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Kid President's Address on New Life and Grace


While I was was scrolling through tumblr, I ran into a very touching Gif set from Kid President! (above) He was talking about forgiveness. Pretty powerful for a nine-year old. Forgiveness is important, if we don't let things go, we just hurt ourselves. If people hurt us or mess up, it's not about us, it's truly about them and where there mind is. 

 I ran into another post in my scroll that read: "often the people who are hardest to love are the ones that need it the most." this is most certainly true. It's up to us to be graceful to others, just as God has grace with us! It all works for the glory of the greater good. Thank God that Life is as good as we make it! S/O to kid Prez for addressing wisdom!

Kid President's Welcome Address to New Life (video):

-April D. Byrd is a Writer and the founder/EIC of Breath Of Life Daily.

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