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Inherited Grace

I was glad when they said unto me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”  Out of all the scriptures that I recall as a child, Psalms 122:1 is the verse I that has seared its way into my heart. 

Rising up early Sunday morning getting ready for church wasn’t always fun admittedly, however, because of the faithfulness of my grandmother, it was a “Must Do” in her home.  Yes, no matter what you did on Saturday, how late you finish whatever it was that you were doing, you were going to church on Sunday!

To be honest, I’m so very glad that this was an enforced practice! 

Older now, I can understand and appreciate what my grandmother was instilling into my brother, sister and I.  She held on to the promises of God and truly believed just what God said in His Word; “Train up a child in the way they should go……..” Proverbs 22:6…. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and the house” Acts 16:31.

Although my siblings and I may have gotten off course a time or two, because of grandma’s faithfulness and trust in the Lord and His Word, we found our way back into the fold. 

Many today, including myself, have love one’s who haven’t surrendered their lives over to the Lord.  Regardless of anyone approach in ministering, prayer or constant hope, those we have been believing for still haven’t accepted salvation, adamantly they refuse to accept such a wonderful gift. 

Although we may witness such rebellion and pride, let us still take hold of God’s promises.  God is faithful and His Mercies endure forever.  

“Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called: and whom He justified, them he also glorified.” Romans 8:30. 

May we all continue in the Faith as we patiently wait for Gods unmerited favor, long suffering and grace to appear to those we love and desire to receive Salvation!  Blessing to all and Always Stay Encouraged!  

Contributing Writer: Shira Garnett
                                  Spreading Inspiration, making hearts smile.

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