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Nothing You Go Through Or Have Experienced Is In Vain.

By: April D. Byrd

Very early this morning someone decided to message Breath Of Life Daily's Facebook page to say Jesus was not the truth... as normal and probably expected I threw my scriptures out there and said no thanks to whatever God the person was trying to offer. The person was nice enough in the end to stop taunting the page after no further response.

However, after the fact my spirit was uneasy. "Why do people have to make a big deal about it?" "Why is it something that needs to be debated over or disowned"? There is of course research that needs to be done to stand firmly in our faith. I do agree there. Anyway, I sat for a while in my car uninspired for my Wednesday run, in a bit of anger and contempt for the Jesus debate. I got out of the car and went running anyway.

not before I posted to the Facebook page:
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,
-Luke 4:18
I believe powerfully in spreading good news and message of love. This is the spirit I think on when I think of Jesus, I think of him as the embodiment of purpose, definitively, and for everyone. To be so strongly committed to a cause, that you're willing to give it all!

At times we're saved, we get inspiration and revelation from God, but there is opposition in the world. Life is a daily activity and suicide is an issue. A spirit of depression, being beat down, feeling devalued and useless does not have to consume lives.

When we're  "Saved"... and that's through Jesus, we know it and we feel it... the story doesn't end and in one shot we're happy, Life is a daily struggle. Daily inspiration is needed. I was wondering why. why do we have to suffer for following Jesus? why do we have to be persecuted because of him? before I got out of the car. 

But as I was running I looked over and I saw a glimpse of a rainbow in the Lake's fountain God has a promise, a covenant with us and all the earth...( that means He's our Bestie!), I looked over there were two trees intertwined as if they were hugging, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." We are a body in Christ. then I looked up and saw birds flying freely in the air over my head. and heard "look at my creation." We shouldn't be worried for anything, but relaxed and at peace to just live. God's got us. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Overall I realized that It's not about focusing on who's against us, but the support we have behind us. that's where the life comes from. Go Forward keep running. As you do let your eyes be stayed on God's glory. God's goodness. the pure love offered through Jesus Christ. Keep running! Keep focused on God!

I believe these occurrences happen for a reason. Nothing we go through or experience is in vain. 

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