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May The Fourth Be With You | Divine Victory Is On Your Side

 May The Fourth has become known as "Star Wars Day" because the U.K. Conservative Party wanted to encourage someone named Maggie.

I love it because it's cute and I've inadvertently developed somewhat of an infatuation with Baby Yoda, because of his picture on a T-shirt that I saw, which was also an encouragement that read: "You're stronger than you think." Which also happened to be encouraging words from The Spirit prior to me seeing the shirt.

Anyhow,  since we're in the vein of encouragement, I think what people are really saying when they say "May The Fourth Be With You" is: "May victory be on your side."

The political party decided to reference the quote from Star Wars: "May The Force Be With You" in a clever, well timed way, because the declaration was for victory.

The pun was clever enough to stick and it's still trending years later. It was their way of saying congratulations. which absolutely and completely speaks of victory.

When I think of the deeper meaning. of may the force be with you I think of the most powerful force. What is the most powerful force to me? GOD is. So when I hear may the force be with you. I consider it to be: May GOD be with you. Like: "GOD speed."

Another good salutation comes to mind when I think of all this encouragement.  3 John 1:2

Listen to the full podcast episode here

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