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Sharing Your Voice Is Very Necessary

Speak Up!

Fresh from the keystrokes of expressing the glory in Communist and Civil Rights Activist Angela Davis sharing her voice and truth with the world. I find it even more necessary that spiritually empowered people, people of faith, or pretty much just anybody share their story of redemption, salvation, victory on a media platform. The goal of Breath Of Life Daily is to educate, empower, and engage, No one can be educated, empowered, or engaged if there are no authentic true life stories from real people willing to be BOLD and speak up for the source of their empowerment. 

Scripture reads that we are conquerors and triumphant by the words of our testimony! We overcome by reflecting on the life we've gained in our history. There is hope in the words of our redemption and it has the power to restore life within us and in others. It is Breath Of Life Daily's hope to create a resourceful archive of inspiring words and lessons that can continuously be pulled from. 

Friends and Family I encourage you to submit your Testimonies and stories of triumph to BOLD Journal. Sharing your voice is very necessary! The positive vibration can not only help salvage others lives, It can continually save your own.


*Please submit your story, testimony, or words of encouragement to:

Revelation 12:11

-April D. Byrd

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