you, but open up to the possibility of it uplifting you. Change may hurt only because it's uncomfortable, it's unfamiliar. But our consecration is for the greatest good. Flow with the change and transformation Jesus died and arose to produce in you. When you do you'll find yourself living better, producing better, and functioning better.

Cheers to an elevated, fruitful life!
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me at


Mastering Self Control: Emotions vs Feelings



        Realizing the difference between our emotions and our feelings is a concept that is important for us to learn if we desire to master true self-control. It is necessary that we maintain constant awareness of our bodies and our environment, as those are the two main sources that ignite triggers in our brain causing our emotions to activate. Once we become aware or conscious of what is taking place in our bodies, we then create a feeling as a reaction to that emotion. For example, when some people have to  speak in front of a crowd; their palms may get sweaty, mouth may get dry, and they become nervous.  Well, these are the natural emotions that are particular to their specific nature. What that person does in response to those different emotions, makes up the way they feel. As an example, a feeling to these emotions may develop as inadequacy, causing the person to completely abandon their public speaking  event and withdraw from their audience.

       It is important for us to not automatically react to the developments of our emotions. What we should do is take note of what is happening to cause a specific emotion to arise, and acknowledge what type of feelings we possess toward our emotion. If the feeling you get from an emotion is positive take a moment to embrace the feeling. What aspects of that feeling do you enjoy the most?  What are you seeing at the present moment? What are you hearing? Is there any noticeable sent in the environment? If you really have a chance to take in the moment, think about some activities you can partake in to recreate this experience on a regular basis.
      If you notice the feeling that develop in response to a particular emotion is negative, find some positive affirmations you can recite to ease the tension in your body. Some examples of positive affirmations are "I believe I have the power to face anything that comes my way'', or "Even if this does not workout, I know this specific event does not determine the outcome of the next,"  or If nobody else believes in what I do, I believe in it-and that enough for me". Another way to counter the effects of negative feelings is to develop coping skills. When an emotion arises that leads us to have overwhelming feelings of negativity or anxiety, we can use coping skills to bring us back to a normative state of mind. Some examples of coping skills include singing a favorite song, writing in your journal, or even crying. Sometimes we have to give ourselves the permission to cry since some people view crying as a weakness. But truthfully, crying allows us to get over some emotions that otherwise we would hold on to.

      Getting a grip on controlling or feelings by understanding our emotions gives us the foundation for self-control. Understanding these principles and concepts not only allow us to identify our triggers, but allow us to control our actions that allow us to fulfill our purpose. Being able to control our feelings to particular emotions allow us to maintain control of atmosphere. We decide what is acceptable and unacceptable. We control our mind and our behaviors. With self-control comes consistency, decisiveness, and the development to dedication which are all needed to sustain a successful lifestyle.

Carla Marcelle, is a Transformation Purpose Coach and founder of she's 31 Ministries which is dedicated to the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the edification, enlightenment, education of the principles to maintain a successful lifestyle based on the foundation of God .{Join the She's31 group on Facebook}