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Stay Encouraged: The Vision Will Come To Pass

by: Ruthann Mckenzie

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 ESV

The reality is when you dream big it will not happen all over night. We all wish it would and that would be great in some instances. It would be great because we love instant gratification. Yet, what is truly best for us is to go through the process of working for the change we want. We will appreciate that labor of love far more than an instant five minute fame. 

We will have to wait for the vision to come to pass. The waiting process is not passive. Actually, the waiting process involves work too. So while we are working and waiting to see our big dreams come to pass, little do we know that our efforts and passion is paying off. 

When working to lose weight, I tried every quick fix I could. Yet, when I actually put in the hard work and stopped waiting for instant gratification, instead waiting to see big changes along with countless workout sessions and diet improvements, my weight decreased. Along with that, I made positive improvements that boosted my confidence more than a quick fix. The waiting and labor of love has made me appreciate this process and my improvements to my body. 

We appreciate more that which we work hard for. No, waiting is not easy. Nothing truly worth having is easy. Nonetheless, it will be worth it. Continue waiting for the vision and it will come to pass.

What dreams are you working and praying for to see come to pass? Do you have a strategy that's helped you before? Leave your thoughts about this post in the comments section below.

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