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Motivation: 3 Ways To Prosper In The New Year

Social Media and Pop Culture were still buzzing over the week-end about the documentary "Life Is But A Dream". One powerful exclamation by the executive producer and star of the documentary, Beyonce Knowles when she appeared on Oprah's "Next Chapter", was her concluding that each of us should understand how every event of our lives are connected.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.- Romans 8:28
The big deal about the movie was that we all got to see new and private moments in the life of the celebrity, but there's only one moment that matters most in every one's life, Oprah's Favorite: "The Aha Moment"!

After every moment of her personal YouTube to the world, and the title forming clip for the movie when she exclaims God's glory, before jumping in the freedom and purification of water, it's safe to say Bey's conclusion and  life lesson for the film is ultimately this:

"Life is [God's] dream, We have to "connect the dots" of how they line up with our purpose, and continue to walk 'BOLD'ly in it!"

This is a truth that's fundamental to adhere to, the choice not to is eventually futile. It's still important to hear other peoples experiences."  At the beginning of 2013 I made a video that chronicled the purpose and history of Breath Of Life Daily. Three of My greatest lessons  or "aha moments" from 2012 were shared. Stay Motivated!!

Lessons From Breath Of Life Daily (2012) Review

1.) Take Action.

Words do count, but most of the time action matters more. Actions themselves are a form of speaking, and they do speak louder than words. At the end of the day what someone established will last a lot longer than what they said. This is a lesson I really had to take to heart being a Writer and in the publishing field. Sometimes we even feel like if we just "thought" about something we've actually done it. There has to be consistent work effort to achieve our goals. People won't always remember what we said, but what will always remain is what we did. What monuments and legacies are you building?

2.) Stay Organized.

Being so busy "taking action" can sometimes be time consuming, and if we're not good managers, we will neglect the small details or fall behind in the minor maintenance of our life. Good Time management is a major benefit. We have to know how to allocate and assess whats important for our lives if we want to succeed in purpose. 

3.) Honor God.

We can be the best managers ever but still some things in life are out of our control. It's best to trust God in everything! Communication counts, and it clarifies purpose much better.

Go Forth In God's Love!!!


  1. Awesome post! So true...I really loved the connections back to God.

  2. Thanks Taria!!:)Amen! EVERYthing always connects back to Him!:)

    1. Yes because nothing is truly possible without Him


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