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How To Move Past Your Past

"We live as if the purpose of life is to arrive at death safely." "Freedom is the goal, not safety."  In her Moving Past Your Past series Christine Caine discusses that in life we have to take risks in order to move from where we are to where we want to be and receive God's best life for us. 

I was able to see her video series in it's entirety, which is Amazing! Life Today with James and Betty Robinson also shared an excerpt on their show. The episode featured a flashlight analogy that I knew I wanted to share. In this series, she shares brilliantly that it's never too late to turn our lives around for the better and not be hindered by the past.

It's up to us to understand that no matter what we've been through in life we have the ability to overcome and start over. Don't allow one season of your life to define your entire life. The same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you, and the same holy spirit empowers us to move beyond our past into the future and destiny that Jesus Christ has for us.

Refuse to Allow your past to Limit your future!!

Check out Christine's empowering message (below):

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