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BOLD Testimony: "I Had To Do Something" Shira Garnett

In the beginning of my faith walk, I struggled with many different issues that plagued my mind, regardless of how many attempts to try and block out my past, these issues would resurface and I knew they needed to be addressed.

Through all this, I continued to stand on God's Word for my life. I read the Bible often and soon realized that reading wasn't enough, I needed to apply the principles of God's Word, to my life.

I had to do something!

If I wanted to heal and recover, I had to reach deep down inside, surrender all the pain, resentment and confusion to God. It was no cake walk, let me tell you. However after time went by, I began to realize that the things that mattered so much to me, just wasn't important enough for me to continue to hold on to and allow them to dominate my life.

My healing had begun. Yes, I cried, kick and screamed through my process of healing, however, I still began to find solace in the fact that God could and would see me through.

God desires healing for all and God's healing is available to all. Perhaps today is a day that you've decided to surrender your will and allow God's healing, mercy and grace to come into your life.

Reach out to God, call on His name. He will deliver you. Blessing to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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