

Pray, Hustle, Then Pray Some More.

by: April D. Byrd

So often I need to remind myself that prayer is the key and source of energy. Most of the time when I get up, the first thing I wanna do is get going with my OWN plans for the day! That's after I get up from a 2 hour snooze from the time I "wanted" to get up! It's usually the "special" things that get me going.

A friend told me this morning that "I Hate to get up in the morning", she went on in her rant that "You're not a morning person". I wanted to be appalled, but I couldn't even argue. People know us by our actions. As much as I want to be in demand in charge, I know most of the time that never comes unless I've been in the spirit, been fortified in the replenishment of worship. It's a game changer. Most of the time I end up doing extra stuff I never even thought I would do. Like the energizer bunny.

A lot of success/money magazines list "meditation" as one of the top habits of wealthy people. I'm not knocking meditation, it has it's place, but I think in the spirit of God, truly acknowledging that, there is so much more.

You can call it meditating or whatever you want, but we know what it is. Honestly that time spent in the spirit, that direct line of communication with our maker is what gives the energy, the hustle, the grind we need, all of that. Pray everyday.  Pray without ceasing is what the word says. Prayer is the thing that causes our lives to reflect greatness. The word of God is life changing we know... even when I'm searching through the #scripture tag on Instagram I feel empowered. I guess that would be 10 times better if the word is coming from the life giver Himself.
Note: that BeyoncĂ© didn't wake up like that, and Oprah didn't do it all own her OWN. You will find both of them attributing their success to one God. The one who controls the universe, inspired the Bible, and uplifts our souls. Pray! your spirit will thank you, you will be motivated. It ALWAYS works for me.

Photo: You can call it meditating or whatever you want, but we know what it is. Honestly that time spent in the spirit,  that direct line of communication with our maker is what gives the energy, the hustle,  the grind we need, all of that. #pray everyday. #spirit

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