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Motivation: Be Better Than Good

Spring is in the air, a lot of love and relationships form around this time. Relationships are great, but it's important to appreciate who we are as individuals first. 

Being the best us for our own self, is the best gift we  can give ourselves, and the world. 

It's important not to depend on relationships with people for happiness, if we have no life before them, we'll have no life without them. It's best to Recognize the true source of our Joy and Peace. God's love is above all. When we Put Him first, we'll find the love to healthily love another.

After that the best thing to do is to make sure we're better than good or all around totally Awesome! When we look in the mirror we should be the person we absolutely love. Self-love, strength, and confidence start from within. Everybody may not like the confidence we exude, but some people are depending on it. For the whole creation hopes for and expects the revelation of the sons of God.* 
The world deserves you at your best!!

 "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world" -Marianne Williamson

If we have a good relationship with ourself we relate to everything and everyone else in the world much better. 

Make today Awesome!... because you are!!!

*Romans 8:19

photo credit: Divine Relationships

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