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Self-Talk:12 Most Uplifting Words and Phrases To Speak In Life

So Long to the days of repitition!!! It's a sure sign that we must definitely break out of the old and get into the new. The occasion is somewhat of a marker to develop new good habits and better ways of going about life and getting things done.

Today is so monumental because it's the last day in this century we will ever see repeating dates. In honor of this event I found "The 12 Most Uplifting Words and Phrases to Keep Handy". Because words are powerful and positive self-talk yields positive results. These are great nuggets to take with us in the coming years and for the rest of our lives.

Happy 12-12-12!

1. “We’re all learning”

Give yourself a break when you make a mistake, especially when getting the hang of something. People who are plenty competent in one area often founder when trying to master something new.

2. “Get over it; move on”

There is a program that  gives incredible insight about, and support with, managing the ups and downs of raising a child with ADHD. That’s how Becky Gaylord learned the acronym GOMO. Get over it. Move on. It doesn’t work for every situation. But it sure helps us keep some things in perspective.

3. “You’ve got this”

When you tell yourself this, it’s like being both the athlete and the sports fan. Without hesitating, you cheer for the folks on the field you’re pulling for. Cheer for yourself the next time you feel your game slipping away.

4. “I can”

Strong. Simple. Powerful.

5. “I’ll get there”
We live in a society that expects quick results. If you stay on the right path, you’ll get there. Remind yourself of that.

6. “Well done!”

You almost certainly accomplish many, many things on most days. Why is it that we humans seem to dwell on those efforts of ours that miss the mark? Next time you do a really good job on something, tell yourself it was well done!

7. “I’m making progress”

Celebrate mini-achievements when you feel overwhelmed about a looming deadline. Congratulate yourself on the progress you have made, rather than focusing on to-do items still on the list.

8. “Keep going”

Give yourself a booster shot of persistence. Sometimes, when we’re about to give up, a little encouragement can help. And it doesn’t have to come from someone else.

9. “One step at a time”

Especially when facing a huge challenge or overcoming a major set back, the way forward can be mighty hard to see, let alone to take. It’s okay. Just take the first step.

10. “I’m worthy”

Of course you are. Now, and always.

11. “I’m special”

Just as it’s important to remind those around you that they’re special, let that sentiment sink into your skin, too.

12. “I’m loved”
Whether  this love is from God, from your partner, or family, your special and close friends, your furry companions or from Mother Earth and the universe—or each one of those sources—you are definitely loved, in many, many ways.

Self-talk is mighty powerful. And because words we tell ourselves have such a strong impact and influence, we ought to keep them fueling all that is good inside each of us.

Make sure you friend B.O.L.D on Facebook for the coming year @

*adapted from Ragan's PR Daily-- By Becky Gaylord


  1. Thanks for sharing these tips.I am for sure always learning. I learnt something new today!

    1. Thanks Sis! may God bless you with sure Knowledge!:)


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