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Music Monday: "Testify"

CAUTION!: this hit is an awesome throwback! Today this song was inspired by the fact that I attended a Convocation service yesterday where Miss Peoples performed. She is still very lively with the spirit, funny too. Dottie Peoples is probably best known for her classic hit "He's An On Time God".

That song is a gospel staple, everyone sings all over the world. So true of the characteristics of God; being right on time just when we need him. It's appropriate that she sung that song at the convocation because the theme was "Set Time For God's Favor". Very powerful message! This year, this hour is definitely the time to move in God's favor.

 Although "On Time God" would have been an equally awesome hit to share, I came across another favorite of mine. It sums the nature and the purpose of this site up perfectly: "Testify"...Love It!

Me and Dottie P.
Seriously, everyday we live provides a testimony. Everyday we live, we learn! So be motivated to go out and give your testimony, but to gain many more as well.

Be Bold!

P.S. love the chorus: "For God I'll LIVE and for God I'll die..." Awesome!

Happy Monday!

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