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The Power Of Presence

Michelle Obama recently took a visit to South Africa and had her journey televised  via  BET Network. The First Lady made visits to historical sites throughout the country and met with the legendary Nelson Mandela. Throughout the Media coverage and the events that took place. It was Simply Obama's presence that made the greatest impact.  The journey was mostly an empowering one as Obama visited and motivated orphaned young children and held a forum with rising and influential  leaders. It is perhaps Her presence that inspired and motivated the most, who she is and all she has accomplished already speaks for itself. When we embody the excellence within ourselves and use it for the benefit of good, Our stature with or without international fame holds great value. We place our own selves in the position to make a difference. Just our presence has the power to influence somebody else and to change things. We Need to start living up to the standards of the greatness in us even in the communities that we are in, realizing that because we are alive and are created we have the power to make an impact.  In this Visit Michelle Obamas presence and adventures made a great impact, not only in Africa with all the participants and witnesses, but those of us who had the oppurtunity to view the event through television. Such a magnificent occasion has the power to change perceptions. When you meet with greatness, it brings out the greatness in you. But have you ever met with the greatness in you? We should Take it upon ourselves to embrace our presence and the glory inside of us and see how we can be elevated to the position of making a difference in the world without saying a word. We should'nt wait for a formal title like First Lady or President, but meet daily with the true presence of greatness in ourselves, so we can also use our light to make an impact. Witness The Greatness For Yourself!  BET will be reairing the special Tonight 11p.m.(Central).

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