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Push Through The Pushback

Yesterday was phenomenal! So grateful that although Coronavirus is a concern, I was still able to host The InterSession after sensing confirmation from GOD to go forward with it.

Also grateful for believer friends in place to help execute the vision. Shoutout to my friend Rosetta who did an awesome job with audiovisual aka media, even though the technology was going haywire. She was resolute and a MAJOR help!

It's so important to surround ourselves with people that push through. There is power in perseverance. Faith in GOD's power helps us with the resilience we need to overcome any obstacles.

Two days after being shot by racist people. Bob Marley who was scheduled to do a concert, still performed at the concert.

When asked why, He was quoted saying:
"The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off, why should I? Light up the darkness."

I think as believers we should have that same kind of persistent mindset, to be valiant and to push to accomplish GOD's will even in the tough times when we're facing opposition.

Warfare is real in all media and communication sytems. Even in us, the enemy will try to whisper deceit in our minds and play games in our ears. Turn that voice off and operate in love.

If it's not in GOD's will, then it's not for us. Scripture says take every thought captive. Our thoughts should work for us, not the other way around. Put them into perspective.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. - 2 Corinthians 10:5

That negativity can win if we're not secure in GOD's word. The enemy prevails in our insecurities. The power is in us to stand up and fight back. We can counteract the words of darkness with words of light.

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that doesn't need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15

Now is more time than ever to rightfully divide the words of truth that is found in the holy word of scripture, and what GOD speaks directly into our hearts when we pursue and maintain a relationship with Him.

Keep pushing through! Study and prayer gives us the power we need to overcome. We are overcomers in Jesus Christ. Push through the pushback.

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