Sometimes before we know it the business of our own life overtakes us. A good way to stay on track, remain focused and develop clarity in a cloudy world is to take the initiative back. To take initiative and responsibility for our lives, the standards and the way must be clear.
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Sing praises out loud, On Purpose. |
Yesterday when I saw this link "Seven Prayer Tips To Improve Your Prayer Life", I was inspired to make my own list. The confirmation, resources, and tools we need to prosper only come when we begin to engage the right life fully. Being righteous or living right is simply a way of doing something. There are many ways things can be done, but the ones we use determine whether or not we fail or succeed. Being blessed is not a right that's given, it's a way of life. We are covered by grace and shown love by favor, but being Blessed is a lifestyle and if we want that lifestyle we have to put in the effort to get it. Go for the blessing. Here are a few ways to start:
Live On Divine Purpose
First ackowledge that you have a divine purpose, then find suitable and agreeable principles that line up with it. A blessed life is a purposeful life. As humans we have an advanced capacity to be Be response-able, responding to life's conversation and the voice of our creator. Take responsibility because it encompasses all things. Every one of the other following ways to stay blessed are all based in taking responsibility in some form and engaging the purpose for your life. If the purpose you idealize is intentionally destructive, its not divine e.g. given from God. Livng on divine purpose is the only way to be truly authentic as an individual.
Make a schedule, Make a list, set aside time to work out, pray or whatever your goal is at the moment. make a workable plan and stick to it. Prioritize whats important to you and what you need to help accomplish this goal. ex: like staying fit, or studying for a test. Taking care of our body and our health mental and spiritual are all factors in living in our divine purpose. Dream big, but set goals to make those dreams a reality.
Develop Financial Discipline
Like many things money and finance is a system and it has its own principles, how we follow them can determine whether or not we drown in debt or become financially stable. Its important to be discplined, but especially with money. Having discipline in an area means being a good disciple over something, so just like we are disciples of Gods principles we should be disciples of good money principles. For the most part adhering to our divine purpose will directly impact how we spend our resources. Develop good money habits using the tools available, they are all around.
Keep In Touch
Conversating and communicating with God regurlarly is vitally important. Be open to the spirit, listen, communicate with God, the master that created you. Being open also means trust Hime and develop confidence in Him. Confidence only comes with a close relationship. Remember we are response-able. How WE respond makes all the difference in our environment and the results and feedback we get in our lives. Be flexible, don't assume you know God's next move. Keep in close touch at all times. Set time to keep in touch, make it a top priority, because yes your life does depend on it.
Praise Out Loud
Laughing out loud (lol) is the most universally known and most commonly used text acronym around, so why not use it's power? Since we laugh out loud with all the great benefits joy holds, how about making prayer and praise just the same.Words give life they are broadcast over atmospheres and platforms of all types. Verbalize your thoughts audibly. The business helps keep you alert. Also communicate with people, the solution comes when you express your thoughts out loud in the atmosphere its like an echo, you can hear yourself, so good reasoning can come with what you've heard. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Speaking life does amazing things. Living on purpose goes deep, it means every word you speak means something. Make the best use of your power and be productive with your words.
Write The Vision
I am very familiar with journaling, I've kept a journal since I was young. I've since put away the journal for a blog, but it's all relevant. Inspiration to write and record is cathartic and it also gives life to others. It's what scripture is built on, people being divinely inspired. If there is no one to talk to keeping a journal helps. It helped Tyler Perry who was inspired by Oprah to srart writing. Also making lists comes in here again. Planning and recording on paper helps materialize our thoughts. Write the vision make it plain, If you don't have a clear enough vision to write it, how will it ever come to pass? Work it out with faith and go forward.
Once you have a clear perspective its easier to put things in place and utilize the specific tools and resources you need for your purpose. Organizing is the process of making sense of things and putting them all together to work in your best interest. Contingencies do happen in life, but good management is a major way to keep accidents to a minimum.
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