The best things in life aren’t things. -Art Buchwald
Some years ago, in Bhopal,
India, poison gas leaked into the air through an industrial mishap. Disaster
struck when people living in the vicinity of the factory inhaled those noxious
fumes. Hundreds died and hundreds more were crippled for life. Even today
memories of that dreadful day haunt those who survived, when Death came brandishing
his blade, riding on the very air they breathed.
For most of us, what happened in Bhopal
is a freak accident, not likely to happen to us. Although we pollute the air,
we can breathe it, without the threat of disease or death, because gales of
pure air drive out stagnant clouds of pollution. It is God’s way of continuing
the free supply of air. And He levies no charges for His services.
Consider water. Could we live a normal
day without it? Do we pay for it? Not really. The paltry sum we pay for the
supply of water to our homes does not give us a true sense of its value, so
much so we waste it. The abundance of water around us gives us the assurance
that the waters of the earth will not run dry. That God will replenish
dwindling stocks through life-giving rain.
What about the sights, smells and sounds
of Nature? Watch a breathtaking dawn, when darkness cannot linger as the gates
of morning are opened; or the grandeur of a sunset, as night drives back day,
and you witness the Divine Artist at work. Wait, the show is not over. As
evening lowers its dark mantle over the earth, a blood-red tropical moon casts
its eerie glow. Wait a little longer to see twinkling stars adorn the dark sky.
What a sight to behold, when night takes a deep breath and holds it!
Marvel at the flowerbeds – in a riot of
colors - nodding their heads in the breeze. View unending lush green lawns or
throw your head back and laud sturdy trees climb the sky. Take in the
exhilarating fragrance of flowers and fruits, or taste delicious fruits that
hang low from drooping branches, and you are beside yourself with unexplained
joy. Or, stand in awe as jagged bolts of lightning touch the turbulent waters
of the sea; or, be amazed at the power of the storm as it uproots and splinters
giant leaf-clad monarchs of the forest; or, be stunned at the dexterity of the
wind as it hurriedly sculpts the waters of the ocean into moving mountains.
Even in its fury, Nature is beautiful!
Watch the seasons unfold. Spring, when the
earth is unlocked, and the air is filled with the perfume of promise. Summer,
when vegetation seems fulfilled, and fruit is abundant; and when hesitant
summer rain cools your face. Listen to the music as your feet trample fallen
autumn leaves. Watch the first snowflakes land lightly on expectant earth, as
winter bids autumn goodbye. Gently the seasons make their entries and exits.
Be thrilled with the music of Nature –
chirping birds and rustling leaves, whistling winds and the lapping of waves on
the beach, rumbling thunder and rain pelting scorched earth.
We buy tickets to visit Art Galleries and Art
Exhibitions, and to attend concerts and watch magic shows, but do not pay a
penny to rejoice in the works of God. It is easy to dismiss these wonders as
manifestations of Nature. What is Nature, but an outstretched finger pointing
to God!
Have we stopped to think of time? Each
moment is a gift because we do not know if the next will be ours. Yet, we are
guilty of wasting precious time, because God gives it to us free.
His crowning gift is His love. Nothing
that we do will diminish His love for us. His love brings with it an abiding
peace. As an extension of His love for us, we receive love from those around us
– parents, siblings, spouses, friends and others. And all the genuine love we
receive is free.
Because we have life, we can plan and
execute, perform and win praise, follow our creative urges, love and be loved,
raise a family, and cherish
the love of children. It is true that death is an end to one phase of life –
given to us free - but Death asks us to live life, when we have it.
We can enjoy life to the full only when
we have bodies that house our souls. Rejoice at the miracle we call the body.
Every single cell of the entire body is changed once in seven years. The
average person possesses 500 to 700 different skills and abilities. The brain
can store one hundred trillion facts. The nose can smell ten thousand different
odors. Human touch can detect an item 1/25,000 of an inch thick. The tongue can
taste one part of quinine in two million parts of water. The list goes on.
God is too good to be unkind and too wise
to make mistakes. So, in His Infinite wisdom and mercy, He continues to shower
us with His blessings. Neither will He stop giving nor will He take back any of
His gifts. We are blessed. If we are to put a value to the gifts we receive
from Him, we are millionaires, many times over.
Are we conscious of our indebtedness? Do
we sincerely thank Him? Life in the mainstream has become a pavement-pounding
activity in quest of profit, pleasure and possessions. We have little or no
time to think of God. Even if we do, we try to keep Him out of our lives.
It is time we realized that the best
things in life aren’t things and that they are free. It is also time that we
gave Cicero’s words some thought: Gratitude
is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all. A thankful
heart enjoys blessings twice – when they are received and when they are