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Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts


Winning Against All Odds

I took myself out to dinner Last nite, and posting pics of food in remembrance like I usually do. I started to feel like it was pointless... Eventually I started to think deeper. "Why enjoy the beauty of life and empowerment so much, if one day you’re eventually just gonna lose it?"  Life is a gift. Sometimes the energy it takes to appreciate it is rough, but winning is simply not giving up! No matter what you go through. Great activists like Martin Luther King Jr, and Jesus of Nazareth gave their lives in devotion to their mission. They had the audacity to stand up and be vocal about their truths and the need for change while they were  in environments that weren't conducive to it.

In today's society it's almost like America has went backward concerning good morals and values.You might be a loser, if you're not having sex before marriage. It's inhumane to question sexual preference, because its considered a civil issue. Foolishness and mockery is ok, in the name of entertainment, and being selfish, inconsiderate and unruly is like the new cool.

So who now takes the stand to be Christ-like and walk in love? Who will still stand courageously for justice and peace no matter the odds against them? Who strives to maintain good character in Every environment? Empowered people and those who enjoy the beauty of life, that's who! People who aren't fulfilled by material things or recreational drinking/substances, but are empowered by faith and their God given purpose.

So even though Christ and Dr. King gave their lives, their legacy lives on. They are among the most honored and celebrated names in the world. Basically, they made their lives count. 

Along with life being a gift in itself. God gifts us talents and expects them to go into use. If we have the ability, not living for our passion and honoring our talents will only make life for us irrelevant, then eventually more depressing. As the Author Marianne Williamson said: Who are you not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? A person who is simply wasting their time and gift, that's who!

Life is a gift! It appreciates in value with wisdom and faith. Always keep moving forward!

-April D. Byrd is a Writer, Creator and Founder of Breath Of Life Daily. The magazine can be found on Instagram and Twitter @BOLDJournal.


Life, Love, Faith, and Music with Leandria Johnson

Leandria shared real talk.
When Leandria Johnson is singing gospel it's coming from her soul. Her voice is clear, commanding and authoritative. When I first heard the song "Sooner or Later" I knew there was real talent with a powerful conviction of faith behind it. Then I heard "God Will Take Care Of You" and officially became a new fan. In a recent interview Leandria shared her thoughts and lessons on everything from Marriage, Family, Faith, Music, to Ministry and  Life. Hosted by Author Rhachelle Nicol, the session was empowering and full of straight talk from the Grammy Award winning singer. 

The Preacher's kid and Sunday Best Winner, grew up in the church, and the conversation of life definitely taught her some lessons along the way. Which is why I wanted to know one important question, When exactly did she find faith all for herself. The interview was candid and surprisingly refreshing.

BOLD Journal (#BOLDJournal) We start off with our parents making us go to church, and I know you're a Pastor's Daughter, so you were always in church, and we all have our own journey, but at what point did you find faith and God for yourself?

Leandria Johnson (@LeandriaJ):  Not too long ago, definitely after Sunday Best, is when I had to go to God for myself, because going through the ridicule nobody is in the fire but you, So I had to go to God for myself and when I went to him for myself, He began to talk to me and tell me certain things to do, I was obedient and then God came in and He made a way. So which drew me more to Him and away from what man had to say, or mans thoughts. So instead of going to my Pastor or Bishop all the time, or First Lady, or Mother of the church I went to my God! ...and He has said the right things at the right time, and then on top of that delivered me and delivered me from the snares of the enemy, so that's what pushed me to create a relationship with God, talking to him for myself.  

Leandria took a route we all sometimes find ourselves taking, which usually proves to be the best route, reaching out in prayer and calling God for ourselves. I personally can be a witness to that power that comes from reaching out for yourself, when it seems like no one else is around.

Special Thanks to Leandria Johnson for taking time to share her lessons, and Rhachelle Nicol for being a wonderful host. We all definitely at some point have to find faith for ourselves and study to show our own selves approved. The full interview and press conference can be found on sound-cloud soon.

More updates from Leandria can be found on her twitter @LeandriaJ and

Keep up with Rhachelle Nicol on Twitter and Instagram @RhachelleNicol 

-April D. Byrd



Motivation: Be Fierce

Maybe people don't like to hear that if you're called of God, you're going to be used anyway; whether you like it or not. Even though that is the case, there is a very real power in actively pursuing a purpose-driven life. Yes, God uses us, but the power of compliance makes life so much easier, and the power to act on one accord with the spirit is what makes life good.
"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began," (1 Timothy 1: 6-9) NKJV
Stirring up the gifts within us is an action we have the power to take, even though life and love are major forces out of our control. We have the ability to hone the power that's found in them. A good friend of mine over the weekend told me to be fierce. Fierce means to be a little aggressive, to be active in pursuit. It's kind of hard to ignore the love and influence of God on our hearts, but sometimes it's harder to make right decisions for our best interest. It's easier to gravitate towards the cheap and easy, but if we really ever wanna get serious things done, we have to have a serious faith. 

Being fierce involves risk taking and that's where trusting God comes in. Our power lies in the very essence of who we are: children of God.  There are very few cowardly lions, they know they have power and authority, knowing who created you and why you were created gives you just the same confidence. Be Bold, Be Fierce, Be Ferocious on purpose and actively pursue your dreams and vision. You can do it.

What dreams and visions do you have an "Eye" for? Share them in the comments section below.


The Best Things in Life are Free

The best things in life aren’t things.  -Art Buchwald

Some years ago, in Bhopal, India, poison gas leaked into the air through an industrial mishap. Disaster struck when people living in the vicinity of the factory inhaled those noxious fumes. Hundreds died and hundreds more were crippled for life. Even today memories of that dreadful day haunt those who survived, when Death came brandishing his blade, riding on the very air they breathed.

For most of us, what happened in Bhopal is a freak accident, not likely to happen to us. Although we pollute the air, we can breathe it, without the threat of disease or death, because gales of pure air drive out stagnant clouds of pollution. It is God’s way of continuing the free supply of air. And He levies no charges for His services.

Consider water. Could we live a normal day without it? Do we pay for it? Not really. The paltry sum we pay for the supply of water to our homes does not give us a true sense of its value, so much so we waste it. The abundance of water around us gives us the assurance that the waters of the earth will not run dry. That God will replenish dwindling stocks through life-giving rain.

What about the sights, smells and sounds of Nature? Watch a breathtaking dawn, when darkness cannot linger as the gates of morning are opened; or the grandeur of a sunset, as night drives back day, and you witness the Divine Artist at work. Wait, the show is not over. As evening lowers its dark mantle over the earth, a blood-red tropical moon casts its eerie glow. Wait a little longer to see twinkling stars adorn the dark sky. What a sight to behold, when night takes a deep breath and holds it!

Marvel at the flowerbeds – in a riot of colors - nodding their heads in the breeze. View unending lush green lawns or throw your head back and laud sturdy trees climb the sky. Take in the exhilarating fragrance of flowers and fruits, or taste delicious fruits that hang low from drooping branches, and you are beside yourself with unexplained joy. Or, stand in awe as jagged bolts of lightning touch the turbulent waters of the sea; or, be amazed at the power of the storm as it uproots and splinters giant leaf-clad monarchs of the forest; or, be stunned at the dexterity of the wind as it hurriedly sculpts the waters of the ocean into moving mountains. Even in its fury, Nature is beautiful!

Watch the seasons unfold. Spring, when the earth is unlocked, and the air is filled with the perfume of promise. Summer, when vegetation seems fulfilled, and fruit is abundant; and when hesitant summer rain cools your face. Listen to the music as your feet trample fallen autumn leaves. Watch the first snowflakes land lightly on expectant earth, as winter bids autumn goodbye. Gently the seasons make their entries and exits.

Be thrilled with the music of Nature – chirping birds and rustling leaves, whistling winds and the lapping of waves on the beach, rumbling thunder and rain pelting scorched earth.

We buy tickets to visit Art Galleries and Art Exhibitions, and to attend concerts and watch magic shows, but do not pay a penny to rejoice in the works of God. It is easy to dismiss these wonders as manifestations of Nature. What is Nature, but an outstretched finger pointing to God!

Have we stopped to think of time? Each moment is a gift because we do not know if the next will be ours. Yet, we are guilty of wasting precious time, because God gives it to us free.

His crowning gift is His love. Nothing that we do will diminish His love for us. His love brings with it an abiding peace. As an extension of His love for us, we receive love from those around us – parents, siblings, spouses, friends and others. And all the genuine love we receive is free.

Because we have life, we can plan and execute, perform and win praise, follow our creative urges, love and be loved,
raise a family, and cherish the love of children. It is true that death is an end to one phase of life – given to us free - but Death asks us to live life, when we have it.

We can enjoy life to the full only when we have bodies that house our souls. Rejoice at the miracle we call the body. Every single cell of the entire body is changed once in seven years. The average person possesses 500 to 700 different skills and abilities. The brain can store one hundred trillion facts. The nose can smell ten thousand different odors. Human touch can detect an item 1/25,000 of an inch thick. The tongue can taste one part of quinine in two million parts of water. The list goes on.

God is too good to be unkind and too wise to make mistakes. So, in His Infinite wisdom and mercy, He continues to shower us with His blessings. Neither will He stop giving nor will He take back any of His gifts. We are blessed. If we are to put a value to the gifts we receive from Him, we are millionaires, many times over.

Are we conscious of our indebtedness? Do we sincerely thank Him? Life in the mainstream has become a pavement-pounding activity in quest of profit, pleasure and possessions. We have little or no time to think of God. Even if we do, we try to keep Him out of our lives.

It is time we realized that the best things in life aren’t things and that they are free. It is also time that we gave Cicero’s words some thought: Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all. A thankful heart enjoys blessings twice – when they are received and when they are remembered.

The Justice and Peace in Faith


I just read an article that said: "Social apartheid" warning as 1.5 MILLION more kids grow up in poverty than 40 years ago. This is happening, but God has the ability to balance the scales.

There is ruin that is happening all across America, most people are blind to it or ignorant of it. So many people in this country think that the U.S. is still Prosperous and Free and they feel a sense of entitlement,. The truth is it now stands divided...maybe the division never truly went away all this light is shining on it directly in the midst of all this controversy.

My Heart is very heavy now, not only for Trayvon's life, but for the Youth of this country. Trayvon represents a life that was taken in vain and so many more are taken in vain because of confusion in the mind. All these Disney Kids: Amanda, Miley, Lindsey turned to drugs for their "high", under the realization that fame and fortune just Isn't enough. Corey, a star in the show Glee just died He was reported to be on drugs as well.

The very youth that are supposed to represent the joy of life, success, and vitality are falling short because as a nation we are not on one accord. However, all will be well... There is a consistent word from the Lord that an Army is rising up It is the truth There Is An Army Rising Up.

People that love God, that serve Him, that are willing to speak out and go the distance. I serve as a voice to say this: Let us as a nation get out of our own way, let us realize that we are not entitled to anything except the blessing and purpose of the Lord. If whatever you're waiting on and working for does not fall within those lines, drop it and start a new. God is a God of forgiveness, joy, healing, and restoration. Either you're a believer or you're not. I will walk with the right army. God is real, His ways and His words will stand over all of time. All this talk about Justice let us please make sure we get on the right side!! God's people its time for us to rise up truly and come into who we are.

"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." -2 Chronicles 7:14

Justice and peace must first be found in the righteousness of our spirit through faith in God, and then we can properly dispense it into the world.

Justice and peace has to first be found in the righteousness of your spirit through faith in God and then it an be poured into the world.


Testimony: Kelly Rowland's "Dirty Laundry"

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Romans 12:2

Last month, Essence Magazine's new September cover girl Kelly Rowland gave us a lot of insight into her personal life. Kelly Rowland has been in the news a lot lately dealing with the issues of her domestic struggle, violence, and self-esteem. While flipping through stations on the radio the track "Dirty Laundry" struck me as profound. Deep in the since that Rowland was telling a candid story in detail. She talks about her life immediately after her Destiny's Child band member Beyonce Knowles launched into solo super stardom. Rowland talks about being happy for Beyonce's Success, but also wondering what her next act would be, or who would really care. At the same time Kelly was in her crisis, she was in a relationship dealing with emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. 


"And I was trapped in his house, lyin’ to my mama
Thought it could get no worse as we maximize the drama
Started to call them people on him (the police?)
I was battered
He hittin' the window like it was me, until it shattered
He pulled me out, he said, “Don’t nobody love you but me
Not your mama, not your daddy and especially not Bey” (Beyonce)
He turned me against my sister
I missed ya..."

It was the drama of it and behind it that made it engaging, a story being played out that the hearers got to listen to, a peep into her life behind the scenes. The story was a lot different from all the glitz and glamour that we're used to seeing with celebrities. One very noticeable thing about the star is she gives good face...whether it be for the cameras or for the public. Her beauty could easily let her pass for a Barbie Doll. However, the thing about Barbie Dolls is they are plastic and fake. Our lives become more substantial and authentic through divine purpose. Despite my admiration for the plot of the song, I noticed that by the end there was no triumph in the testimony. Yes, Rowland is successful in popularity, but how do we avoid toxic relationships like the one she noted? What lesson is there to be taken from it all

The song was intriguing because as people we love drama. Dirt and "dirty laundry" is what some media outlets thrive on. Its through the elevation of our spirits and our mindsets that we demand better for ourselves. Seeking God's understanding for us, is when we go in the right direction and make the best decisions for our lives.

"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18

There is one source that can wash away the dirt and truly make us "clean inside". 

Keep The Faith!



“The measure of love is to love without measure.” -St. Augustine

In her enthralling book, In My Own Words, Mother Teresa recounts an incident. A woman suffering from AIDS confided in her: “Mother, when I can hardly stand my headaches, I share it with the pain Jesus must have suffered because of the crown of thorns. When the pain moves to the back, I share it with the pain Jesus must have felt when the soldiers gave Him lashes. When my hands hurt I share that pain that Jesus felt when He was crucified.” That was the measure of love one woman had for her crucified Savior. She knew that He loved her not because she was trying to be good, but because He loved without measure. Archbishop Desmond Tutu puts it succintly: “We are loved not because we are good. We are good because we are loved.”

The Gospel writers often make the statement: He died for us. Those words have lost their meaning because we no more reflect on them. It happened 2000 years ago; now, it is not relevant to our daily lifes. We concern ourselves with other things and lose our sense of gratitude to Him who gave His all, loving us without measure.

If only we stopped to think, we would discover that His dying for us was the greatest act of love in history. Let us consider the implication: Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Son of the Eternal Father. He need not have become man and suffered for us. But He chose to suffer to redeem us from the wages of sin; an act of unmatched love for an enormous cause. It is the cause and not merely the death that makes the martyr. And, He chose the most ghastly death in becoming a martyr for humankind. For a moment, let us picture a master choosing to give up his life for his slave. Laudable! We would praise the master and hold him up as a model; the slave would find no words to thank his master. A billion times more significant is Jesus’ death. Yet, do we thank Him enough? His love remains unrequited!

In the Gospels we read of the passion and death of Jesus – the condemnation, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of His cross and the brutal crucifixion. Much of what He suffered on the night before His death remains unknown to us. Sister Mary Magdalene ardently desired to learn of His secret sufferings. Jesus fulfilled her wish by revealing to her the fifteen secret torments that dehumanized Him. “They considered me as the most wretched man living on earth”, Jesus said in a deeply sad voice. That is why they struck Him with stones (imagine soliers doing that), and burnt Him with blazing embers and torches. They tied Him to a post and made Him stand, barefoot, on an incandescent metal sheet. They poured on His wounds liquid lead and resin and forced Him on to a chair that had nails sticking out. They found twelve other ways to brutalise Him, revelling in torture that their saddism devised. Did He protest or resist? No, He suffered meekly because of what was at stake – the cause. But, He did lament: “I looked for one that would comfort me, and I found none”. (The devotion to the fifteen secret torments of Jesus has been approved and recommended by Pope Clement II, 1730-1740.)

Why would a man choose to suffer such inhuman punishment? What would prompt him to be reduced to a mass of flesh and blood? Only love. We hear and read of sacrifices made by parents for their children, of spouses for each other, of friends for one another. But they all pale in comparison with the excruciating pain and horrific suffering Jesus took upon Himself to redeem us.

So, the next time we read the words – He died for us – let us stop to ponder the sufferings of the Lord and His love without measure; loving even the unlovable. Then the story Mother Teresa told would be purposeful. That woman offered her pain to her suffering Master – to be one with Him in His pain. Following her example, can we resolve to perform two acts of love: 1) Try not to make much of our discomforts and pain. In perspective, they appear to be no more than pinpricks. 2) Offer that pain – of mind and body – to Jesus, recalling His passion and death? When we have done that our pain would be sublimated and sanctified.

During a drought a tree drives its roots deeper into the soil to find water, so too sufferings push us beyond self-reliance to reliance on God. When we rely on God we shall harvest joy from the field of pain. Another lesson will quickly follow: that pain comes not to obstruct, but to instruct us. In such a state our faith will be confirmed, hope fortified, charity inflamed, and grace infused! Enriched, we will discover that before we are used greatly, we have to be wounded deeply – when God turns our wounds into badges of honor.

Ignatius Fernandez is the Author of the blog: