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Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts


New Group Devotional: GOD's Grace By Tony Evans

For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: 
it is the gift of God: Not of works, so no man should boast. - Ephesians 2:8

I love how GOD is Amazing! I was trying to find a good devotional plan to read next on YouVersion. Grace is something that's really been in my spirit lately, so I wanted to read something concerning it. 

The few plans that I initially found I really wasn't vibing with. I know I like Priscilla Shirer's rhetoric, so to find something in YouVersion about grace written by her would have been awesome. I didn't see that combination in YouVersion. Instead of continually searching in the wind I prayed for GOD to lead me to the right one. 

Immediately after praying about it, when I went to look again one of the first devotional's I saw was "GOD's Grace" by Tony Evans.

I was so happy to find it! My face lit up. If you don't know, Tony Evans is Priscilla Shirer's daddy. Yep, Priscilla Shirer is Tony Evan's seed. I can imagine that fact influences what she knows of the word, So when I found the simple. straight to the point title that has the exact name I wanted to read about, it was beyond a blessing, serendipity even. I'm super excited to get started with it.

Like the last devotional I did to get the 2020 Easter Badge. I've opened it up as a group devotional. Yep, you can join in on the reading and the convo.

Special thanks to everyone that joined the last one it was great fellowship, insight and a fun way to stay on track. Looking forward to seeing you there.

What are some good devotionals that you've found to read on YouVersion? Shoot me your reccomendations in the comments section below, and continue the convo with Breath Of Life Daily on all social media platforms @BOLDJournal

How Decisions Can Cut Through Depression

Image may contain: coffee cup and drink

When we intentionally don't function how we were created to, it's easy to feel unworthy of God's love, but grace is God showing us love even when we make whack decisions. wisdom is making the best decisions to begin with.

It's essential to behave like the "well-oiled" machines we are. . .aiming to infuse the anointing of purpose with faith, but if you miss the mark, don't break down.

We suffer the consequences of our bad decisions, and sometimes others are affected by them. It's important to seek the best way to fix our mistakes, and not condemn ourselves too harshly in the process.

Grace is God showing us favor beyond our control, or our thoughts. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 21:11 Yes, we suffer the consequences of the wrong decisions we make, but we're still loved with a love unparalleled. God is not like man, God does not think like us. 

It's up to us to come in line with the mind of God. Wisdom is made to cut out suffering. We should lead with that. Obedience to wisdom from the start, is better than the sacrifice it takes trying to fix what we did wrong later.

Our ability to decide wisely is greater than wealth, because it's the determination of it. 

Being "healthy" and "wealthy" usually tend to follow wise. That's why in the Bible, Solomon wanted wisdom over anything else. "Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor." - Proverbs 3:16 Wisdom won't let you stay depressed for long. Wisdom is the best confidante to find consult and consolation with. Strength, courage, and wisdom. . . grace, faith and favor all make it very hard to stay discouraged, so be encouraged!

~ Breath Of Life Daily


Created to praise God - Inspiration 3/4/17

Have you ever asked yourself questions like: What were you created for? Why are you here? and What are you doing?
Everything we do should be for the glory of God. Ultimately, we were created to praise God and progress in excellence.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. - Phillipians 4:8
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7


Motivation: Just Be Confident!

by Ruthann Mckenzie

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” ― Albert Camus
My life is turning into a series of adventures. Trying to juggle multiple tasks and not lose my mind in the process has proven to me how ambitious I can be. Yet, as much as I keep stretching and coming out of my shell. With each new day and new opportunity I try to attain I'm realizing how much more important confidence is. I get so scared I'm going to mess everything up I fail to just live. At times confidence means just showing up and doing your absolute best. Forget the doubt and fear, forget the self sabotage and just do it!

I have not figured out the success of life, but I am on the road of self discovery with greater confidence.  When I decide to let go and just be confident, then I noticed how much my self defeated speech dwindles.  Note, it does not go away, but it does quiet down.  I have compiled a few lessons I have learned along the way. I will share what makes a confident individual from the lessons I have learned...

In doing much research on the topic of confidence, I have listened to countless sermons, speeches, reading books, articles, blogs, and spoke to others to get their take on what confidence means.  This blog has been a long time coming and for good reason.  I wanted to bring something different to the table with the explanation of why confidence is important.  

One of the meanings from the dictionary in for confidence is "full trust;belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of person or thing:" The word is derived from the word trust.  Do you have trust? Are you trusting the process? Better yet, are you trusting what God says about you? 
Today, I wanted to inspire you with a biblical perspective on confidence.  Confidence is simply trusting and confidence begins with a firm trust in God.  As scripture  points out, we are to be confident solely in Christ, not ourselves.  Without Him, there is no confidence to be gained in this world. When I do coaching sessions, these are the primary points that I teach. These have been topics I have taken much time researching and has helped those I coach and myself. I pray it will encourage you too as you gain greater confidence in Christ.

  • God loves you. This gives you the confidence to do new things. God loves you where you are in your life and that love will makes you want to transform for the better through Him.
  • Confidence refuses to live in fear. Confront fear and be willing to move against fear instead of waiting for the feeling to pass. Hebrew 10:39 states, "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith..." Do not let fear rule your life and shrink back, have faith and conquer fear.
  • Confident people have positive attitudes. Positivity is a choice. You are not protecting yourself by having a negative attitude. For example, you are not going to prevent the rain by having a poor attitude towards the rain. Instead, you can see the rain and dance in it knowing at the end you will receive a rainbow and the sun. You have the power through Christ to be happy. In Christ your attitude can change.
  • Confidence recovers from setback. Being wrong is not the end of the world, and that does not diminish confidence. No failure is permanent and each new day you can begin again if you have a dream or vision. Do not quit!
  • If you are lacking in confidence, check your level of faith.  Faith is trusting or confidence in the Lord to bring about that which has not happened yet. We have to have confidence in the Lord that He will bring to pass what He says He will do. Faith is a confident expectation of God's promises. Hebrew 11:1 states, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."(Assurance is another word for confidence).
  • Change your approach with confidence.  Real confidence is faith activated and trusting in the Lord.  As Proverbs 3:5 states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."  Keep in the forefront that this is not about you doing it alone, but trust in God.
  • Confidence looks forward. There is hope in this life through Christ and we are more than conquerors through Him. Maximize your strength within and keep moving ahead.
  • A confident person avoids comparison.  There is no need to want what others have as you have your own gifts and talents.  There is freedom in loving who you are and not comparing. Figure out with God what His will is in your life and work towards that. Be who God made you to be humbly and confidently. He made you unique!
  • A confident person takes action. Find the solutions and do not just complain. There is no living in "if only" and "what if".  Make sure what you feel in your heart is God. You do not have to wait for confirmation from anyone other than God for your dreams and visions.

Live today and JUST BE CONFIDENT!

Ruthann McKenzie is the creator of where she blogs and coaches others to be confident and live victoriously. Follow her updates on Facebook and Instagram:@theconfidentyou 


This Is Your Time!

By Ruthann Mckenzie

I love the story of Esther in the Bible. There is so much to be gained from this book of the Bible.  My favorite verse comes from Esther 4:14.  The part that stands out to me the most is, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

The phrase “for such a time as this” could be applied differently for each individual.  God wants to use you and the time of your calling may be different than the person next to you.  You may look at yourself as inadequate to be used by God.  You may feel like your past situations have disqualified you from God using you. However, when the time comes, when we are thrust into greatness like Esther, we can take courage that God can use us where we are.  We do not have to be higher educated, better dressed, or more qualified. When God wants to use you, He will use you so that all glory will be given to Him.

Esther, like so many of us, had her own baggage that she felt disqualified her to become queen.  She was an orphan, she was captive in a foreign country, she did not know if the king would actually choose her to be queen, and I doubt she truly wanted to be queen. Despite her circumstances, God still wanted to use Esther. But why? He could have picked anyone more willing, anyone more qualified, He could have chosen anyone else.  However, would it have made the same impact? The gifts and purpose God placed on Esther’s life was designed for that moment, which would impact the future. Trust that God created each of us with our different gifts and  purpose to be used to impact the future.

Esther’s natural response when being told by Mordecai that God placed her in the palace for such a time as this was to make excuses out of fear. It is natural to have that response and God knows this, but Esther surrendered her will to the Lord’s to be used. The fact that Esther surrendered and put her confidence in God that His will be done instead of her own is the best part of this story.  She was thrown into the situation, but she did not let that stop her from being used.

Perhaps you are here for such a time as this and you too have been thrown into a situation, whatever it may be.  That does not mean you cannot be used by the Lord. God wants to use you…yes, YOU!  Surrender fully to His will.  Allow His love to flood your life and you will see that through our weakness His strength can be made perfect. Be used by God, for this is the time.


Kid President's Address on New Life and Grace


While I was was scrolling through tumblr, I ran into a very touching Gif set from Kid President! (above) He was talking about forgiveness. Pretty powerful for a nine-year old. Forgiveness is important, if we don't let things go, we just hurt ourselves. If people hurt us or mess up, it's not about us, it's truly about them and where there mind is. 

 I ran into another post in my scroll that read: "often the people who are hardest to love are the ones that need it the most." this is most certainly true. It's up to us to be graceful to others, just as God has grace with us! It all works for the glory of the greater good. Thank God that Life is as good as we make it! S/O to kid Prez for addressing wisdom!

Kid President's Welcome Address to New Life (video):

-April D. Byrd is a Writer and the founder/EIC of Breath Of Life Daily.