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Pray From A Place of Faith

Pray from a place of faith not fear. In the same vein, Give from a place of fullness not lack. 

 It came to me that in the past, sometimes I've sought to share with others, from a place of lack wanting to be liked or accepted by people. Feeling like people could provide validation of some sort.

The truth is we should give because there's an overflow of what God has given us. The gifts, understanding and blessings that we have in abundance is what we're supposed to give out of. Even if that's just having faith from your experiences to share.

Fear of loss, or any type of fear is not the best point to pray from. It shows that we think whatever problem we're facing is bigger than GOD. The great news is that nothing is. Pray from a place of trust, adoration and confidence. Whatever the situation is the King is in control.

Who is the King of glory? 
The LORD strong and mighty,
the LORD mighty in battle.

-Psalm 24:8

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