Self-esteem and self-confidence can either be your best friend or worse enemy. Who we say we are and how we allow others to determine our identifies can make or break our perceptions of who we are. Have you ever found yourself in a position where you are always changing who you are to fit others' perceptions of who they perceive you should be?
I'm sure several of you reading this will state one time or another you have done this. You've done this more times than not so that others would accept you into the circle. Well what if God has chosen you to be separate and apart from the world, would you still want to be like them?
The scriptures tell us in Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV) that "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Everyone of us was crafted to be unique and flow in our unique gifts and beauty as God ordained for us prior to birth. Therefore, we should never allow others perceptions of us or our own negative thoughts to take up capacity in our hearts and minds.
I challenge you today to take time to sit and meditate on three (3) things that make you a wonderful person. Once you have identified those three, I want you to speak those words to yourself daily in the mirror for one week. It is time to build up your confidence level and self-esteem as you are worthy. Even God said that before you were even in your mother's womb, he made you perfect in HIS eyes.
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