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How I Found The Strength To Stay Pure For God

I am on a fast (fruits, vegetables,water, etc.) and I wanted to add a little brown sugar to my sweet potato. I'm trying to do the whole completely pure and natural thing, but I was very tempted to add that brown sugar...just a little bit.

Thankfully I was able to resist. If i would have added just a little then, it would be ok to add just a little later and that would determine the course of my fast, I'll start to be ok with the "little things" then they will come more and more, and eventually evolve into big things. I thought about the verse: just a little just a little leaven leavens the whole lump, or in other words just a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. When we make it ok to do the small things it becomes common place for us to continue to do them and the next thing you know we're doing much more than we expected. Because we made a small thing ok, we'll be cool with continually doing it. I've learned it's not good to play on the edge.

I came across one explanation for this scripture online that said:
Leaven” is used in the Bible to denote sin or corruption. Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” and, “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” The apostle Paul employed the same symbolism when he commanded the Christian congregation in Corinth to expel an immoral man from the congregation, stating: “Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump? Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment. For, indeed, Christ our passover has been sacrificed.” He then clearly showed what he meant by “leaven”: “Consequently let us keep the festival, not with old leaven, neither with leaven of badness and wickedness, but with unfermented cakes of sincerity and truth.” (1Co 5:6-8)

That last scripture got me and rung a bell in my head "Cakes of sincerity and truth" This can be used in the case of purity as well, just like abstaining from delicacies in my time of "dedication". Cake is sometimes used as a slang term for women's body parts. For a young lady to take the purity of her body seriously is a blessing through God. The scripture talks about Cakes of sincerity and truth.

As a young lady, seeking sincerity and truth, being whole and pure before God is amazing. It doesn't matter what you've done, because being dedicated first starts in our spirit. When we seek to have a pure, clean, undefiled spirit the rest follows, including the flesh.  Even though we read the lament that "all of our righteousness is as filthy rags before God", it's His grace that makes us clean and white as snow. Its up to us to accept His love and dedicate every aspect of our lives to him, including our bodies. When we allow a little bit of sin in, it can ruin everything. There are ways I've found that tend to work for me:

  • Remember a key goal you have in mind, and reference from there. When something pops up you can challenge it because you know what you wish to accomplish through your dedication. (ex: For God to bless your business, heal your body, etc.) People who have a clear goal in mind usually succeed. (Matthew 21:21-22)
  • Run and pray!! seriously. the bible says flee from sin. When you see it coming run the other way. When something is happening to me and I run to talk to God about before anything. I usually find healing, solace, and comfort. (Psalm 91:2)
  • Have an accountability partner. This should be someone you're comfortable to pray with. Pray with them regularly. Help give each other strength. It's very good to know someone is supporting you and you have someone praying with you, for you, and vice versa. (Matthew 18:20)
Whether it's through fasting, abstinence or simply honoring God in our everyday lives dedication and commitment is key. Within the time of this fast I was able to attend a purity ceremony in Birmingham and made the commitment to honor God with my life, It was an amazing experience. I feel so blessed. God rewards us for our faithfulness. When we're faithful to God, He is faithful to us and then some. Though His grace exceeds our actions, God set up a life of righteousness and abundances as a reward for us. When we aspire towards a life of sincerity and truth, God's blessings are what we reap. Purity is walking in truth, and truth is the foundation for everything good. Be encouraged to honor God and continue walking in a life of abundance.

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