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The Truth Without Photoshop

Poetry by Janette...ikz

Another writer posted a question "who was my favorite poet?" Maya Angelou was the first to come to mind, but as I thought about it more another name popped up: Janette...ikz. I saw a powerful video by her on YouTube  some years back. 

I checked out the video again just to reminisce. I  wasn't intending on listening to the whole thing , but it was so attention grabbing it's kind of impossible not to.

The truth without Photoshop is much more than a poem, it's a ministry. A girl tells her story, and its power  packed with action! From sadness to salvation. In your face rhetoric that's undeniable.

Hope to see a lot more from this poet!! by the end of the video I was screaming with delight and at points I was in tears. Awesome Content! Very Inspirational! Way to Go Janette...Ikz!! continue to be an uplifting Witness!!

-April D. Byrd

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