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Motivation: You Are Blessed, PERIOD.

Happy Monday!! 

We always hear that we should "Count Our Blessings". Thank God for another day! That's One!  At times it can seem like we have so many reasons not to, or more trials than triumphs to calculate. Being that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, basically everything is a blessing in its own form.

 Go forth in today knowing above all else that You're Blessed!! Jill Scott makes a BOLD declaration and manifesto in her song "Blessed". 

This is the kind of tune that's "Jam Worthy" and that stays in our head. Can you say Instant Repeat?!
Cheery upbeat and beautiful in tone, she even has the joy of the muppets in the intro *cute*.  Literally counting our blessings one by one really does help. 

We did wake up this morning, that counts as an  automatic #1. What are the top 5 blessings you can list for your Life today? Enjoy Jill's tune and feel free to share your Breath Of Life Daily!!

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